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Everything posted by wv

  1. Bring some Junebug colored worms, dark colored creature baits, buzzbait and a double colorado spinnerbait. Fish the riprap and the point across from the riprap with the wooden pole sticking up. Allen Hi Allen. Thanks for the info. Probably try again to get there soon. We don't have any buzzbaits and I'm guessing Yum Crawbugs might be creature baits. Thanks again.
  2. My son and I got out last night. He caught about a 12 inch LM at Sharpsburg on a Creme worm and lost another that would most likely be 2-3 lbs on same lure. I caught my second ever SM ;D ;D. What a fighter he was. Guessing he was 12/14 inches. Caught it on a Heddon Tiny Torpedo(frog color). He jumped about 10 times and tried to hang me in some tree branches. After catching him I really appreciate why some people on these forums love smallmouth fishing. They seem to be powerful fish. Caught it at Rumsey Bridge on MD side across from Shepherdstown boat launch. We were heading to Blairs Valley with our small jon boat but our truck was needed elsewhere and the weather looked a little iffy. On vacation next week and may try to get there before leaving for Delaware on the 25th.
  3. Hi BWICK. Mine was gold sided and black on to. I think you got somebory elses. Thanks for looking out for me. As for my reports...not much. We were at Harpers Ferry Dam #3 area(what's left of it that is). Didn't get to fish...was raining Saturday night. We fished on Potomac at mouth of Antietam Creek and at Rumsey Bridge at Sheperdstown on Maryland side with no luck. Did hear of people catching fish on river. River looked good. We hope to get out again maybe Saturday evening and definitely Sunday.
  4. Hi BWBH - Lots of good info on here. My son and I fished the Brunswick Pond a while back. There was a lot of dead catfish floating on top amongst a lot of weeds/scum/algae. We did see a nice fish down along shore at end near building. Might see you there some time. Good luck fishing.
  5. My son and I go to fish Greenbrier on Tuesday night from shore. He caught two smaller ones 7/8 inches on a yellow and blue crankbait. I hooked two on a Yum Dinger but couldn't bring them to shore. Saw a lot of fish mostly close to shore and between 7 to 12 inches or so. Liked the place but didn't really like to pay the entrance fee. Looked like a good place for our small jon boat though. Bwick - Is my crankbait still in that lone tree on the side with houses at Brownsville? :-[
  6. Basser89 - We didn't get out to Big Pool due to weather concerns. Yeah - We did some running. The Sharpsburg Pond has a lot of some kind of greass covering 95% of the bottom. The water is very clear. You can see bass on top of the grass and if you spot a hole in the grass seems like it has a bass in it. It's small but close to us. Munkin - We will check out Cunningham some time soon I expect. Been real happy with my non-resident license...may just not get my resident WV next year...we only fish one place a lot and that's Cacapon State Park. Although I did catch the bass of my lifetime there not long ago. We may go out this evening if the weather is decent.
  7. Doesn't look like a fishing day today. My son and I got out last Sunday. Started in Sharpsburg Pond and caught one on a crankbait. Saw some more but couldn't get them to bite. Headed to Middletown and my son got one on a Yum Dinger. Saw some bass on beds but were hard to get to bite. I really like this pond except for some floating stuff. Tried Brunswick Pond and saw nice fish but it was tight to shore with a lot of slop on top nearby. Did see about 40 dead catfish floating on top...not sure what's going on there. Stopped at Brownsville on way home and lost my favorite crankbait in a tree. :-[ Had pictures of the two we caught but were too big to post...maybe someone can give me some tips or help to post them. We were gonna try the Little Pool area today but not sure how that will go weather-wise. Welcome to the new members. This is a great place to talk and learn fishing. Mt Airy Ed...I think I recognize you from Fishing Maryland - no? I got kinda locked out of that site and could never get back in to post...probabaly best thing that happened because I found this place.
