suck at tying knots, and do a poor job of landing fish. Must be the lines fault, and probably the rod, and the reels drag too, but definitely not yours : :-X
In all seriousness, learn from your mistakes. It is very frustrating to lose big fish, and very tempting to blame equipment. Personally I don't like YZ line either, but not for the same reasons. I actually found it to be extremely strong.......almost to a fault. When you hit your thumb with a hammer don't blame the hammer.
Well I've always used the improved clinch and have never had a problem until switching to this line, but perhaps thats because it's a lighter test than I am used to
In other words you think it was equipment failure and not your ability that caused your problem ?
The fact is, I have never had issues with my line breaking until I switched to this line recently, and I obviously have been landing my fish the same way, on the same knot and have caught big fish doing so (like the one in my avi at over 6lbs). I've already said it may be the clinch weakening the line due to improper lubrication or whatever. I'm just trying not to lose more fish.
Leave my thread if you're just looking to start trouble and not contribute anything, I'm not here to argue with you about stupid stuff, especially when you're obviously just trying to start trouble
So you were using 6# test of some other brand, and landing your fish this way?
Perhaps you lucked out and the fish in your avvie didn't struggle like a maniac while dangling.
No, I believe my last line was 10# mono, but the hybrid is supposed to have a breaking strength of about 12lbs.