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L a r r y

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Everything posted by L a r r y

  1. Ok, so I am under the assumption this is just the nature of the beast to have to deal with, whatever dye the braid is covered in, it will eventually be all over your reel?
  2. I've been using PP 50lb braid and I can say so far I am loving it. I use it just about for every application. That way I won't pull one of my old decrepit muscles But is there a braid that is equivalent to PP that DOESN'T leave all the green muck on your reel? I looked at my reel last night and thought some type of fungus was growing on it at first
  3. If its a VERY small pond........just jump in and go swimming with the fishes
  4. Well, the spawn is pretty much over for us here in North Texas, temps are starting to come up in the 80's and hold over night in the 70's at times. I went out to a new pond I've been scouting over the last couple of weeks and it has yielded me my two biggest fish of the year so far. So I decided to head out for some time on the water before it got too dark. Well I get there and start looking for a spot on the bank that I will not be standing in 2 feet of mud. I start the search for the fish. No bites coming off the bottom, nothing in the middle of the water column, nothing on slow moving topwater, no spinner bait bites, no crank bait bites, so right when I start my 5 more cast countdown, I throw on a 1/4 buzz bait. I start casting and I slow roll the first two casts with nothing, so three more casts....darnit c'mon fish, jump on this thing. I start the retrieve off a little bit faster and get about 20 feet from the bank....wham....missed it...short strike. So I have two more casts left and I decide to throw to the left of where I missed it. Nothing on that cast, one last cast, a little bit further left, get about 25 feet from the bank......HUMONGOUS EXPLOSION....FISH ON. I'm fishing in matted hydriilla so it starts to torpedo down into this slop, good ole power pro helped me out. I play her out for a few seconds, then she surfaces and I can see this log floating to the top. I had to pull her up through weeds, freshly mowed grass and rubbish. But to say, this is my biggest catch of the year so far, since it was dark, I tried to snap a few pics with my flashlight in my mouth with my camera phone, pictures are definitely shotty, but you can see the outline of the fish and what the scale said she weighed. I measured her up against my rod and when I got home, she measured just tad bit over 21" and went 4.62lbs
  5. The ambassadeur line up of reels has been around for YEARS. The Revo's were built on that longevity of perfomance and reliability. I have 3 Revos, 1 STX-HS and 2 Premiers, I absolutely love these reels. They fit my hand perfectly, and can cast like a dream if properly setup.
  6. Doh....now why you have to mention his name...see I told you doh....not to mention his name.......doooohhhhhhh Now I gotta go buy something........DOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH
  7. Definitely rig it wacky weightless. If you don't wan to purchase the o-rings, there are a couple of techniques people use with good results. I've used a thin piece of black electrical tape. Wrap it around the senko a couple of times, then put your hook thru the tape and worm. Also you can use shrink tubing, then also put the hook thru the tubing and senko. It will make the senko last a LOT longer. I tried weithless t-rigging this weekend, and went thru a 7 senkos in about 30 minutes from the lil dinks just tuggin on the thing, I will never do that again
  8. I'm using the 6'6" medium Veritas. Excellent for shallow cranks. :'( If I had your hands....I'd cut mine off Can I see pics, just one more time please :'(
  9. I totally agree with you. I'm loving how the VTC73-6, which is a MH moderate taper rod. It allowed me to handle the last two big gurls I was able to land with ease. Now I just want to get my hands on the VERITAS I have some plans for a custom painted reel for that rod
  10. Fond memories and pictures to go along with it. EXCELLENT POST PAPA!!!!
  11. I needed to add some weight to the 7" senko and I had these I use for craws, so I just decided to throw it on there. I can tell you the senkos get torn up pretty good dragging it thru the hydrilla, but the bites from the bigger ones come into play. I met up with Steezy today and dragged him out with me. The first hour was slow, with a few bites from both of us, but none were landed. So we moved back to the cove, a few more bites, then I landed this girl. You can say that I was pretty pumped. I believe she went 3.79, we both thought she was bigger, could have been but that is what the scale said Then Steezy caught this bait fish, I told him I could give him a circle hook so that he could pull in a big one, but he decided to just let it go so it can grow. Steezy, we are going to have to hit this place up more, as the fish are definitely out there Steezy's baitfish But he was able to catch a few more, which now he knows the fish are there
  12. I've been trying different tactics at this hydrilla infested pond and have had some success. So today, I was like, since there is so much matted hydrilla in this pond, why not throw a BIG 7" senko and see what I can pull out. On the second cast, I felt the ohhhh familiar tick tick tick HOOK SET.....game on. Pulled out this lil feller. He sure wanted a big meal on the big senko. So about 20 minutes later, pulled it through a patch of hydrilla, and let it sit. TWITCH TWITCH from the rod tip, and THUMP!!!!! HOOK SET and some pretty good weight. REEL REEL REEL REEL and hear a big boil in the water DON'T COME OFF DON'T COME OFF DON'T COME get it up to the bank, as I am standing on an elevated concrete platform and see this bigger feller.....I hear that there are some bigger ones in there, so I will be investing in more 7" worms and weighted offset hooks in the future and see what else I can pull out of there. Here are the pics First fish...he was hungry Second fish it went 3.13 on my scale. I left my tape measure at home, but this is my 7'3" mh rod that I had to get a gauge with and came home to measure and it was just right at 19" Both fish went thru CPR
  13. I have 3 of these, 6'3"m, 7'0"mh, 7'3"mh. These rods have all performed VERY WELL for me. Great sensitivity, casts very well, feels great to me. I've been using my 7ft rods more, and the 6'3" sits on the rack begging me to take it out more. Now take it, it is not a STEEZ or a GLOOMIS stick, but it handles very very well for it's price range, I've been pleased with mine, and alot of others have been with theirs also.
