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Everything posted by shimano_mama

  1. Hey guys! Just sharing a secret! I caught 11 smallies yesterday evening on a texas rigged zoom super salt 4" mini watermelon seed lizard! Had a lot of short strikes so off with their heads! I used a fairly quick retrieve. I couldn't let it sink before I got a hit! Curious if it works for you guys too!
  2. Welcome! I have a lot of luck with the largemouths on a zoom junebug trickworm down south. Good luck!
  3. Hey man! Welcome! This site is the bomb! You'll fall in love!
  4. Then I'll have Little Jerry peck your eyes out!! Nah!
  5. LOL. I still think it was the best comedy ever shown on television. No soup for you!!!
  6. Thanks senile1! I laughed out loud when I read serenity now! I know exactly where you got it from! Ha!
  7. Hey guys! I'm Jen- a travel nurse from Mississippi where I mostly fish for largemouths. I'm currently working in Maine and living on a lake called 'Cold Stream.' And yes, it is cold! I've discovered the cocky smallmouths and I'm hooked! Caught a 4 pounder on a crankbait and thought I had died and gone to Heaven! I've been fishing since I can remember. Dad would put a 5 gallon bucket in the yard to help me learn accuracy! And my favorite lure is a junebug trickworm! And of course, I'd love to have a sponsor one day! I look forward to talking and getting tips from you guys!
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