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  1. Sunline Sniper is a really good FC and handles GREAT on spinning reels, I dont fish spinning reels so I dont use it much however On the spinning reels I do have thats whats spooled on them.. Sunline Shooter is THE BEST FC IMHO its the most Sensitive, strong, holds up to abrasion best, awesome knots, smooth tying FC Ive ever used... and I have used them all the only one that comes close to shooter is Toray Bawo Premium Plus and it still really dont compare.... If you liked Tatsu then you will LOVE Shooter...Another amazing FC thats priced a little better then shooter and is really good is Megabass Dragon call FC Its my 2nd choice in FC's behind Shooter and in front of the Toray Bawo... When it comes to braid Daiwa is the only way to go!!! nothing is in the same ball park with it... if you dont want to use the Daiwa braid and want something else then my next choice is Toray Bawo Finesse Braid and it is really good, has everything the Daiwa braid has to offer HOWEVER it cost most its around 40 bucks for 82 yards... I have it on 4 reels and the reason its on them is because I bought 4 spools to test out wondering just how good it could be for the price and its the same as the Daiwa stuff I would never buy it again unless I cant get the Daiwa stuff... When it comes to Nylon/copolys lines I fish only three and they are..#1 Sunline Shooter Defier Nylon Monofilament and #2 Sunline Machine Gun Cast #3 Toray Bawo Polyamide Plus.. If you dont want to pay those high prices for those lines but want a really good Nylon line Sunline Super Natural Monofilament is good and priced REALLY good its 10 bucks for 330 yards.. I have used it on a few reels in fact just took it off 2 reels a few days ago. I will respool a few top water setups with it when I take the Polyamide off them. Another really good FC that is great and priced well is the Sugoi Fluorocarbon (Gary Yamamoto line) its priced around 18-20 bucks for 130 yards and the stuff is stellar its one of the most sensitive FC's out there close to shooter in that area BUT shooter is far less stiff then the Sugoi line other then that is awesome and I have used it a lot before I fished Shooter and Dragon call. RW what # test FC do you use the most? Let me know and Ill send you a spool of Shooter to try out in that pound test if I have it or the closest I have to that test and you can give the guys your opinion on it! I have some spools laying around in lower pound test that I wont ever use so I dont mind given you one so you will fall in love with it lol.
  2. * is best, all others are crap and that's it * indicates Daiwa.
  3. That KVD reel had an ALUM frame, the ZX has a graphite frame. It is made by quantum like I said and they have a few store brand reels based on it... The Tournament ZX Spinning Reel is a Exceler with one extra bearing and painted white..
  4. The ZX HS is made by Quantum, They make one for Dicks sporting goods to at dicks its called Quantum Escalade Baitcast 870 at dicks.. The Cabela's Fish Eagle® Tournament II Baitcast Reel Is the Daiwa Procaster 6+1... its also this reel to thats a BPS only reel lol its just a different color, but the same reel. Daiwa® Procaster® Tournament PT100-6Bi Baitcast Reel The Cabela's Prodigy is a Advantage 153/ Tierra... Those reels simply preform at there price points. I have a Few Advantage HSTA's that guest can grab when we head to the boat.. I have not really fished anyone the ones I bought for loaners but I have played with them a little.. Those reels are tops at there price point I bought my nephew a few Tierra's a while back and they are sweet at there price.. and the Cabela's Prodigy preforms the same and even has a Zillion like Swept handle, all for 99.99 and you can get them all the time for 70.00.. I have bought some for loaners to and a few for my dad and nephew... when they are on sale for 69.99 and you use your Cabela's club Visa card it will reduce the price in cart to 49.99 and when I see that I bought 9 for guest reels and some for my dad and nephew... I know this is telling more then you asked but Im just trying to let you know how much of a value this reel really is... This is truthfully a reel that will fish with reels in the 160-190 dollar price range and beat some of them... The Advantage HSTA is like 169.99 and its a heck of a reel at that price... Its Factory "Super tuned" casting performance is just like the Prodigy and thats good, the HSTA will go a little lower in bait weight's but not much... and you will notice the HSTA is a tad smoother thanks to the 4 bearing handle... and you can grab these reels at 50-70 bucks NEW with ease... Tackletour gave the HSTA Editor's choice award.. and gave rave reviews about the HSTA and about how it way out preformed its price point... now take that review and drop the price to 50-70 bucks and you have a flat unbelievable deal.
  5. Perfectly spoken/wrote RW... bravo!
  6. JYHO , correct ??????????????????? Well I would hope you dont go home because you fish a shimano... I would understand if you had to tho. Lol JK Shimano makes great reels just not my cup of tea.. I never liked how They have casted nor the way they look.. but to each their own. Im not saying anything bad about shimano... Shimano and Daiwa are the two biggest reel companies in the world for a reason. they both make high preforming reels and rods that will last a very long time and stay flawless year after year if taken care of.
  7. Should be moved to the "Pampers" forum imo. The both of you could have just not clicked on the link? Just about EVERYTHING has been posted on here one time or another... so if people didnt post new questions because it has been done before this forum wouldnt be very much now would it? I cant get over how people B!@#H about someone posting something but yet they still come and make their little waste of bandwidth comments when all they had to do was keep it to them selfs and not open that post! its SO funny to me... everyone just stop posting if you see one post from even 5 years ago on the subject! because the post patrol will post off topic telling you that your posting a endless thread that no one wants to read yet they still open it and reply to it but you are wrong for wasting bandwidth for posting it and they arent because they are the Post Patrol! get it right Son, They want blood.