  8. Got to use my new MD license Saturday and Sunday. Stopped at Williamsport Canal Basin on way home from work. Tried the creek too. No luck...lots of wind. Got home and my son and I checked out Sharpsburg Pond and Brownsville Pond. Sharpsburg had quite a bit of grass and was a little small. Wind was blowing and water was clear. Saw two fish on beds and a couple more hanging out above grass. Couldn't get a bite. At Brownsville wind was really blowing and chilly. Water was too cloudy to see any beds. Did catch a shorty on my crankbait...maybe 8/9 inches or so. Checked out Middletown Pond on way home from spending Mother's Day with wife in Frederick. Was getting dark, was windy and cool. Saw numerous beds with no fish on the end near a road. Guess the spawn is over there. Lots of something floating on surface there...probably good place for a weedless frog or something. Did catch another shorty on my crankbait. Only about 7/8 inches long. Really liked this pond though. Hoping to get back soon.'
  9. Just got my non-resident Maryland license. ;D My son and I will try to get out this afternoon. Lokks like the Cushwa Basin, Brownsville Pond and Sharpsburg Pond are the closest for us. Maybe we can see some of you all along the way. Seeing some of your posts and pictures lets me know I made a good decision.
  10. My son and I got out to Poorhouse Pond(6 acres outside Martinsburg). Saw about ten ficjh on beds. Hooked two and lost both. Water was really cloudy and full of algae. Fish were a little spooky and not much inteested in feeding. Looks like most fish there have spawned. I'm off Friday(unless something happens at work between now and then) and thinking real serious about getting my non-resident MD license. Would like to try some of these ponds you guys fish. Most seem to be around 15/20 miles from us. I work in Greencastle and pass over Williamsport Bridge on Rt. 11 5 or 6 days a week. I could stop at the Cushwa area easily. Not sure of the price if around $40 I will get it online and fish Friday. I've been talking to some fishermen and they think the large bass I caught that was bleeding will be OK. They said as long as she took off things would be fine. Really hoping so. :-/
  11. ;D :-[ All three of these are how I feel now. My son and I went to Cacapon State Park lake this evening. We caught 4 fish...3 for me and one for my son. First fish was about 12 inches and maybe a pound or so. Second fish my son caught was I'm guessing about 2 lbs and a female with roe. My second fish was a little smaller than his but with roe. Then the smile fish. I'm guessing 5 lbs and maybe more. Judging by the first picture under Basser89's posts...they were the same size. Now the embarrassed...we didn't take our camera. This was by far the largest bass I've caught. Now the sad and what I'm going to say now is also embarrassing and makes me kinda not want to catch any more fish. I was using a rattling crankbait with a black back, gold sides and a red-breasted underbelly. Don't know brand but I bought it at Ollies in Dover, DE. The large fish swallowed it and the back hook was in the gills. Had to use needle nose pliers and come in the back way to get hooks loose. Now anyone who fishes can guess what happens...yeah...bleeding. The lake was drawn down about 8 feet so we were in a leafy muddy bank and couldn't get to the water without sinking. I got the hook out and got her back in the water. She moved a little under some leaves. About 5 seconds later she kicked off never to be seen again. I'm hoping and praying she lives. You more experienced fishermen can tell me more about this situation. We were fished another 45 minutes and saw no signs of her. On a side note we need to take our camera...my son siad after the fish was released it was a citation fish...most likely was. With the fish still with roe I would say the spawn is near at least in that small lake.
  12. Let me say I am in no way a great or expert fisherman. My son and I fish mostly two smaller ponds/lakes that are about 10 acres or so. About a month ago when it warmed up we saw some fish in shallower water..I'm guessing in what could be pre-spawn. Then the weather cooled, it rained, etc. I'm guessing the bass want to spawn but conditions aren't quite right. We'll probably head out again today or tomorrow and look for beds. From the Maryland reports on here the fishing is better than in WV. The Potomac looks a little low and clear now just from riding over top of it 5 days a week. We might try the river some next week too. We are really into the soft plastic baits now. Yum, Zoom, etc. Just saw a show from Hank Parker today and he was talking about Berkley "Alive" baits...we may try them some and would like any feedback from someone that has tried them. We've had good luck with Yum Crawbugs(Green Pumpkin and Watermelon)and Yum Dingers in Watermelon. Just trying now Yum Tubes and Zoom Flukes now as well.