  14. I have 3 AG Revo's, 2 premiers and 1 STX-HS. These reels are absolutely incredible IMHO. I use them for everything, light cranks, weightless senkos, jigs, buzz/spinners, swimbaits and I hae yet to have one single solitary problem with them. My two premeirs are spooled with mono, and my STX with braid. I've set the cast control and brake according to the lure I'm throwin. If you are continuing to have major over run problems, try tightening the cast control, and add about 2-3 clicks on the brakes. If you are not satisfied with the distance, back off one click on the magnetic brake, and one click on the cast control knob
  15. They are hanging out drinking beer smoking cigaretts, talking about the next fish they are going to spawn with, leave em alone and let them get their PIMP ON
  16. So instead of me thinking it was the voices in my head, it was you that I was hearing that the wind carried alllllllll the way to me ;D
  17. Where were you fishing? I wasn't able to get one single bite yesterday, and I threw the whole darn tacklebox at them. The wind was horrible to say the least, I had my brakes turned up and cast control set more than normal, and I still keep having to pick out a birds nest
  18. My thoughts would have been to push him in the water....but thats just me
  19. Dude...how well do you think the fish would hold to the sloping end of the diving pool? I mean would you be in the shallows and throw a deep diving crank and have it follow going from deep to shallow, or would you go shallow to deep? OR would you throw a spinner bait and hit each level of the water colum? Running it just below the surface to slow rolling it across the bottom????
  20. I took a trip to see my daughter this weekend and that allowed me to pass along the hiway, quite a few ponds, some about 15 acres to some good size lakes. I noticed when passing them, I started looking at spots that would hold fish. Cover, structure, points and grassy areas. All I could think about was what lure I would throw. Am I the only one that does this, and if not, is there a help group that I could become associated with to help me with this addiction? I mean, I was suppose to be concentrating on the hiway, but all I could think about was BASS BASS BASS BASS
  21. Thats where I got the idea from ...but I didn't want to post the link from another site on this site
  22. I TOTALLY understand that. That is why I only colored the cast control knob and drag star. Those can be easily stripped with no damage to the metal parts and not be damaged. I surely will not be painting the reel itself, I would hate to jack up the finish of a $200+ plus reels. I'm just not that rich
  23. Rooster, I thought about painting the spool, but didn't want to fool with have to take off the line and respool it again. I t hink it would hold up, especially with putting some clearcoat over the paint. I might have to test it out on one of my cheaper reels
  24. That will be the test. I have not used the reel since I've painted these parts. From what I hear, after a clearing the parts, it is pretty durable. Also if it does start to flake off, just put the parts in some carb cleaner/thinner let it soak for a while and you can redo it. I like tinkering around with things, so taking the cast control and drag star off is not that big of a deal. IslandBass The instructions are very very very simple. Remove the parts you want colored, make sure that they are grease/oil/dirt free. After they are cleaned, make sure they are dry. For the metal parts you want to paint, I used DupliColors Adhesion Promoter and DupliColors Metal Cast spray paint. Start with the adhesion promoter and use VERY VERY VERY light coats, 2 - 3 will get you in the right ball park (I learned from trial and error) Allow a couple of minutes between each coat to let it flash a little. After the adhesion promotor, chose the color of Metal Cast Spray you want, and again use very light coats to get the desired color you want. After that hit it with some clear and your good to go. On the drag star, I covered the threaded hole with some tape to ensure that I did not get any paint in the threads and for the cast control knob, I just made sure that I had it sitting to where no paint could get in the threads. This process is to me rated on a scale of difficulty 1 - 10.......as a 1.5......VERY VERY SIMPLE way to customize our reels Larry, Thanks! I appreciate your help. Had I started this, I would have missed the priming step. 8-) Thanks island..and the good thing about this, if I want to get it back to stock, I can just set the parts in paint thinner with no damage to the metal No problem, I always believe in each one teach one. I do not have a problem with sharing info...except the stuff that Uncle Sam made me sign my name in blood not to tell ;D I thought about doing some buzz bait blades in red/chrome alternating colors. I wonder how that will look.....hmmmmmmmm I think I'll try that tonight
  25. Handsome lil feller there......tell him everyone at BR said CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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