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Everything posted by wv

  1. Welcome "micorps"...you have joined a great group of fishermen here. We got out Monday night to Sharpsburg Pond and then hit the river on the way home. We each caught a small LMB at Sharpsburg...only about 10 inches for each one. But at the river we had our best night ever. We caught 7 SMB mostly on Yum Dingers in a white/black spotted color and one on a Strike King tube in green pumpkin/red flake. My son caught a 10 incer and a a 13 incher. I caught 5 myself - two 10 inchers, two 14 inchers and a 15 incher. All had pretty chuinky bellies and man what fighters. Only bummer was the batteries in our camera were dead.:-( Water was moving fast, a little higher than usual and a little cloudy. Really sorry we don't have pictures...normally when the river is up like it was I don't even bother to stop but I was glad I did. Keep catchin' em.
  2. Looks like everyone enjoying some success here. We got out to Greenbrier State Park last Sunday. I caught three LM...biggest being about a 1 1/2 pounds. All three caught on a Yum Money Craw in June Bug color. No signs of spawn there. We might get out today but not sure where. Hope everybody keep's catchin' em.
  3. Lots of great reports...glad to see veryone having successes. Before last week I worked 18 of 21 days and 152 hours. Glad that's over. We got out last Sunday. We caught 4 LM at Sharpsburg biggest being 141/2 inches. Went to Middletown...I had a couple nice hits but no fish. We saw no signs of spawn...I'm guessing it's over. We stopped at the Potomac near Shepherdstown. River wasn't high but was moving and a little cloudy. I had two nice stikes on a 4-inch Yum Dinger but no fish. We did several fish jumping especially near dark. Also saw some noisy large balck birds...my friend at work said cormorants...I thought they were only down south. I guess they were in for roost. I understand they eat fish - I guess that meant we had a good spot. We might head out today sometime. Hope evrybody keeps catching some fish.
  4. I want to welcome all the new posters and tell them what a great palce they have found. I just finished a 50 hour/6 day week. My son and I might get out to Sharpsburg, Middletown and maybe Potomac today. Just depends on him getting awake this afternoon. We haven't been out to say the least. I thought when the year started I wouldn't be working like last year...but so far the last two months that hasn't been the case. I would still like to get down to Black Hills. Maybe some Monday when my wife and I are thrift store shopping I can head down and check it out...maybe even get a line wet if I can find a place.
  5. TKF - Glad you enjoyed the cam. I just found out that I won't get to visit the nest now. My boss is on vacation next week and I need to go in early tomorrow. I can use the OT. Best of luck to you at Black Hills. I would like to get there someday...seems like the best place to catch bass from reading everyone's reports. I see you seem to lose equipment...my son and are pretty good at that, too. Not sure where you're located...but around here the Wal-Marts have a little section of reduced fishing stuff. Some soft plastices, some crankbaits, some topwaters and some spinners amongst other things. I've gotten some crankbaits(Norman or Bomber)for $1.96 or $2.96 some Tiny Torpedoes for same price, Yum and Zoom soft plastics for $1.96 and recently some Vicious spinnerbaits for a $1.96. Can't tell you if some of them are any good but they don't hurt as much if they don't come back to you. We really like the soft plastics for affordability and they do catch fish. Also - if you have a Gander Mountain they seem to reduce stuff from time-to-time.
  6. Wow - I've been away too long. Lots of good reports and a fair amount of fish caught. Work is starting to get in the way again and I have been fairly sick as well. I did get on the board for the year Sunday. Caught about 14 inch LM on a Shakey head worm at Sharpsburg Pond. My son caught a little smaller LM on a Creme worm. He's outfished me 2-1 for the year. We've only been out a couple times. River has been too high when we had time and better when we had no time. Gas prices really cramping our style too. It's tough not having a lot of resources to enjoy fishing but we try just the same. I recently have been enjoying the Shepherdstown Bald Eagle Cam and have joined a group of Eaglet Momsters and will be visiting the nest this Saturday if all goes well. We have seen the nest and eagles when going to Dam #4. Really would like to see one in flight. When I was growing up they were endangered and I guess that is why I enjoying them so much now. We hope to get some better reports soon. We saw no spawning at Sharpsburg but fish were active. I would really like to get to Black Hills some Sunday. Just gonna have to make time. I'm working 6 days the next three weeks so I should have some OT coming. I hope everyone has good success.
  7. Harpers Ferry gauge was 3.44 feet at 2:00PM today. Good luck if you head out there.My son and I fished some there last year around one of the canal locks. Didn't do much but enjoyed watching some kayakers practicing going under the water and flipping back up.
