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About The_Punisher

  • Birthday 01/24/1983

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    Brownsburg, IN

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  1. Okay, I've only caught one catfish in my life, and that was about a 3lber that I caught on a Rat L trap during a rainstorm. I'd love to actually catch a few on purpose, but I have no experience and know no other fishermen in my circle who have any. How do you rig for a catfish? Is it as simple as throwing a few splitshot on a line with a big hook and throwing it out? I've heard you should let it lie on the bottom, but I've heard people say that if you can get it to float a few inches above the bottom it's easier to get bites on. Anyone with experience here to tell me who's correct? How can you actually tell if you have a bite? Just sit and wait until the line rips out or does anyone have little "tips" or "cheats" they use to know when they're getting a nibble? Heck, I've heard of people using bobbers... does that even work with cats? Also, I live near a pond that I've heard has some big cats, but I've never seen any or met anyone who's caught them there. Should I be fisihing in locations such as weed beds, tree limbs under water, ect? Sorry for my ignorance on cats. I've often told my friends the worst day fishing is still better than the best day of doing anything else (other than, maybe, at a race track)... it would be awesome for it to start taking up my nights, too.
  2. J-Nam - I'm usually a creek fisherman. I enjoy a small pond out my way, but to me, nothing beats fishing little honey-holes in a creek. Especially if I can get the current to take my lure a little further around the corner - who knows what's waiting for me down there?
  3. Thanks for the response guys! Cajun - While I certainly agree that fish aren't needed for fishing (as a matter of fact, some of my best days fishing I've skunked), I'm not sure I want to bare mid 30's temps (and mid 40's) if there aren't any fish involved. I could be using that time working a little OT at work, to save up for when the evil baitmonkey strikes hard this spring! Thanks for the advice guys! Trust me, I really want to get out there, but I'd like it to be comfortable as well as enjoyable. But maybe this weekend...
  4. Long time, no post! I've been lurking since about mid-November, when I had to put up the fishing equipment for the winter here in Indy. Now with warmer weather approaching (but still not here, at least for me!) I'm wondering if I were to go out, if the fish would even be that interested. What's a good time for the Midwest (Indiana, specifically) to get back out there and fish? I know a lot of you have years of practice, but this has been really been my first year of fishing since being a kid. When, and at what temp, will the bass be ready for me? ::drools over the next time he can go out creek fishing::
  5. I saw it as well. Nice going, buddy!
  6. Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Those barra look gorgeous!
  7. I've had great success wade fishing with camo BDU's and also a pair of black SWAT tactical pants I picked up from the US Cav catalogue.
  8. While fishing today I thought about a few things that I couldn't answer. Maybe you can help? 1. While fishing a creek or small pond, will rainfall affect the fishing? Will the change in water level (high after rain or low after a dry spell) hurt or help? 2. On a sunny day, which produces more strikes - the area of creek/pond in the shade or those areas in the sunlight. Have you noticed a difference? 3. If you see a lot of fish breaking the surface for food, is this the time for a surface lure or does it matter? If they're in a hungry mood, will the lure make a difference? I'd appreciate any help I could get. Like I said, when I have a question I usually try to answer it by using common sense, but the questions I couldn't come up with answer for. Thanks!
  9. Well, I highly doubt it was anthing like a Pike since this is just a very small creek in Indiana. I've been scoping this spot out for weeks and have only seen small bass, sunfish, and carp. As for the line, it wasn't old (I bought it Wednesday) and as for cheap... it was Trilene. Is that a good brand that you anglers trust? It easily could have been the drag. Then again, it just as easily could have been a frayed or torn up line since it's been dealing with snags all day long. I appreciate the help, guys. I swear if I feel the line take off like that again I'll land that puppy and take a picture dedicated to all the guys on the board. Maybe if I can catch him in the next day or two I can get my lure back as well. Thanks again!
  10. Just went fishing in a small creek near my house and got a huge bite towards the end of my day. I immediately set the hook, but before I could do anything else *SNAP*! My line apparently had no chance. I was using 8lb test, and I never would have thought that anything other than a carp would have snapped it. I have no idea what it was (too far under the water) and I was using a Mepps #2 in-line skirted spinner. Now, my new reel has an anti-reverse feature that I had left on. Now since I just got this reel Wednesday, I had no idea what the feature did (let alone that I might need it fishing small creeks). Anyhow, should this have been off? Like I said, this all happend in a matter of a second or so and the only thing I had time to do was stop reeling and ponder what to do next. I sure would have liked to know what was on the other end of that line.
  11. Great post, Raul! Then again, everything posted here has been helpful. Once I can find a spot that I can night fish at, I'm there!
  12. Just came back from the local pond and I have you all beat. You want to know what I just caught? How about my brand new Motorola cellphone. That's right, I sat it next to a cement bench in a zip-lock bag (after the little woman called to chat) and sure enough, my next cast caught the bag and flung it into the pond. It landed about a foot out in the water (that's right, almost stayed dry) and while I ran to grab it within a matter of seconds, it still seems to be dead. Looks like I'll have to drop another $50 on the deductible and get a new one. I obviously should have gone fishing as God intended - with no contact to the outside world.
  13. I'm also from a small town in Indiana (Brownsburg).
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