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Everything posted by wv

  1. Both the river and a pond there. Never fished the river there. We fished the pond at the Lion's Club Park. It's pretty small and has a lot of grass in it. To get there take US 340 West to the exit for MD 17 North/464 West(not sure about exit number sorry). You come off exit and take a left and go past the Sheetz around the circle and this road takes you to Brunswick I think. You go about a mile maybe and come to a stop light for Petersville Road. Take a left and go about mile or so and you'll see the Lion's Club Park entrance. I hope the directions are right. I know where I'm going but don't know many exit numbers, road numbers but I can get there. There was someone from Brunswick posting last summer and he was pretty good about helping with that area.
  2. Sharpsburg is a small pond. If you go to Boonsboro on Alt 4O you take a left onto 34 East to Sharpsburg. When you pass the National Cemetery you come to a BP Station on one corner. Turn left and go about two blocks and you'll see the pond through some trees on the left. There is a tavern/bar/restaurant(?) right before you turn. It's small but would be perfect for your 7-year old. It's stocked with trout at times...not sure whn though. We hit there yesterday first. My son got on the board with chunky 12/13 inch LM on a crankbait. I almost got on the board about 15 minutes before that but the fish got off as I lifted it out of the water. There was about 7/8 people fishing...anybody that's been there knows it's pretty crowded then. We were going to Middletown but cut it short and hit Brownsville(on MD 67 South past Gapland Park). It looked like a chocalate milk mud puddle so we hit Brunswick. Got too windy and too late so we headed home. I think we need some warm days followed by some warmer days to get the small ponds more active. Went home on US 340...river is really rolling through Harper's Ferry. Pretty awesome flows there. We're gonna get out today sometime somewhere weather and time permitting.
  3. Welcome to the board. You've joined a great group here. Very helpful and got good information. Not sure about today but my son and I will be fishing some MD ponds. We like Sharpsburg, Middletown, Brownsville and Brunswick. Greenbriar is OK but we have to pay $4 to get in since we are in WV. We could see you sometime if you are around those areas today or tomorrow. I will be the older looking one if you see us. As for river, we have an un-registered 10 foot jon. We tried to get it out at Shepherdstown last August but had a hole and the trip was cut pretty short. That area is fairly low then but we see many boats and kayaks there in late summer/early fall. Right now our old truck isn't running so we won't get the boat out now. Good luck and hope your leg gets better.
  4. You're certainly welcome. Hope you have a great day off and a great one on the river. I cross river on way to work 5/6 days a week at Williamsport. Yesterday about 4:00 PM river was high but not flooding. I judge by the holes in the aqueduct. Guessing it was about 3/4 feet from touching tops of the arches then. I usually watch the Harper's Ferry gauge. I see it's at 12.62 feet now. Looks like river really rose late yesterday afternoon. Looks like they are projecting 14 feet there.
  5. I know you didn't ask me, but my son and I were at Middletown on 4/4. It was windy and cool and the water was cloudy. Only saw a few turtles laying on some weeds near the outlet. We meant to get out this past weekend but didn't make it. Probably try and get out Saturday to some MD ponds and WV ponds. I think the Potomac is out of the question for a fe days.
  6. My son and I got out yesterday afternoon. We hit Sharpsburg Pond and Middletown Pond. Nothing. It was real windy. Anyone who has fished Sharpsburg knows it's size...there was about 10 people fishing...pretty close quarters there. At Middletown the water was pretty cloudy. Did see several bass at Sharpsburg but none took any offers. Didn't see any fish at Middletown. Guess it's too early. Should have checked out the river but had to get home. So far we've been out 4/5 times with nothing.
  7. Are you fishing from the shore or a boat? I have fished just about everywhere there is to fish here in Washington County and can give you some spots. Allen We fish from shore. We have a small jon boat that is not registered to put a motor on right now. We mostly like ponds and the Potomac near Shepherdstown and Dam #4.
  8. Got my MD Non-Res license on-line yesterday. My son and I got out to Sharpsburg Pond and Devil's Backbone. Missed one at Sharpsburg. Saw some bass in about 2/3 foot of water. They were chasing smaller fish. Not sure if they are in spawn/pre-spawn mode or not. Devil's Backbone was a bust. Water was too fast. My son did lose what looked to be a decent fish by the bend in his rod on the first cast over in the "private property area that is open due to MD Stocking Program. Also saw some jumpers below dam. Either trout or suckers? :-/ We may try to get out today but I have a Fantasy Baseball draft at 5:00PM. At least we can fish now with our WV and MD licenses. He needs a MD Non-Res on his birthday Thursday. Hopefully he can get a Junior one. WV only offers a discounted "Sportsmen" that combines hunting and fishing and you need to have a Hunter Safety Card. Not sure why you need a Hunter Safety thing to get a fishing discount but either way it's all good. Riveer looked pretty good crossong Rumsey Bridge at Shepherdstown, too.
