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Everything posted by hotrod

  1. Nice work Quanjig!
  2. 3/8 Riverton (Doah) Launched at 830 water was 47, greenish and about 3ft. vis. Started catching fish pretty much right away with best action between 10 and 12. We killed them today! Best 5 would go 20lbs! My best fish was a 5.5 largemouth. Buddies best fish a 4.5 smallmouth. Several 3lb smallies, a 2.5 smallie, and 2.25 lm. Tubes did most damage on Smallies but a 2.5 and 3 were caught on a Red Eye Shad rattle. Largemouth caught on a Tx. rigged Yum blue/grn. craw. Best day yet on the Doah. Water was 50 when we left. (no pic of 4.5 sm)
  3. Very nice Quan! The RES.?
  4. Arigs are legal in VA waters. Legal but with 2 hooks only in MD waters.
  5. Tough day on river today. This and a dink were all we had to show for it! I got skunked on back of boat! Still a great day though!
  6. Jerkbait has been a good option lately too. My 5.03 came on a pearl white fluke off a point with rock. Hope you get out there on Sunday and have a great Bday Nitrofreak!
  7. I fished it Thurs. from 10 - 3 caught 12 fish with best 5 pushing 12 lbs. The 2 in my avatar were best 2. A great fishery for #s with a great opportunity for a citation this time of year!
  8. Nice job EJ!
  9. Man who hava no face!
  10. Nice work Quan! Tough bite with the cold coming through.
  11. Fished today on a private lake with a new buddy from another forum. He was kind enough to invite me up to his backyard lake for a few hours. Water was 40-42. We caught 13 total (his 10 to my 3) All healthy chunks. A couple pics
  12. Wow! Big club with alot of heavy bags. Are there any open txs?
  13. Thanks for the report! I have several veritas and am generally happy with their performance. Sounds like the is no reason to upgade to Villains.
  14. Where do you launch Quan? Fished up and down the river but never the Res. I know it is a great spot.....just never fished it for some reason
  15. Weather looking very good again next week! Bite should be good! Whos getting out? And where?
  16. Thanks Brick! Ordered 2 packs ea of 1/4, 3/8, and 1/2 in long bill
  17. Nasty, Yes, I fish it fairly often with a little success when the water warms. I hope to figure out how to fish the colder water this spring. Last I was there (a few weeks ago) water was a frigid 37deg. If you ever want to join me there or on the river (Doah) down here you are more than welcome. I am always looking for someone to fish with. Funny you mentioned hunting down this way as I just came in from a quick rabbit hunt with my 9 yr. old daughter!
  18. The Fluke is my favorite bait. The way I rig it gives off that darting, dieing look! Dont think the Strike king offers different bills like the J&S
  19. Hey Nastynate, I live in Berryville, not too far away. Where is this part of the Potomac and is there boat access? How do you like your Veritas? Great bang for the buck huh? I have several myself and love them!
  20. 1/4 oz.- 3/0 and 3/8 oz. 3/0 I am fishing a local tx. on the Doah Sat. and thought the scrounger might come into play. Water is 45 and I found fish in 10-12 ft. flats. Your thoughts are much appreciated
  21. Thanks for sharing. Prior to reading this post I orderd some Strike Kings. After reading i looked up the J&S and they were going to be 5$+ each arter shipping. You arer not the first person who has not liked the Strike kings. Guess I will try them until I can try others. Thanks again for your input!
  22. Which scrounger head do you prefer Quan?
  23. That is a scrounger jig. It puts a really nice wobble in your bait ie. fluke, grub, swimbait etc....
  24. Nice fish! What are the water temps down there? Thanks
  25. Fished the Shenandoah today at Riverton. Water was clear (4+ ft.) and 44-45 degrees. Caught 12 smallies with the best 5 between 11-12lbs. Big fish was 19in 3.75lbs. It was an awesome day to be on the river!
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