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Everything posted by wv

  1. Finally caught something.- last night at Cacapon Park Lahe in Berkeley Springs WV. Hope you can see it.
  2. wv


    This was at Cacapon Park Lake in Berkeley Springs WV.
  3. Thank you both for your thoughts. Thanks for the video. I have three different typ of mono. That will be used for practice. Not where I 'll fish...may just get our WV license.
  4. Congrats to you. Been a whil since I posted. Last year was a total waste...caught nothing other than a couple bluegills. Between the weather, work and not being able to get my son motivated it was a bust. Hoping to get a license soon and get out within a month or so. Just got done talking to my brother. I picked up a baitcaster reel combo at Bass Pro last fall. He was telling me to use Power Pro braided line. Also telling me about backlashing and adjustments. Anyone want to offer any thoughts. Being financially limited I could only afford a Abu-Garcia Silver Max on a 7 foot Bass Pro medioum graphite rod. I wouldn't have bought rod if I kew it was only one piece. I'm going to practice with some mono I have since he said I might 300 yards by the time I get used to things.:-) He thought for what I paid I did OK plus got a free hoodie out of deal after $10 shipping. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. Just want to check in here. We finally caught something last Thursday. Two small bluegills on Tiny Torpedoes in river...neither over 5 inches. Also made it to Black Hills last Sunday. It was big and crowded. Fished some near a boat ramp and up near Visitor Center. Didn't catch anything...looked like a good place for a boat. Hopefully didn't get a speed camera ticket. A big thank you to Brian for directions and some advice. Might go back later and avoid the weekend. Gonna try Cunningham Falls that Allen recommended next. Maybe we can actually catch a bass next time.
  6. Thank you both for the info on BH. Might try this Sunday. We got to Middletown Pond Sunday. Water was pretty cloudy...looks like spawn is over there...I hooked something decent but it shook lose. I stopped by Conococheague Creek near Willaimsport but it wa a little too cloudy although there was few people fishing. I just visited with a younger guy and his young son that had caught a couple of catfish. I think I'll stop there in the future since I pass that way on way to and from work. Thanks again.
  7. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads here. We've been out a couple times recently. We still haven't caught a fish this year. Maybe we can get out today. I've been working 6 days pretty much all year. When I do get some time...it seems the weather gets in the way...when I don't have any time...the weather is great. We've tried Sharpsburg Pond, Middletown Pond. the lake in Baker Park and the river all with no success.The river won't be any good until later in the week unless it rains again. Usually Middletown Pond gets muddy with a little rain. Been wanting to try the Black Hills place but with the travel time don't want to go there and the place be muddy as well. Also, thanks Brian for your help on Black Hills directions a while ago. Not sure if I thanked you or not. Either way I have enjoyed the reports here.
  8. We're hoping to get out today. Potomac doesn't look good for us. Lots of nice reports. We haven't caught a fish yet. Been out 3 times - Potomac/Sharpsburg, Middletown and Baker Park. Maybe we can catch something today.
  9. We got out Thursday night. Tried Baker Park lake we saw mentioned here. Had no luck...water was cloudy I guess from rain. Young guy said he had caught a carp and we saw something pretty big jump - guessing a carp - if they jump. Hope we can get out today somewhere but with all rain last few days not expecting much. Working 6 days next week so not sure about getting out much next week either.
  10. We got out last Sunday. Went to Brownsville Pond and Middletown Pond. Brownsville was low but there were some guys there towing a board with a winch and totally messing the place up...so we left. Middletown was busy with trout people. We saw some bass on one end but coudn't get a bite. Year is almost half over and we haven't caught a fish. River looks out of the question now too. Might try some ponds today. Hope everyone keeps catching fish.
  11. Thanks Brian. That's good. We usually do good before they spawn. Hope to get out again Sunday. Just curious if we try Black Hills if I could get your number again. I think it was you that offered directions if we got off track. Thanks.
  12. Finally got our licenses. Got MD Non-Resident in case you all decide to have a get together sometime. We hit Sharpsburg Pond...I hooked a LM but it spit out bait. Saw a few moving. I was thinking bass would be getting ready to spawn but looks like the spawn is already over. We stopped below the Rumsey Bridge and fished the Potomac...way too much water moving to shore fish. Hope to get out to more ponds soon.
  13. Wow. You guys are really doing a lot of fishing. Haven't even got license yet. If you all are thinking of having a get-together I would get a MD non-res. Last year we just got WV license. Looks like some nice places in Frederick area. My wife and I enjoy the Goodwil stores in that area...Thurmont, Walkersville and the two in Frederick. Hope to see some of you all sometimes. I'm guessing LM are ready to spawn soon if not already. Take care all.
  14. I want to say Merry Christmas to all as well. Not sure last time I posted or last time we fished for that matter. Starting the first day of vacation in late August my mother-in-law went in hospital. Off and on until her passing in mid-Octber she was in and out of nursing homa nd hospital. Dean and I haven't done much since. Hoping to get our licenses soon...probably get our MD Non-Res again. Maybe get to meet some of you all in person. Hope you all have a great New Year too.
  15. Looks like you all are still doing well with your fishing. We've been out a few times lately. Been catching some but all under 8 inches. I'm almost embarrased to ask this question but I'm going to anyway. I had something happen on the river Monday that really upset me. I caught a smallie...only about 7 inches. He hit a 5 inch Yum Dinger. Got him in and he was hooked deep in his tongue(Iguess). I had a hard time getting hook out with pliers...really a small area. Long story short he didn't make it. I know I could have cut the line and left hook in but was worried at his size it would have been too big. Just want to know what you guys do in that situation = I had my son with me and really regretted the fish dying. Any help you guys can give would be apprecaited and if you have to criticize I can understand too.
