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Everything posted by Djulin

  1. Thanks guys. I was thinking that was the issue but was keeping my fingers crossed. It's funny though, there are 2 upper lakes about the same size, maybe a hair bigger that have monsters in them and I mean monsters. But they are both POSTED now. Oh well. I'll just make the wifey a nice dinner one day next week.
  2. I occasionally fish in this community/private pond that's pretty small. About 1/2 an acre. Its clear with lots of gunk on the floor and grass on the edges and in clumps throughout the middle of the pond. And there are cattails in the corners. I usually catch about 10-20 small (1-1.5 lbs.) large mouths using 5-6" senko's, poppers, and lip-less cranks. My question is- Are there any big bass in there? They funny thing is, it's been about 10 years since I last fished in this lake. So I was thinking all of those smaller bass we used to catch as teenagers would be big by now. But they are not. Well at least the ones I'm catching aren't. And I really don't think many people fish in this lake. Any thoughts?
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