Okay, I've only caught one catfish in my life, and that was about a 3lber that I caught on a Rat L trap during a rainstorm. I'd love to actually catch a few on purpose, but I have no experience and know no other fishermen in my circle who have any.
How do you rig for a catfish? Is it as simple as throwing a few splitshot on a line with a big hook and throwing it out? I've heard you should let it lie on the bottom, but I've heard people say that if you can get it to float a few inches above the bottom it's easier to get bites on. Anyone with experience here to tell me who's correct?
How can you actually tell if you have a bite? Just sit and wait until the line rips out or does anyone have little "tips" or "cheats" they use to know when they're getting a nibble? Heck, I've heard of people using bobbers... does that even work with cats?
Also, I live near a pond that I've heard has some big cats, but I've never seen any or met anyone who's caught them there. Should I be fisihing in locations such as weed beds, tree limbs under water, ect?
Sorry for my ignorance on cats. I've often told my friends the worst day fishing is still better than the best day of doing anything else (other than, maybe, at a race track)... it would be awesome for it to start taking up my nights, too.