  9. I just got my resident licenses for me and my son yesterday. Maybe we can get out today somewhere in WV. Potomac is out of the question. On way home from work yesterday I crossed the Williamsport Bridge and river was high and rolling. I also welcome Fat Boy. You have joined a great board with really great people on here. With the price of gas not sure about getting our non-res licenses for Maryland like last year although we really enjoyed the area ponds and would like to have fished the Antietam Creek as well. I got a beef with WV now because I was charged an adult fee for my 15 year old son. It's only a couple dollars difference so I guess no big deal.
  10. Wow. I was just messing around on the computer and I thought I had lost this picture. Then I messed around some more and found a "wizard" to "re-size" photos and lo-and-behold I posted this picture. I cut out some of the fish and yours truly but I got it on here just the same. I would have to look back on my posts to find the date. I think you can see the Strike King crankbait it was caught on as well. Maybe I can find some more pics and psot them. Original post was on July 5th. OK. I think I got a better picture here now. Pardon me for taking up so much space trying to post a dumb picture.
  11. Thanks Basser89. When I was there I walked down tow-path to a gate on tow-path. I did see a "ditch" behind the plant which I'm guessing is the "discharge" . I couldn't see a way down to the river...that must be where the path comes in handy. As for Snyder's Landing I have been there several times but never fished there. I have met people that do quite well in that area especially for walleyes(never caught one)so I 'm guessing they are not story-telling. The Dickerson thing looks like a little longer trip for us...can I use my MD Non-Res license there or not? Thanks again for all your information and help. I'm hoping to get out at least 5/6 more times before end of year...now that I got some places to go.
  12. Now that the weather is cooling down and fishing opportunities are dwindling, does anyone have any cold weather fishing ideas. I know there are some warm water areas. I tried to find the one in Williamsport but couldn't locate it. :-[ Walked around power plant and didn't see any way to get access. Also tried walking bank to from boat ramps and ran into signs saying keep back from dam. I also talked to a man where I work that said he fishes all year in Susquehanna as long as he gets a boat in the water. Don't have a Pennsy license so that's not an option. I know last Thanksgiving my son and I tried Taylor's Landing but couldn't see any place to fish from shore. A man there suggested going up river some towards Dam #4 for shore-fishing but we headed home. Any one with any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated...if nothing else we can re-stock our tackle box over the winter. ;D
  13. Welcome Texasnovice. You have joined a really good, helpful and informing group of fisdhermen here. My son and I got out to our usual spot on the Potomac across from Shepherdstown WV boat ramp. River looked good. Saw a lot of people in boats and on shore fishing but nobody doing any catching. Saw some fish jumping later in evening. Kinda strange thing happened not long after we got there. Heard some thunder, saw a few dark clouds and some raindrops along with a quick temperature drop but it warmed right back up after rain stopped. I di manage to hook a SMB in the belly on a Tiny Torpedo :-[ Not sure how that happened on a top-water lure. My son hooked another but lost it...would have been his first SMB if that was what the fish was. I'm guessing fishing in the river is just about done for the year. We got out to Blair's Valley last Sunday. It was windy and cool. Lost about $15 worth of equipment and no fish so we left. We did stop at Big Pool on way home. Saw some boat trailers but no fishermen. Looked like a good spot for our small jon boat...not sure how you could fish there from shore. Not much else to report.
  14. Basser89 - OK. Saw someone pulling a boat through light at Sheetz. Thought I would ask anyway. :-[ What do you do in Germantown? Government work? Hope you're fishing has been better than ours the last two months.
  15. Just an update here. My son and I have been to the Potomac near Shepherdstown, WV 2 times in last few weeks. The river was low and filled with floating green slop. Just a waste of time. Hopefully this rain can get the river up and flowing a little cleaner so we can get out. Would like to keep fishing some and use my MD non-res some more. Also, Basser 89 were you in Williamsport, MD on Tuesday around 3:30PM or did you move away from that area.
  16. HBM - Wow what a catch/es. Nice fish. I can see why people want to stay away from muskies be it tiger or not. Looks like Black Hills is a great place to fish. My son and I have not been out for about two weeks or so. Maybe now things are cooling off things will get better. We might try and get out today. Congrats again.
