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About Jepu

  • Birthday 08/24/1982

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    upstate NY

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  1. I second flipping the beaver, although I prefer a chigger craw its basically the same thing.
  2. I use a cabelas XPG. Its fairly pricey but well worth it in my mind. It works great for bank fishing, co-angler tournies, and in my boat. Lots of storage, and easy to organize.
  3. I use the Cabelas XPG Deluxe angler pack. I like it because when i am getting ready in the morning or walking to the boat launch you can wear it on your shoulders. It will hold 7 3600's plus many smaller compartments, and still has the large backpack rear compartment that you can keep worm binders and spinnerbait binders in. I used to fish with the Plano in the first picture, the one that held 3700's. It was an ablolute monster and just a burden to lug around. I spent time learning to condense my tackle. I think it makes you more efficient as well. The XPG carries all the gear you could ever need.
  4. This kind of attitude gets me excited! Lets do it!
  5. Im in, you guys better watch out! I've got some smokin picks for the classic!
  6. Steve Kennedy, the guys an awsome fisherman and he's got one coming. I like his stance on sponsors and fishing. He values the fishing aspect much more than sponsors if youve ever listened to his interviews. And his skill as an angler keeps him fishing without the financial assistance of a lot of sponsorships.
  7. Use microsoft excel if you have any expierence with it, or ask someone that you know that has expierence with it. You will be able to create a spreadsheet, insert the percentages, and create a calculator that will do everything you need. Excel is a powerful tool.
  8. We used to go for a week every year around the fourth of July, mostly for Largemouths but there is also a good population of Smallmouths. A lot of northerns as well. We used to catch a lot of channel cats while bass fishing. A good spot for flipping and pitching is the Indian river inlet. There is a good distance of the river before it enters the lake where there is awsome slop mats and emergent vegetation with current. Look the lake over on google earth and order a fishing hot spots map, theres plenty of good bass fishing. Its been a few years since we have been up there. We used to rent campsites at McClears Cottage Colony, and at Rogers Old Oak Camps.
  9. I am already registered for all of the Western NY Weekend Series events. I was also thinking about doing some of the northeast BFL's. Maybe I will run in to you at some of the tourneys. Good luck when you go south.
  10. I usually google the particular lake and try different key words like, "Kerr Lake fishing reports" or different word combinations. Almost always you can come up with what your looking for, especially if it is a well known lake location. Also, if you know different tournament organizations in your area, you can search their particular web sites for past tournament results.
  11. I bought three combos there last month that were on sale online and were not in the store. At the store the clerk looked up the ad online and they honored it in the store.
  12. Last year you could watch the weigh-ins live as they were happening. I dont see that option on Bassmaster.com this year. Thats too bad. I enjoyed watching the opens weigh ins. You can still watch the live weigh-ins for the FLW(Strens,Series, and tour)
  13. When we do small buddy tournaments with multiple species we disignate it by points. We use length often but it works with weight too. For Example a LMB between 12 and 14 inches = 1 point, between 14-16=2points. Crappie 9-11"=1point, etc. It works out pretty well and everyone enjoys it because people can fish for whatever they want. We will designate a total # of fish allowed to weigh in. Usually the number of the minimum allowable bag size.
  14. Check out the Bassmaster website. I believe you can watch it on ESPN 360 on the internet but I am not positive. Usually Bassmaster.com has live coverage.
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