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Everything posted by sbfishySC

  1. Let's look at it this way...and when I say championship here, I'm talking any championship, conference or national. ACC teams that will never compete for a championship anytime soon: BC, UNC, NC State, Pitt, Syracuse, UVA, Wake. ACC teams on the bubble that may or may not be in contention for a championship: Louisville (don't count in the past, but count for the future), Duke, GT, Miami, VT, Clemson, FSU SEC teams that will never compete for a championship anytime soon: Kentucky, Ole Miss, Miss State, Tennessee, Vandy, Arkansas SEC teams on the bubble that may or may not be in contention for a championship: Florida, UGA, LSU, Missouri, South Carolina, Texas A&M, Auburn, Alabama. I think that's a pretty reasonable assessment of those teams. If you disagree, I'd like to hear your thoughts. But given my assessment, the SEC basically has one additional team that may have a chance to compete for a championship than the ACC. And again, by championship I'm talking conference or national. So realistically, the conferences on paper are fairly even. Now, I know the SEC vs ACC record on the field is slightly edged toward the SEC in recent years, but it's not big. I think this past year it was like 4-6 SEC. Not that big of a difference. As far as the top 25 thing goes, sure, SEC has more. ACC (with the addition of Lousiville) has 4 in top 25. Again, yes, it's less than 7, but it's not a big enough difference to claim the SEC is far SUPERIOR than everyone else. They have a slight edge. They are not all Gods. Also, what are the polls really worth anyway? You almost have to take rankings with a grain of salt because they can be biased since they are based on votes by people who, believe it or not, are biased whether they claim to be or not. I could go into Big 10/12/whatever conferences vs SEC, but I don't pay as much attention to them as I do the ACC.
  2. Didn't Duke do really well this year? And I mean come on, you've got Tennesee, Vandy, Kentucky...etc. There's just as many weaker teams in the SEC as there is in the ACC. That's why I just don't get this whole SEC fetish.
  3. Anyone have any experience mounting a GoPro to the top of the outboard with an adhesive mount? If so, have you run the motor while the camera is up there? Just wondering if it would stick going 40mph down the lake. Obviously I would tether it somehow, but I'd like to get some good running shots and a suction cup just won't stay stuck going 40mph down the lake.
  4. The elite 7x is the HDI, I was just looking to add down imaging to my console so I don't have to get up and drop the trolling motor every time I run over something I want to check out with it. Nothing expensive, which is why I was looking at the 4x.
  5. Hey y'all, I've got a Lowrance Elite-7x running on my bow and a Hummimbird 587ci HD Combo on my console. I'd like to add a DI unit to my console without replacing my humminbird (something with DI only like the lowrance elite 4x or a similar humminbird) and be able to run basically 3 units. Can I do this without much interference between them? Would I mount the DI transducer on the opposite side of my transom from my current transducer? Thanks
  6. I've done several years worth of work with brook trout especially young of year and thousands of adults and can 100% tell you it's not a Brookie. To me, it looks like a wild rainbow, but I've never seen a smelt or coho in person as mentioned in previous posts.
  7. I've never fished Marion (upper lake) but have fished Moultrie one weekend. While we didn't catch many, it was my first time fishing the lake and it was really cool to be able to see the lake. A completely different lake than I'm used to fishing in the upstate of SC (Hartwell/Keowee). 30lb weigh in will win you a lot of tournaments. That's impressive. I would've liked to have seen those 5 they brought in, bet they were pigs!
  8. Fishing is definitely starting to get good in SC. Cooling temps have lakes just below 70 (at least in the upstate area- 66-68 on Lake Greenwood on Sunday). I would image it might be a bit warmer towards the coast.
  9. The hydrilla is far from gone, on Moultrie at least. People come down there to fish more for stripers or cats. There are definitely some solid bass in there. It's a good bass fishery, just local economy gains more from the striper/cat fishing so you hear more about that than anything else.
  10. Good to hear. Thanks guys.
  11. Sorry, you're right, I meant regular gas with 10% ethanol. Thanks.
  12. So my motor is a 2001 90hp Merc 2-stroke. I always use non-ethanol gas and add startron on every fillup. Now I'm starting to compete in tournaments almost every weekend and so my question is can I run regular E87 gas in my boat if it's only going to be in there short periods of time? The reason I ask is we only have one station nearby that has non-ethanol fuel, but with the weekends being so nice, they run out of it rather quickly with everybody filling up, and it is also in the complete opposite direction as the ramp I'm launching from. I have a tournament this weekend and I have about a half tank of non-ethanol fuel in my boat already. Can I fill up with regular E87 if I know I'm just going to burn through it this weekend? Are there any long term problems with having 10% ethanol fuel for just a short period of time?