  17. Got a few reports here from the last week or so. My son and I got out to the Potomac near Shepherdstown, WV. I caught three SMB none bigger than 10 inches in two days(31st and 1st). All three on green pumpkin/chartreuse Yum Crawbugs(sorry no cheese). The river is really low with a lot of junk floating on top here and there. We got out to Sharpsburg Pond last night and my son got decent LMB...guessing 14/15 inches on a Creme worm. That place is about 80% covered in slop. We wanted to try Middletown Pond but didn't make it. I'd say I've got about two good months of fishing left on my MD non-resident. Looks like a trip to Black Hills would be a good trip. We would be shore fishing so not sure it would be worth the trip.
  18. Sounds like Black Hills and cheese is where it's at these days. Looks like you guys did pretty well. My son and I got out Tuesday to Cacapon Park Lake in Berkeley Springs, WV. We caught 7 and missed two others. All on Yum 6" lizards in Texas Smoke we got at Sportmans Liquidators. Biggest two were about 12 inches or so. We got some pictures on my son's cell phone. Can't seem to get them out of phone to post them. If anyone can give us some pointers on putting up photos it would be appreciated. The ones from our camera are too big to post. We shoiuld get out today somewhere...depending on the weather.
  19. Good discussion on the muskies. Never seen one and from what it sounds like probably don't want to mess with them much. We got out to the Potomac at Shepherdstown in our ususal spot below Rumsey Bridge on MD side. River was fairly clear and up a little in the last two weeks or so but still somewhat low. Caught a small SM on a Yum tube(watermelon/green pumkin). I'm guessing only about 8 inches...fought pretty good for a small guy. Seen some other fish breaking the surface and missed a few on Jitterbugs and a Tiny Torpedo. Doesn't ;ool ;ole a whole lot being reported lately...guess fishing is kinda slow now.
  20. Hi Basser89. Not sure about the type of muskie he caught. :-[ I asked him if he was muskie fishing and he said yes. I could see his large spinner and that was why I asked him. I have never seen one or the other myself. Blair's Valley looked like a nice place other than the water being somewhat cloudy. I was thinking around dark things would get better but it didn't seem to help. We had some hits on Jitterbugs but didn't hook any fish with them. We might get out this evening somewhere if weather holds off...although we need some rain.
  21. My son and I got to Blair's Valley this evening. We caught two small LM...guessing about 8 inches each. Water was cloudy with some scum on top. We fished in a corner by the rock dam. Caught them on a watermelon Yum Crawbug and a soft plastic lizard-looking bait. Looked like a good place for our small boat(as was recommended by some earlier). Talked to a man that was fishing for muskie with no luck. He did mention that two weeks earlier he caught a 24 inch muskie on a buck-tail muskie spinner. Saw a few others fishing but didn't see many people catching anything other than some small sunfish.
  22. My son and I got out last night. Started at Sharpsburg...90% covered in slop...and we moved on to Brownsville Pond. Caught a nice LM and I'm guessing 3-4 pounds on a Strike King crankbait. Black back, red-sided and yellowish belly with black stripes I also noticed my gold-sided crankbait still in the tree there. :-[ We then stopped at the Potomac and fished on MD side near Rumsey Bridge. Near dark fish were jumping all over the place. We missed about 10 fish on a Tiny Torpedo(frog color) and a small black Jitterbug. Even had a small guy jump and hit the Torpedo and spit it out in the air. Got a picture of the fish at Brownsville and a few others we have caught. Tried to post them but got an error message that said file too big. Anyone that's got an idea as to how to fix the problem...please tell us. Hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth as well. River is real low...not sure about temp but it is pretty low near Shepherdstown and clear.
  23. We got out last night on Potomac on MD side across from Sheperdstown and near the Conococheague Sportsman Club. River there is low and clear. I hooked three fish but they shook free before I got them in to shore.
  24. Hope everyone enjoyed Father's Day. My son and I got out late yesterday. My son caught about a 15/16 inch LM at Sharpsburg Pond on Creme worm on first cast. Nothing else in about an hour. Saw some but couldn't get'em to bite. Small pond with lots of grass and slop on top. We then headed down to Rumsey Bridge across from Shepherdstown, WV on MD side. Was kinda slow until about dark and fish starting jumping everywhere. We had some misses on top water lures. I hooked a fish and on second jump it spit lure. River looked real good.
  25. We're heading to Delaware next week and would like to fish any spots between Elkton and Salisbury, MD. I'm going to check out the MD DNR site as well. Thanks for any info.
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