A few months ago I took a buddy and my two boys out fishing, just a quick Sunday afternoon trip. We launched in a reservoir and ran way up the river to a couple of small lakes. We get to the spot, I hand my boys their rods, I drop the trolling motor, and I hear my buddy screaming "Oh my god! Oh my god! I need help!" I turn and look and he has a trap going thru his right eye! His first cast went into the brush and he yanked it out; when the trap flew by his face, the hooks caught him. I left the boat drifting, I move my boys to the front of the boat, I have him sit down, and I start evaluating the damage.
What we thought was a hook through the eyeball turned out to be a hook through the lower eyelid, not touching the eye... in, out, and hooked into the eyebrow, holding his eye closed. We briefly discussed heading for the nearest ranger station, but were afraid the long ride back would cause more damage. I get the hook out of his eyebrow, and now the trap is dangling from his lower eyelid (in hindsight, that would have made a GREAT picture!). I start working it free, when one of my boys yells "watch out dad!" and my buddy YANKS his head around to see what they are talking about, nearly ripping off his eyelid! Turns out the boat was just drifting up on the bank... no big deal. We turn back to the business on hand and finally make the decision that it's time to cut. He happened to have a razor knife with him, so I start cutting, small, minute cuts, freeing the hook from his eyelid. There was suprisingly little blood... I pulled out my Army first aid kit and we got his eyelid cleaned up.
Now, this is a sign of a good fishing partner... or a stupid one... I ask if he wants to head back to the ramp and he says "No, it's not bleeding, let's just fish!"
After we got done shaking and the adrenaline rush subsided, we went on to have a great couple of hours of fishing, catching 25 bass or so, and my 7yr old boy caught his first two bass all by himself (cast, reeled, caught the bass, landed it)!
We laugh about it all the time now, and have renamed the lake "Hookeye Dan Cove"!
Oh, he went to his doctor the next day and got a tetanus shot... the doc asked how he got the trap out and Dan told him "my buddy cut it out with a knife". The doc said, "Well, he did a good job!" Now you can barely see a little scar on his eyelid.
I now keep a pair of pliers specifically for cutting hooks in the boat... and we troll over to where we're hung up now, instead of yanking on it!
Good times!