I got on the water a little after noon yesterday, so I was not sure on what I would find. I cruised around the bank to see if I could see any beds, and if there were any fish on them. I was able to see a few fish, but no takers. So I start to head back to another creek. I pull up into a cutout, kill the trolling motor, and I see Moby Dicks' sister cruising in front of me......EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE HOLY EXPLETIVE EXPLETIVE. She cruises out away from the bed back toward the main lake.....GREAT, I just missed my chance with her. I mark her bed, and I cruise back a little further and see a bunch of small bucks, so I knew she was back there getting her groove on, with a little Barry White playing in the background )
So I turn back around, and see her cruising around the bed and I move my pond jumper into position about 20 yards away to try and not disturb her and keep her close. So I start pitching a small jig w/rage craw trailer...she noses down, but doesn't take it. I pull out a yum money craw, the male comes over picks it up but the claws and moves it........EXPLETIVE..... I pitch in some Senkos.......No go........EXPLETIVE!!!!!!!! So I grab another rod that has a Matt Lures Ultimate Bluegill. I pitch it way past the bed to keep them close, I swim it towards the bed, and she immediately turns and stares it down, swims over to it and just noses it....I make it to the bed, bounce it around a little with it's nose down action it has, and both of them are flaring on it, then they swim off.......I make another cast, they come back, and I guess I hit the right spot on the bed, and it bounces twice and I see her mouth open and just inhales this 5" bait like it was a 1/4 inch grub. I reel down and set the hook, and I had a hard time turning her on 50lb braid. GAME ON EXPLETIVE YEAH!!!!! I get a good solid hook set on her, hook buried in the top of her mouth, so I play her out until she tires and turns over on her side and I can lip her, this is what I had to look down in, hands shaking, legs shaking, I wasn't sure how well these pictures were going to come out, but here you go.......A good solid 7.6lbs she was, post spawn. I wished I could have gotten to her before she spawned to see her FULL of eggs.
Through out the day, I caught 5 more fish, all a good solid 2.5 - 3.0 lbz range. If I was a tournament guy, I would have had a good bag, but I LOVE just to be able to get out on the water and see if I can get them to bite