  13. I thought about bad fuel, but that would mean two different stations two different weeks would have to have had bad fuel. I always use non-ethanol fuel with StarTron on every fillup. Primer bulb stays firm throughout the day now that the fuel pump has been replaced. Haven't trimmed when my issue occurs and it's always level. BKeith, thanks. I'll try that startup tip next time I'm out. As I was under the cowl today inspecting things visually, I noticed almost no oil had been used from last weekend. Normally, being a 2-stroke, I have to add fuel almost every time I go out. These past two weeks, I've made big runs and I had to add oil after the first week. Now, after this second week, the oil tank is still full. Not sure if this is a symptom, another issue, or just something I'm being paranoid about.
  14. Will do next time I'm out. I do believe the issue has occurred both times after long runs. If it is indeed heat soak, how can I fix this? I'm fairly new to boats and don't know my way around an outboard completely yet. Is this something that I will need to have done by a mechanic or something I could do myself with proper instructions? Thanks for your help.
  15. Sorry, I meant won't start. Choke seems to work as I always have to choke it first time starting it as she doesn't like to start cold. I can hear it click when I press choke in.
  16. Hey guys, I just had my motor serviced and fuel pump/lines replaced less than a month ago. My issue is this: I get on the water, motor cranks perfectly fine and can be cut on and off all morning without issue. Then I go to make a run somewhere in the middle of the day and the motor won't crank. At first I thought battery was the issue as the livewell and graphs had been running all day, but voltage checked out ok. Now I'm thinking it sounds like it's not getting fuel. After about 20 attempts at cranking, she will finally sputter to a crank after holding the key in to crank for about 20 seconds. After that problem, I can make a run, turn her off, fish for awhile, then when I go to crank her again, she cranks fine for the remainder of the day. This has happened to me two weekends in a row (during tournaments nonetheless). In the middle of the day, she won't crank that one time, and every other time she cranks fine. Motor is a 2001 Mercury 90hp 2 stroke. Any ideas? Thanks, Steve
  17. John Swofford should have been fired years ago yet for some reason he is still here as a biased UNC/basketball commish making absolutely stupid decisions (I.e. recent acc additions).
  18. Die hard Clemson fan, born and raised. While I am a student at Clemson, even when I wasn't, if you wear that orange, you are a part of the Clemson family. Saying "we" is common practice. Whether we are a part of the football team or not, we are still a part of the Clemson family. I've said we all my life so far and I'll continue to say we until the day I die. (note: not an sec fan)
  19. The one I got, I originally got an email asking if I was willing to go down on the price a little and then to respond to his "work email" so he can respond quicker. So I did. Almost immediately (within 5 minutes) I get the scam email (from his "work email") as posted in the original post, verbatim. I responded to the email telling them I'll sell it to them for a very special price for them only (double what I listed it as) and to email me back if they still want it and it will be shipped as soon as I receive cash payment. No response, surprise surprise.
  20. Got a reply and they clarified that the length they gave me was total length, both ways. So for me, running approx. 32 ft of wire, they would recommend #8 wire. Going to rewire with 8 AWG this weekend hopefully. Went 8 instead of 6 because I could get 8 cheaper obviously, and if 8 works, why spend that extra $$$ to get 6? Seems the general consensus I've been seeing around google searches and some here says that 8 works fine and is more commonly used. If I seem to have a major problem with #8, I'll upgrade to #6. I appreciate everyone's help.
  21. Well when you're less than 20 miles from the waste water treatment plant and city dump and can smell it while walking around the stadium, kind of ruins the experience. Not to mention being able to see it when in the upper deck of part of the stadium. Not gonna harp on the video board, that's obviously pretty good. That park I have not been to, haven't been on that side of the stadium since they did that, last time I was in that area was when it was still dirt fairground parking, pictures look decent, but outside of that one area, what's to look at? Bunch of old buildings. the colors also make me throw up in my mouth
  22. I grew up in Columbia, been to many games in that stadium and not just clemson-carolina games. I disagree 110%. City is awful and the stadium is even worse. And I'm honestly not saying that just cause I'm a Clemson fan, as a college football fan in general, that's an awful stadium, awful location.
  23. Haha, I had to throw a little jab in at some point. Though I will say, Tigernet is not exactly the ideal Clemson board to compare anything to...
  24. Clearly you've never heard a South Carolina fan....Not only do they seem to claim a NC because an SEC team wins it, they also get rings made for coming in 5th place in the SEC!
  25. Clemson. Outside of South Carolina just the past couple years, Clemson has beaten Tennessee, Auburn, LSU, and UGA in the past few years, go back outside of the past 4 years Clemson dominates SC too.
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