Nice picture and good story. If you parked at the campground can take that road(Canal Road - i think)and you will eventually reach a small parking lot as the road makes a sharp turn to go up a hill to MD Route 34. If you walk across the Lock bridge and turn left or right you come to two paths where my son and I mostly fish the river. Trouble there is a lot of hikers, bikers, dog walkers and parents with kids take up the few parking spots. Not complaining just making a comment. You can go across the Rumsey Bridge into Shepherdstown and use the boat ramp there. I've seen guys have a little trouble there when river is low so I'd be careful there. We see lots of boats put in there. I know you can go upstream...maybe to Snyder's Landing and downstream to just pass the railroad bridge. I'm guessing it would be good to have a depth finder. We've got a 10 foot jon boat but haven't got in the water yet but hope to sometime soon.