  8. Wow. Some nice fish Basser89. We finally got the licenses and got out yesterday. First tried the Potomac below Shepherdstown. River was too fast for our shore fishing and a little off color. Nothing there. Headed over to Sharpsburg Pond. Was surprised to see the slop still on top. Saw a lot of small sunnies and bass and a couple trout fishermen.. My son got on the board first. Caught a litlle chubby ten-incher on a Creme worm. I got the skunk. Headed to Middletown Pond...wall-to-wall trout fishermen. Water was cloudy and nothing there. I did meet a nice young man at Sharpsburg and we talked about fishing in the area. He said he lived in Williamsport. I gave him the info here...had a senior moment and thought the name was "Ultimate Bass" and not "Bass Resource" . Gave him the thread name and mentioned Basser89 and the job he does hosting the converstaion and told him lots of good posters. Hope he finds it in spite of my mis-information. Maybe I 'll see him again and tell him correctly. Might head out today...not sure. Working 6 days next week and then vacation starting about 9:30PM March 24...my son's 17th birthday by the way. I can't really teach him to be a great fisherman but I hope he can learn to be a great person by learning about fishing. It's something I've enjoyed off-and-on for about 50 years. Hope everyone keeps getting the bites.
  9. Seeing all these great reports and new members make me want to get out and start fishing.:-) If I can get my son awake maybe I'll get our licenses and get out this afternoon. Welcome to the guys from Williamsport and Falling Waters. Looks like we fish some of the same areas. Hope to see you all out this year. You guys have found a great site with all kinds of helpful people.
  10. Welcome Pagliaro. You found a really good place with really good people here. Lots of sharing. I live about 15 miles south of Hagerstown. Basser89 and Munkin mentioned the best places I think. My son and I fish those places mostly from shore. We got a small(10 foot jon)and we find a new hole every time we put it in the water.:-( We've done best at Sharpsburg but it's too small for any boat. We've done OK at Middletown but last year whenever it rained the water looked like chocolate milk. We used to do good at Brownsville but not much lately. Good luck with your boat finding and your fishing around Hagerstown. We need to get our licenses and get out.
  11. Thanks for the info Allen. He'll be 17 in March. Probabaly should have just went in and checked it out. Sounds like some good deals to be had. We haven't been out since Christmas Day at Sharpsburg Pond and I haven't bought our licenses yet for this year. Hope to get out before too long.
  12. My son and I rode over around mid-day Sunday. I kinda got a sneaky feeling there would be an admission when I saw one entrance was blocked. Got over to the other side and saw a $4 entry fee and passed on it. I guess I could have went in my self but would have left him outside in car and didn't think that was right. Saw two young guys come out but looked they only bought a really small bag of stuff and seen about four others getting ready to enter. Not really knowing what was inside I didn't think it was the money to find out. Maybe they only charged you if you bought something I don't know. Maybe next show I'll go by myself and check it out.
  13. I work until 2:00PM on Saturday. I could stop by on my way home from Greencastle probably around 3:00PM. I could also be there on Sunday anytime that anyone would be there. Never thought about the last minute shopping angle but it makes a lot of sense. What do they sell there?
  14. Thanks. Only thing to do now is get the licenses. I guess we''ll get both WV and MD non-res again. Although we fished more in MD than we did in WV. I'm kinda glad 2011 is over. It was a strange year for me especially at work where we were short-handed most of the year and some real good friends and co-workers left. We didn't do much quality fishing but I sure enjoyed getting out and forgetting the work stuff. Also regret not making the Get-Together and hope to get another oppurtunity there.
  15. Just want to say Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and wish everyone the best for the holidays. We haven't been out much since Thanksgiving Day at Sharpsburg Pond and Middletown Pond...did no good at either place. The Flea Market looks like a good idea. Would only be able to do Sunday and I'm sure Saturday would be better. Sometimes I work late on a Saturday but don't know my schedule too far in advance. If you are going Sunday let me know. Breakfast sounds good, too.:-)
  16. We have gotten out a few times but just to Sharpsburg Pond and once at the Potomac. River was too high and fast. We caught a couple LM about a 1 1/2 at Sharpsburg one time and nothing the next. Looks like fishing is over for us. I would still like to hit Black Hills just to check it out because I'm sure the fishing wouldn't be good. Also the Dickerson thing sounds good but like Black hills it is a lenghty trip. I cross the river at Williamsport 5/6 days a week. I should try the warm-water there. I went one time but couldn't find it and left. I think somebody posted to park in the poweer plant parking lot and walk down to the spot. I'll give it a try before our licenses expire. Hard to beleive another year has nearly gone by. Really regret not going to the "get-together"...just too much work and my son wasn't able to go. Hopefully another one comes together in the spring. Once again thanks to Brian for offering his phone number and to Basser89 for the effort and a thanks to whomever was going to get us a boat. The fishing club sounds interesting but not likely unless the fishing was on Sundays and not Saturdays and Sundays. Might not post much so I'll take this oppurtunity to wish all Happy Holidays now.
