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L a r r y

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Everything posted by L a r r y

  1. Now that you got a 2 piece, did it come with fries and a biscuit???? j/k What can you say, THINGS HAPPEN. There will be some faulty ones with any product that is put out. There is no way to put out MASS number of pieces without slipping through the cracks and failing. It's the nature of the beast, so we might as well just accept it and keep it moving FISH MORE....STRESS LESS
  2. Here is a guy looking to sell a Pixy here, and I believe he is looking to get rid of it for a pretty good price. I also check TW and their price for a Sol is $249.95... The seller is is willing to sell his $260, if I read his post right. Then you will have a JDM reel....how impressive is that http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1266295437
  3. I thought that I heard the Daiwa Pixy is a good reel for casting light stuff.
  4. Why not do what they did at the Classic this weekend.........throw lipless crankbaits. I know the sales of them will be up 45% after the successful weekend this past weekend
  5. IMHO, you will not be dissapointed in the Premier. I purchased on in December and liked it so much, I set out again to find another and found one about a week ago. The Premier is at the top for it's class of aluminum framed reels. From the cast to the retrieve, it is buttery smooooooth. I was able to cast a 1/4 rat-l trap with it a country mile and even landing in the chicken coop It is an awesome reel with unlimited upgrade possibilities.
  6. I am soooooo envious of the ones that get to get the new toys before everyone else 8-)
  7. > Well I will have to purchase a different rod until the Veritas is available
  8. I used one rod from the middle of summer all the way to fall. It was a 6ft m rod, that did pretty well for what I was using it for. Everything from worms, cranks, buzz/spinners. If your money is tight, go ahead and continue using what you have until you have the funds to buy other combos. It it will save the headache of hearing the lil lady in your ear about how much money you are spending. If she ain't happy, no one is happy
  9. Wondering since this rod will be officially revealed at the classic, will it be on sale at the classic? And if so, is anyone going and can we work out a deal for one to be picked up for me? I will cover all costs
  10. Not in Texas its not :'(
  11. Mozy, that is a 4.5" hard H20 swimbait. I've only thrown it a couple of times, just to check the action on it and it is pretty decent. I got that, along with the other 4.5" and 3.5" in a kit of six from Academy
  12. Catchin fish ;D.......but really. I have not designated any one setup to solely targeting one specific technique. I currently have a 7'MH vendetta/premier, and I have a 6'3" M vendetta/stx-hs. And I throw everything on each of these. I spend the majority of my time from the bank, so I try to set my combos up to throw a wide variety of baits. I've had pretty good success with what I have now, and not alot of fish loss after hookup. Still kind of up in the air on what I want to pair this up with. What would you cats do?
  13. Picked up another Premier, transaction was very very smooth from a seller here on Bass Resource. Now I have to decide which rod to buy....ohhh the decisions decisions, and when is this monkey gonna get off my back??? C'mon warm weather
  14. Just a question. Why do you think they jumped the gun? I mean the Vendettas are some nice rods, that everyone was talking about this time in 09. Now AG has come out with the same scenario, introducing a new rod early in the year, but with plans on releasing it to the public later on in the year. This will give those who purchased the Vendettas a whole year to fish it, see if they like it, and then possibly move on to another rod that is about $20 more than what the rod they bought last year cost, with a few more upgrades. I've purchsed two Vendettas and will probably purchase another one, since the Veritas will not be available. But when it does, more than likely I will get one to see how it fishes and how it fits into how I fish. I see this as an AG tactic to get to nibble on their first cast, get a hook in you, then come back next time with another presentation and get you to bite again.........Man those marketing tactics are something else >
  15. It's a pretty good lookin rod. It is an awesome looking rod. I already have two Vendettas, and I am needing another rod. Too bad that this thing will not be available until later this year. I don't know which rod I should get and what I will use it for, as the two that I have now, generally serve all types of fishing I'm doing now
  16. I picked these up from Dicks Sporting. They come three to a bundle and for the price of $9.99, I say they are pretty good. They have removable tabs so that you can customize each compartment to the bait or tackle size you need. I tried looking for them on their website, but can't find them. Here are a couple of pics
  17. At least Abu had the sense to give it foam grips, the cork on the Duckett rods just turns my stomach. The Abu rod has a much cleaner look to it. WHAT SITE?????? :-[
  18. Would you happen to have that article to share with the rest of BR? 8-)
  19. Been fishing since I was 8 - 9 and I am 40 now and have never been hooked. I've seen many people get hooked, one that stands out a girl got hooked in her eyelid...
  20. What site did you see this on? Will this be marketed to a specific region? I'm not able to find any info about this stick anywhere, besides a link back to BR. Fill us in on what you have found out hahaha
  21. All that I am seeing on Aqua Superstore is that it is a SWIMMING POOL service
  22. Whewwww.....that was definitely a long enjoyable read there. Now how can I go fishing in short sleeves and catch some HAWGS like those??????
  23. I've thrown lipless cranks on a medium action rod with 12lb mono and have not had one single problem with hook sets, or even pulling them out of hydrilla if they decide to nose dive down into it. This has worked for me, and I'm sticking to my story
  24. uhhhh hmmmmm sorry about that...back on topic Here are a couple of pics that I snagged off of ebay, the new SX's with these colors are pretty slick
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