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Everything posted by ShawnCorreia

  1. I strongly disagree I've had four team allstar telescopes and they were light, well balanced, and never accidentally broke down. Mine were all victims of tragedies. Two broke on boat and two were lost in the great fire of 2014(my divorce). ? I have been hard pressed to find replacements.
  2. I agree, I dont understand anyone's issue with blowups. You have plenty of time to hooksett after a blowup. And as anyone that casts right handed and reels right-handed can tell you putting it in your left hand during the cast is part of the process and second nature.
  3. So as an example speaking to this I am right handed and insist on my dominant hand cranking so I always have a smooth retrieve. Lol at this point I can't imagine walking the dog with my right hand controlling. And after about the third time you go fishing you won't even realize how smoothly your right hand transfers to the left after the cast.
  4. Best advise from these two men. Being poor, I run 6bc and 6 spin setups with no more than 2 of the same reels. My light/soft bait finesse rods are nearly free spooling revo st-x reels. Imho practice and experience with your thumb is the biggest key. It helps starting out if you keep your reel at 9oclock(right handed) throughout the cast. You'll get it. But like they told you, dial in with a heavy bait or even a big nut until your thumb gets used to feeling it. You seem to be trying to run a marathon before you can walk. It took me almost 15 years before trying a baitcaster for light baits and another 5 or so before I could skip a 4in seiko under a dock. Trust the process.
  5. Like Skillet said.....I could totally put myself there with all the great pics. Thanks Also finding that wreck must have been pretty cool too!
  6. If you have Insight , how does it work around here? Is it worth it for a local basser?
  7. this one was just under 6.................................................. 6 inches
  8. 2 more...... I also got one around six pics to follow
  9. Went to Webster today, Here's what I got. All five within 2 1/2 hours. They all weighed between 1 and 2 lbs. I don't know why the photos make them look so small.
  10. :-/Danny Correia says burning a chartreuse bladed chartreuse spinner bait just below the surface works the best. I tried it all day yesterday, guess what............NODDA. Wacky worming at the moose is the only thing that worked for me. Thanks I will try your suggestions tomorrow. :-/
  11. Final tournament on Webster this weekend and I am trailing by 1 point anybody got any ideas? I have really been struggling there lately. I am going there now to see if I can figure it out.
  12. I would say that you have a 2-2.5 pounder in your left hand and 2.5-3 pounder in your right. I hope the little guy got to catch some
  13. Great post man! Shawn here, good to meet ya. That Koi is freakin crispy. Catch em on corn ya say? What size hook? Sinker? We have a pond with alot of Koi and Carp but I can't figure out how to catch the darn things. They always startle the crap out of me when I am fishing up tight for Bass. I tried to catch them with carp bait, but just kept catching little cats.
  14. I would guess around 6-6.5# Now that you have the formula remember to bring a little tape measure whenever you go, like the one a seemstress would use. I know from experience...it sucks not knowing. My first PB was 5lb 2oz. I actually tied it to my boat (little row boat) with my anchor line so I could run to the store and buy a scale. (I thought it was 7 pounds)LOL
  15. Nice have her drag you around a bit I would guess.
  16. Oh hell yeah, that thing is sweet!
  17. Nice fish. What is with the photochopping of your shirt? My shirt had holes and was covered in duct sealer lol. You just never know when to dress for the picture of a lifetime. And you can never have too many good pictures!
  18. Does anyone know why this was moved from "bass fishing in the northeast"? I caught it in RI and I was hoping it would be easy for my fellow RIers to see it :-/
  19. Thanks fo all the advise everyone, but I think I have found the best here...http://www.blackwaterfishreplicas.com/ cost is 1095 and turnaround is 11 months, but worth a little extra for hand crafted cedar. Most glass ones were around 500 anyway for quality work. So I think this lifetime purchase will be worth it.
  20. Thanks fo all the advise everyone, but I think I have found the best here...http://www.blackwaterfishreplicas.com/ cost is 1095 and turnaround is 11 months, but worth a little extra for hand crafted cedar. Most glass ones were around 500 anyway for quality work. So I think this lifetime purchase will be worth it.
  21. Great catch! did you see my post?? http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1253123267 Did you catch the 7,4 at the same pond as the 4 pounders? The traffic has kept me off there lately.
  22. Thanks for the nice comments guys. My first pb was only 6lb 3oz and hit that mark twice! But I suspect this wretched has a bunch of my worms in his belly already from snapping me off. in the past! ;D Not really, but you never know! Over the past few years I have snapped off on BIG bass alot here. Tough wresling them out of the stumps with 8 or 10 pound line.
  23. My favorite is when deadsticking at night when you goto lift you rod and can't feel anything so you crank like a mofo just for a chance to set the hook. They ALL feel huge!! Sometimes they are. I call it the smart bite!!
  24. Wacky a 5 inch Strike King Zero worm PB & J on a 1/0 Demon circle hook and skip that sucker as faaaarrrrr under the pontoon boats as possible and light up a smoke...........tiny twitch.............take another drag.................tiny twitch............another drag and so on. When the line flinches, lean back and start crankin! Remember, these worms only work for about 15 to twenty minutes before they start floating so keep an eye on them.
  25. I don't know how I do it, but my reals generally stop when the bait hits the water. I don't really thumb the spool on a cast unless I feel something wrong. Most tour pros would say the same thing. I am no hot shot, this is just something that I have learned from various seminars and conversations. It's really all about feeling out the cast. Practice in the day!
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