  17. Good to see you all had a good time meeting up this past weekend. Hopefully things will be better if another meeting happens in the spring. I was pretty tired, it was kind of a long trip, my son's an only child and doesn't have too many "real" friends and I didn't have the heart to go and get him when he was going to spend the night at a friend's house and I didn't really want to go by myself. Once again thanks for all the offers of a boat ride. My son can't tie a knot and if we fished separately somebody would have had to help him and that wouldn't have been right for them to have to watch out for him and not fish. If we were together I can watch out for him...I'm used to tying knots, etc for him. That was a reson to meet some people to help us learn some about fishing and how to be better fishermen. Thanks again and sorry we missed it.
  18. Just got home from work. 10 hour day and ended a 52 hour week now. Kinda tired now and my wife tells me my son has gone to stay over-night with a friend. Not real interested in making the trip by nyself. I do appreciate all the offers of the boats, etc. I'm gonna pass this time and will make the spring get-together. I have Brian's number and he has mine. I hardly ever turn my phone on but will check text messages. My name is Jerry and my son's name is Dean. Hopefully we can meet up with everyone later on this year or next spring. We would like to try the Dickerson warm-water thing and maybe some will be there this winter. Hope you all catch some fish and have a great time. Once again thanks for the offers.
  19. I'm gonna get home tomorrow around 5:00PM after working two straight 6-day/50 hour work weeks. My concern now is the rain and what it might do to the get-together. We're looking at getting up at 6:00AM to make about a 60 mile drive. Could somebody give me a heads-up on what they think it will be like Sunday? I'm gonna decide on making the trip about 6:00PM Saturday. Thanks for any help.
  20. Thanks for the offer of the rental. We mostly fish from shore and are comfortable with it. If it works out and there is an open boat then we can go from there. I'm guessing if there is only 4/5 of us...no need to bring any food, etc except what you want your self. It will be nice to meet some people that enjoy fishing and know more about it than we do. We've never been to Black Hills and have no expectations of catching fish since that is what we mostly do anyways. We've met some people here and there and have always enjoyed talking with them and exchanging info, etc. I just hope all this rain, etc. doesn't mess things up this weekend.
  21. Count me as 2 with my son coming. Non-boaters. If you have two boats and two non-boaters...we can fish from shore and you 4 can pair up in the boats.
  22. Thanks. Got your message. We'll be in a white Pontiac Aztek. Put us down for the drinks. Just let me know any preferences...like diet. iced tea, soda, water, etc....cans, 2-liters, bottles...not sure about recycling, trash rules for the park. We'll leave Martinsburg around 7:00AM to get there at 9:00AM. I'll check back in to see who brings what and I'll adjust what I bring. If we boat fish...we just have two cheap flourescent vests that don't fit too well. Hope we get decent weather. Thanks again Basser89 for all your effort and I'm sorry you cannot make it but family should come first.
  23. As far as I know my son and I can be there this Sunday. If we fish from shore that is OK. As for time...mid-morning would be good for us. I am figuring at least an hour's travel not counting any time lost due to getting lost. I'm guessing each person brings their own food? We are open to any ideas, times, etc. I think with the directions that Brian gave us that we can find the boat ramp. I was hoping to get there this past weekend but it didn't happen. As for fishing...we don't catch fish as much as we catch fish...so not expecting much in that regard.
  24. Congrats on your boat and thanks for the directions. If the get-together happens we'll take your advice. If the weather is nice Sunday maybe we'll give it a shot this Sunday. Thanks again.
  25. I think it would be better if you were there since you seem to to know most people either directltly or in-directly. I've said before we are open to any Sunday dates and places. As for directions...I've been looking at maps and it would be best for us to go 340 to Brunswick and got to 15 and take 28 South from Point of Rocks. I don't like interstate travel. Any directions from 28 to the park would be good. Better would be directions in the park itself. I can sympethize with any conflicts especially work-related. Since January we have been short 1 or 2 employes and somtimes 3. I've beenw roking 6 days most of the year. If the store was open on Sunday...it may have been 7 days. When Sunday comes I ususlly am pretty tired. I still think a get-together would be a good idea...at a fishing spot or a restaurant. We haven't fished much past Labor Day at all. I n fact I used to fish a great deal as a teenager and basically quit for about 40 years. When my son got about 12 years old fishing became a way to spend time together. Fishing was good...catching fish was a bonus for us. We like to fish together but are by no means real knowledgeble about fishing and a get-togther would a learning experience for us. Thanks again for taking the time and making the effort.
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