  13. Basser 89. Did see someone on the "rip-rap wall you talked about...may have been two guys not sure. I was at the end of that wall where a kindaa smelly little stream was running. My son was a little farther downstream in area with a lot of small trees. We were there around 4 - 6 PM I would guess. Hope you have some success when you hit the river. My boss is on vacation and that usually causes me some stress. We may try some local ponds. Checked out one near Martinsburg(Poorhouse)and a man said they tried to spawn earlier and the weather cooled some. He thought maybe later in the week it could start. We''ll try some maybe Friday night or Saturday early.
  14. Wow - Sounds like you guys are really getting it going in MD. My son and went to Dam #4 on Maryland side last night. Fished for about an hour with no luck. My son did manage a world-class tangle and that pretty much ended the day. Did see several people fishing mostly in boats or on WV side. Didn't see anyone catching anything. River looked clear and at a pretty normal level for this time of year. We'll probably try some ponds in our area to see if any beds are appearing.
  15. My son and I got out at Dam #4 on WV side. Caught a decent 16 inch or so LM right at boat ramp. Used a YUM Tube in green pumpkin neon with a split shot. We took pictures...or thought we did. :-[ My son had camera set to take video not picture. I tried to put them on computer to post and that's when I found out they were video clips. Then I thought I stored them in a file and deleted from my camera. Went back to PC and now there gone. :'( We'll try and get better. River was clear but really rolling. Lots of people both sides. Only saw the fish I caught and another guy caught a SM on a live minnow. Two guys in boat said they caught two nice SM another smaller one. Saw lots of jumpers...thought they were bass but was told they were likely suckers spawning. Still looked like bass to me. Try and get pictures next time. We're going out today to a local pond and hope to see some bedded LM.
  16. Got on the board with a 10 inch rainbow at Poorhouse Pond in Berkeley County WV. ;D Caught on a 3 inch rattling crankbait...must have been hungry. My son and I got to Cacapon Park Lake on Saturday and saw two nice LM in abouyt 4 feet of water but couldn't get a bite. I know it's not a MD report and thanks for letting me post. Seems to me it might be a little early yet. I'm guessing a few warmer nights and things will pick up. To "fish jones" - you joines a really good group of posters here. Basser89 is great and runs a good forum here. Lots of good sharing of info.
  17. Just got my WV license on-line last night. Hope to get out soon. I turn 55 tomorrow and may go out just for something to do. Trout have been stocked locally since early January here. I cross river 5 times a week at Williamsport, MD and the river looks like it is clearing some even with all the snow melt. Too much water in river for us to get our 10 foot jon boat out. That will be about 4 months away I guess. I've been stocking up on some soft plastic baits. My son and I really like the Yum craw bugs and Dingers. Also got some Tubes, Chunks and Zoom Flukes over the winter. Got a new Zebco push button combo at Dick's in Martinsburg. We love fishing but are on a pretty tight budget. Hope to report some fishing news soon. Bring on some warmer weather.
  18. You can add West Virginia to your hibernating list. I have wanted to get out and try to find the warm-water deal in Williamsport. Last time there I couldn't seem to locate it. I would guess the river would really flood if the melt came fast. Fish probably get washed down or "hide" in little creeks etc, that run into the river. On a side note, good to see Bass Pro Shops got a Daytona 500 win Sunday. Too bad none in our area...they may be having some kind of specials to celebrate win. Trout stocking began in early January here...a little too cold for me and my son to get out yet. Also need license. Take care.
