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brushhoggin last won the day on July 19 2011

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About brushhoggin

  • Birthday 10/06/1979

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    Jxn, Ms
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  1. ….and to see the same folks that were here like 15 years ago. Hope everyone is doing well and thank y’all for being an endless source of knowledge for the longest time now. I’ve since moved to Louisiana and I’m looking for some good ol boys to maybe go find some redfish or trout sometime. I still bass fish but I’ve transitioned into more of a saltwater guy. Anyone live in new orleans and wanna chase some redfish in the canals sometime? Hell I’ll go throw some lures in city park if y’all want. it’s coolin off so I’m just trying to network and have some fun. Cheers.
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  2. this picture may answer your initial question... btw this isn't my picture
  3. the first bait i ever bought were earthworms
  4. it is. i only did it by accident, astral projection, least i think thats what that was. doesn't happen anymore but it would always happen during naps in the daytime. every time it happened i would tell myself to be courageous next time and let it happen. each time i'd get a little further but not by much. i could go into details but they were very random and surreal.... always different. the heavy vibration and loud noise was the only thing consistent in each one. The vibrating got heavier and heavier the longer i'd let it go. It always happened at that stage you're in right before you are fully asleep. half awake per say. but each time i would snap out of it from fear. and i say 'snap out of it' because it was different than waking up. weird glitch in the brain that happens during the process of falling asleep.
  5. yeah i guess i should've mentioned i am throwing the 05. a couple of people have mentioned fast action rods. you dont find them a bit stiff for crankin'? thanks for all the replies.
  6. Those things are light! I mean I know there probably isn't a set up that's going to straight up launch these things, but one does not simply "find a heavier crankbait". What are you throwing them with? Thanks
  7. shimmy sticks and ochos
  8. i can attest to this http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20120802/SPORTS08/208020358/Fishing-report-Sweltering-summer-heat-sends-anglers-inside?nclick_check=1
  9. d**n. not much else i can say. i'll never post in the "outtings" threads again after seeing that.
  10. dang man that's sweet! congratulations bud thats a hell of a gig. i would love to see him headbutt a few snakeheads
  11. you are the coolest old fart ever. we would get along so well. dave holland is a guru! love the music he made with bill frisell
  12. gonna go with the yozuri rattlin vibe
  13. anybody ever listen to king crimson? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IJs8KvlYU8&feature=related
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