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About RedhookRR

  • Birthday 04/21/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Havre, MT
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Bear Paw

RedhookRR's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Just wish I had it Direct still won't get it. Guess it gives me a reason to go fishing instead of watching.
  2. The guy that has to come barreling in on at full speed in a boat and your in a kayak paddling to get out of his way just so he can fish your spot for 15 mins just to take off again cuz the fish are not biting. They were before he showed up. People not knowing their boating laws. The dumb*** that runs a railroad crossing when a train is coming because they can wait 3 mins for the train to go by.
  3. Man that is one of the biggest things I hate. There is a lot of people around here that I see that don't know the state boating rules. Use to be part of SAR in the last town that I lived in, we were scuba dive training one time with flag bouys out and this boat just comes through with no thought at all, bad part for him was having 2 shereff deputies on our SAR's dive recusue group there. Is the main reason that the lakes I fish with my canoe are less than 10hp no wake, or no motor lakes. Would love to have those stabilizers on my canoe just for the fishing aspect. Now if Darwin would just hand out more awards. Problem would be solved.
  4. so what about using the fish oil that they sell in the health section or soak them in a double espresso (strike king coffee). C ould see that going thru the starbucks on the way to the lake. I 'll take a quad shot french vannilla latte and the fish will have a double espresso.
  5. Montana is better.
  6. Shore fishing 95 percent of the time, if I do get to use a boat is a yak or canoe. Working on My flat stern canoe setup so I can get it into the water soon.
  7. Rapala jointed Shad Rap any size and your choice of colors.
  8. Ya Sam love mine but he is a has his issues. Friendly to a point with people and good with animals though. Miss my Staffordshire though she was the sweetest thing. Had to put her down last year from cancer. Do have to say both were and are great with my son from birth to 3 yrs old now.
  9. Two things needed- earplugs and a dog crate My wife wanted one, I just reminded her that her aussie would think it was a chew toy. Oh and you can bet they bought the pup for a 1000 bucks too.
  10. Roll I would try your local dealers to see if you can rent them to try. The thing is that you are going to be the one using it, so you want to have something that satisfied with. I have not used Hobie, my father has a Native ultimate that I have used. I like the design of the trihull. Tracks straight, stable, only issue i have is that you do need the rudder when turning of course this could be just an issue because it is a tandem. Do like the Native Mariner design.
  11. Do you plan on using it main lakes, tidal, or rivers? Are you stuck on Hobies? Plenty of other good brands. Have you used kayaks before? Just some questions to put out there. Don't have a lot of XP with them myself, mainly shore fishing, but they are a blast to fish from. Hopefully JFrancho or some others will come along and give their more knowledged views.
  12. Dude, that just sucks.
  13. Had to look. The county that I live in is over 2X's the size of RI. Hope it dries out for you soon.
  14. One of my best strikes, shore fishing was with a dropshot. I agree with DVT on add length to the leader though does help.
  15. I lend ya my snorkel and fins.
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