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About ab8aac

  • Birthday 12/26/1944

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. YES,,,, that is a beauty SALUTE Frank Williams
  2. Since the first of the year I have caught 170 fish on ragetail baits. If you are having trouble with them and want help send me a pm and I will help anyway I can, now that being said, if a person dosen't like something and has made up his mind that he dosen't like it, there is nothing and I mean NOTHING, that is going to change his mind. So this begs the question, Why keep beating a dead dog? Just get rid of them (mail them to me) and go get what you think is better, and you will be happy and I will be happy. You do nothing with this kind of post but start arguments which serve no good purpose for this board or fishing in general. salute Frank Williams
  3. I have one blue shirt I have worn and won 4 tournaments, placed 2 in 3, and 3rd in 3, only time I haven't worn it I didn't place, so that is mine, my lucky blue shirt.
  4. well you are starting out at the right age, start reading everything you can get your hands on, starting right here in the upper left hand corner with the fishing articles, after that it is practice, practice, practice, and some more practice. SALUTE Frank Williams Hawkins, Tx
  5. Have ya'll ever fished for yellow bass? Here in texas in the spring and fall they school up and thrash the small shad, and the bass thrash them, the sexy shad resembles a yellow bass. If you catch the water boiling with the yellows throw a sexy shad and crank it down real quick and just see how many large mouths in the 4-6lb range you get swiming under the yellows picking up the dieing shad and also feeding on the yellows, I got one 5lber last month doing this that had 2 small yellow bass in his stomach whcih he threw up in my live well. Several times I have caught large mouths this way and you could see the tail of a yellow in their throat. It might not be the reason but it sure seems like it to me. SALUTE Frank Williams
  6. WELL DONE ! ! ! ! There needs to be more guys like you in this world.... SALUTE Frank Williams Hawkins, Texas
  7. If they are following a spinner bait then turning away try changing the blade on the top, if you have silver go with gold or copper, if it is willowleaf try colorado, if they are chasing every bait and not taking it try a ragetail eeliminator and pull it very slow just fast enough to make it wobble, that works for me, a lot.
  8. CATT just FYI the sabine just south of Hawkins last night was 12 feet above flood stage and rising. You got a lot of water comming we had 5" of rain last 36 hours, it will pick up water all the way to you. Lake o the pines yesterday was 14.08 feet above flood pool, houses flooded boat roads under water and they can't get it down as Caddo is 5.3 feet above flood stage but all of this water goes into the RED RIVER, just mentioned that to show how much water we have north of you.
  9. Martin creek is good power plant lake where some fish starting to make beds already. There is a state park thereand in the state parks you only pay 3.00 and don't need a fishing license no matter what state you are from. We have several state park lakes within an hour of Tyler, tx one the Tyler State Park will be stocked with rainbow trout around Dec 18.
  10. NOW THAT IS FUNNY.....oh and one more thing about KYKX Coors was the major sponser that year, putting up the cash for the boat, the entertainment, etc. The guy who went to jail was a district salesman for COORS. So he also lost his job and after I transported him to jail, I had to go find his trailer and the impound wrecker came towed his truck and trailer to the weigh-in site and the game wardens then loaded up his boat and seized truck, boat and trailer. It sold at auction for less than 1/4 of what it was worth, sadly I couldn't even bid on it because I worked for the Sheriff's Office as an investigator. :'(
  11. We had a guy put fishing weights in a bass at the KYKX 105,000.00 tournament at lake o the pines a few years ago. The game wardens arrested him and before they took it to the grand jury for indictment, they knew where he had bought the weights, had a copy of the cash register tape from the computor, had a biologists report as to wheither the fish was even caught from the pines which it turned out it wasn't, a complete bank record of all his accounts, a record of every fishing tournament he had fished. When it went to court the following month he was charged with the cheating during a bass tournament and got 7-10 years in the pen. The jury recomended probated sentence since he was first timer and had a family and all, but guess what, in 90 days the Texas Rangers arrested him again for solicitation of murder he tried to hire a undercover Texas Ranger to kill his wife for the insurance money even gave the ranger the rifle and ammo to use. He got 5 years to do on that they then brought him back to Jefferson and the judge set aside the 7-10 years probated sentence and gave him 20 for the felony theft cheating in a bass tournament. Point being this guy is looking at some serious time in the pen.
  12. Hey go catch two more and ship them to me, I have a club classic tournament this sunday and I could say I got them way up north, they wouldn't have to kknow how far north....... very nice fish there congrats
  13. parasites in the water, some can form worms in the meat, I would take it to state biologists and have him check it, and I wouldn't eat any fish until I got a report just in case.
  14. try ragetail babycraw and the eeliminator worked slow as slow as you can just get the tail working, they will slam it I betcha
  15. OK CATT where is the funny pics, like the one where your brother catching you falling in the creek, he he he he THESE ARE ALL AWSUME PICS ! ! ! ! ! ! !! Thanks for sharing them
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