  16. Want to check in again. Finally got on board for the year last Saturday. Caught about a 2lb LM at Cacapon Lake in Berkeley Springs. Used a Yum Dinger. My son caught about an 8 inch LM on a Yum Dinger too. Spent most of the time talking to a guy and couldn't fish much. It was windy and water was drawn down to dredge for their paddle boats. We didn't get our MD licenses but that seems to be where the action is from everyone's reports. We're hoping to hit the Potomac soon...looks water will be too high now. Also want to welcome the new members. You have joined a great place here. Hopefully we can report more often now.
  17. Wow...looks like a lot of action has been going on here . . Just wanted to let you all know we were still around. Between work, weather and some minor health issues we haven't been out. Don't even have licenses yet. I think we'll just get our resident WV and not fish the MD ponds we usually hit. Last year they all pretty much sucked for us. Hop fully we can get out soon...maybe this weekend. Still looks like Black Hills is where the action is...some great reports from there I see. Hope everybody keeps catching fish.
  18. Hello everyone again. Just got my computer running after several months of problems. Had to replace the hard drive...just robbed from an older one that had a disk drive go bad. That was an experience...took days to figure it out, update and re-introduce everything. I'll echo sentiments on Allen's boat. We've got an old beat up 10 foot Ouacita aluminum jon with a one inch hole that needs patched. Got a small Minn-Kota trolling motor that my brother gave us. No registration and title bought boat when I was 13 and living in Delaware...it has a registration from their dated 1983...guess I could back there and do it somehow. It sounds a little complicated here in WV although at our size it's free...probably would have to pay personal property taxes on it too. Not sure about getting our Non-Resident licenses for MD this year...gas is high...we usually fish Middletown, Sharpsburg and Brownsville Ponds...all 3 pretty much sucked last year for some reason. Fished Greenbriar once and was checked by DNR. Got lucky because I had my son's and mine in my wallet and it took a little while to find. But no problems once I found it. We did have good(for us)luck on the smallies in the Potomac near Shepherdstown. We'll just get our WV and knock around the Panhandle I guess. If you all decide to have another Get-Together we would get licenses then. Realy regret not going last time but son wouldn't get up and I didn't want to travel by myself. Also didn't want someone to carry him in their boat with him not being able to tie his own knots. We would have just fished from shore together if there was a place hear by the gathering spot. Do appreciate Brian's offer to help out on the phone though. Thanks again Brian. Just wanted to check in and let everyone know we're still around but not reporting much yet. Hope everyone can have a good fishing season.
  19. Merry Christmas to you and everyone here. We haven't been out lately. Probably get out MD Non-Res licenses soon.
  20. Happy Late Thanksgiving. I posted Thursday but it didn't post. We got out a little Thanksgiving Day. River was crystal clear and a little too fast for us. My son spotted two spinnerbaits in a tree. Found a long bamboo branch somebody discarded and got them both down. One was a double-bladed Strike King ...looked brand new. One blade was silver and larger the other small blade was gold colored. Both were smooth. The was non-marked, red and a little rusted on the hooks. We don't use spinnerbaits much ...I'm guessing the Strike King is probably a decent one. It was kinda good to find some equipment ...we're better at losing than finding. Also kinda good to see we're not the only people throwing stuff in trees. Hope everyone was able to be thankful for something. Keep catchin' em and take care all. We're probably done until next year unless we hit the watm-water at Willismsport or less likely Dickerson.
  21. Glad to see some people still catching fish. Just wanted to check-in and let evryone we're still around. Have not been fishing much. Weny about two Sundays ago and were shut out. It's been a pretty disappointing year overall. We did do a lot better on smallies but not much action on largemouths at all. It seems the weather, work and other time-consuming projects all worked against us. Hope to get out maybe a couple more times but not sure. Take everyone and hope evryone keeps catghing some fish.
  22. Sorry to have not posted much lately. We haven't been out any in a long time. When I had time it was bad weather...when weather was good...no time. Hope to get out soon somewhere. This has been a pretty crappy year for us other than a time on Potomac when we caught some smallies and some with decent size. Ponds we ususally fish were real slow and the river has been up and down for us too. Should have made it to Black Hills...that seems to be the place. Just wanted to check in and let everyone we're still around just not much to report. Hope evrybody has successful trips.
  23. Got some replies, a short report and a question in order. SeanMD - welcome to this group...I say it all the time and mean it each time...you've found a great group of fishermen and people. They ven let people not from Maryland chime in and it's apprecited. We got out last Sunday. Tried Middletown Pond...water was too dark. Tried Dam #4...too crowded...and then hit our usual spot near Rumsey Bridge. Water was a little low but in good condition. My son had a few hits but no fish. I got three - one on a Yum Money Craw in dark blue and two on a Tiny Torpedo. Two smallies - biggest being about 12 inches and another about 8 inches...they both left the water three or four times each. Funniest being a 4 inch blugill taking the TT...it got all three rear trebles in it's small mouth...what a chore unhooking him...he survived it though. One thing I've noticed this year is that the smallies we're catching a a little bigger than past years and are quite stout. My question is about posting with your cell phone. I just got an Android smartphone(right now it's smarter than me)and would like to post with it. Problem is I don't see how to do it without Facebook or Twitter. I've got Facebook but would like to post info here not there. Any and all help would be appreciated. Hope everybody keeps catching 'em. Also enjoyed Bill's report from Point of Rocks.
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