  19. Just want to wish all a Merry Christmas. I have really enjoyed being a member here. While my son and I are not the best of fishermen...we do enjoy it. As for new techniques, not sure what to try. We like the Yum Crawbugs. Not real up on the jig-type lures. We would really like to get our small(10 foot jon boat)in the water more. No motor other than a small(17lb-thrust Minn Kota)but think we can navigate the Shepherdstown, WV ramp area and the Williamsport, MD ramp area at least during the lower summer months. My favorite lure is the Jitterbug and have caught many largemouths in our local pond. I would like to hear how you guys keep from losing equipment on rocks in the Potomac...seems like we do a lot of that sort of thing. We're hoping to get out soon as the snow melts some and the weather isn't quite as chilly.
  20. Nice fish Basser89. I am sure our paths didn't cross, but my son and I were at Taylor's Landing that same day around noon. We were looking to shore fish burt river was moving a little too fast and a little high for us. We did me a guy(maybe a poster?). He showed us pictures of two large muskies caught the day before near Shephersdstown. He was very helpful giving us some info on fishing the river. I'm not an expert on river, but above Dam #4 I believe the water is fairly deep maybe to Falling Waters area. In summer I agree with Basser89 a lot of recreation types on water around that area. I think area above Dam#5 is deep too around Four locks area from what I hear. Good luck to you guys. I am really surprised at the amount of fishing done this time of year. On a side note, I would still like to try Power Plant at Williamsport...if I can find a way to it.
  21. Good to see other WV posters. Caught my first small mouth across from the Sheperdstown boat ramp Only about 10 inches or so but was a real treat to catch first smallie ever. ;D My son and I mostly fish Poorhouse Pond and Cacapon Lake in Panhandle. Been to the river some but mostly lose equipment. Had our best luck with Jitterbugs, Yum Dingers(watermelon) and Yum Crawbugs(large). Would like to see more posters especially from the Panhandle.
  22. :-[ Thanks Basser. I guess I should have tried their parking lot. I take it the trench is where the warm water flows. I'll have to try another time...working six days next week.
  23. Had Friday off and decided to try the power plant in Williamsport. Walked down shore line until I saw a sign that said restricted area...dam ahead...keep out. Turned around and headed down the towpath towards the dam area. Could hear guys working on the power plant. Walked down and saw a ditch from back of plant down to river. Saw a gate that was marked "Keep Out" basically. So I turned around and went on home. Was I any where near a spot to fish? Looked like I could go down a road for visitors but saw a fence and another gate. Any help? Thanks. Would have had the whole place to myself if I could have found a spot.
  24. I would like to welcome Steve, too. Been a way a while and am surprised people still fishing this late in year. My son and I have been out three times this month. Two times at Potomac and once in Berkeeley Springs, WV. River was pretty low both places - Sheperdstown and Dam 4. Just lost equipment...no fish. At Cacapon Lake I got four hits on a Berkeley Gulp-type worm. Must have gotten too excited....missed all four times. :-[ Need to think seriously about getting a MD non-resident license if not too costly. Looks like we can put our equipment away now for a while. I have really enjoyed this site. I will keep checking in to see if the fishing is still OK...never really fished much during colder weather. Always figured fising slowed down after October.
  25. Basser - My son and traveled to Sheperdstown this evening. We hand carried our small boat and put in water that way. Talked to a guy that had to make a "ramp" in the water to get his trailer in and out OK. Their is kinda a steep slpoe on the ramp itself and a bump coming out of wtaer before hitting the concrette ramp. He got OK. I have seen people have some trouble getting out but I guess they din't use a makeshift ramp like thius guy did. Hope this helps. As for use, we got boat in and started to paddle out when my son said water was running in boat :-[ Just a small hole but water was coing in a little too much for my liking so we came out without fishing any. Ma n ther said you can go upstream OK but downstream it is shallow past the railroad tressels. We were in about three feet of water around half way out in current. Wish I could report more, but I can't.
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