  8. I fish ONLY Daiwa reels, Daiwa, Evergreen and Megabass rods.. and one of the three NRX's kept a full time spot on the boat, the other two was sold off! 90% of my reels are JDM models I have a very large Limited edition collection. I do have a few USDM Zillions, Steez and Sol's 1 fuego and 1 viento. If its a reel and it isnt a Daiwa it isnt on my boat!!! Go Daiwa or go home!
  9. A TD-Z 105, Alphas, pick you up a used Pixy spool with 6-8# line throw it on a stick that will handle 1/8oz (a rod that will handle 1/8th will handle 1/16th fairly) Throw you a set of ABEC7 bearings on the spool of any of these reels listed and the right line and rod and they will all handle a 1/16th no problem. The Steez 103 will do it to but out of the price range you said. My choice would be the TD-Z 105 because they will handle 1/16th very well and still give you a reel with some power thats ultra comfy to ffish/palm Then the Pixy TD-Z 105's are easier to find but the pixy will with out a doubt do the job better then any other reel out there.. My PX68R's out preform the two stock pixys I have (Stock cept for ABEC7's on the spool and side plate) and will go really low just as my Pixilla's will... they will go well under 1/16th and do it with much more control then a spinning reel.. the right bait caster for handling light baits is far better then doing it with a spinning reel.. I dont even bring but one spinning reel with me its a TD-Z Type R+ 2508.. and I cant remember the last time I used it.. I have BC reel that will handle baits that are lighter then anything I have on the boat to throw. If you want to be able to go low with ease and totally love the reel grab you a Pixy.. If you want more of a full size reel that is wicked comfortable to fish and is just a totally awesome reel grab you a TD-Z 105.
  10. I want a Evergreen TMJC-66MH Air Driver SGS so bad.. I cant find one to save my soul lol... If anyone knows where one for sale is and would point me to it You would become my new bestest friend lol... All kidding aside I want one bad and I just cant seem to find any, A few months ago I had the chance to buy a used one that was a little scratched and nicked up and thats a no no so I passed on it. Now I want a new one or a used one thats mint and they just arent for sell right now. I cant buy from anyone on here because I've been told because I deal in JDM tackle I cant. So I need one listed on a site for sale or something. thanks and I really hope I can find one it would make my day!
  11. The Zillion hands down. Lots of upgrades out there for it if you want it to cast light baits really well just buy the I'ze factory HLC spool you can get them for about 80-100 bucks. but stock the reel is a beast and the TD-Z palming profile is the best ever! once you fish one no other reel will feel right in your hands.. I throw 1/8oz baits pretty easy with the stock one (Just has ABEC 7's in it) on the right rod 1/8oz is not a problem.. most of mine have the HLC spool in them and they will go lower a little but you will get 25-30 feet more distance on a 1/8oz bait most weightless worms weigh more then 1/8oz anyhow and wind resistance will upset you more then weight will so keep that in mind. Zillions get really happy with a 1/4oz+
  12. Im a Daiwa guy Wont ever touch anything but a Daiwa... but Bantam1 was talking great praise about the Caenan it at its price point I just gotta know!... How do you like your?
  13. Dont you love how someone always have something pricky to say? I dont like you, lol thats a awesome badge to wear! Long casting reel=Zillion they will throw cranks from 4 grams and over a long ways... the really start to bomb them at 1/4oz and over.... I love mine for throwing 3/4 to 1oz lipless cranks... on a nice long limber crank rod you can come close to spooling them with 17# line on them... If the Zillion is out of your price range the Aggrest... I dont have one but my dad has 2 or 3 and they feel solid there smooth and cast just about the same as a Zillion casting wise you wont be able to tell them apart... The are pretty light to like 7 1/2ozs... and can be had for 140ish new.... they do feel good for the price thats for sure and look pretty good to! The frame feels pretty good in hand and you can tell that its a high quality reel. the drag is very smooth to just a overall great reel at 140-150 dollars. Only problem you may have with it is the 7.3 GR working you to death deep cranking but if you are already used to a high speed reel for cranking this one would work perfect for you... If you can spring for the Zillion you can get a Low speed Crazy cranker and not be worked hard deep cranking! I have 2 and LOVE them!
  14. I tie a Double Palomar knot with braid and an Improved Clinch knot with everything else. Uni to Uni for all braid to leader connections.
  15. This is VERY true, the 6'9MH XF is a TON of rod that weights 113.2 grams... it balances well with a Zillion on it this is the only one I have with a Zillion on it.. the rod is a beast of a 6'9 rod very light for the power and very sensitive.. It has no trouble pitching very heavy cover and make a good frog rod to! I like it for BIG T-Rigs 12in+ worm's with 3/8oz+ weights 55# Daiwa braid. this rod is plenty sensitive with a decent mono/coploy very sensitive with a good FC and VERY VERY sensitive with Daiwa braid.... if you are looking for a silly strong, Very Sensitive, Very powerful, good looking and light weight line of rods at 200 dollar range this rod will fit the bill and you will be VERY happy with it.... IMHO there isnt a rod in the sub 300 dollar range that will compete with this line up.... 95% of the rods that have a full time spot in my boat are 500-850 dollar rods... And for 4 of these to have a full time spot on my boat is amazing to say the least.. I have plenty of other very high end/Very high dollar JDM and Custom sticks in the rod n reel room that dont have full time spots in the boat.... I have the 691MHXF, Flipping Rod 7'6" Heavy (761HFB), Swimbait Rod 7'4" Extra Hvy (741XHFB) and the 661MXF...The are all great rods and OH SO powerful lol...
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