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Everything posted by Gangley

  1. ive been having your same problems with the spro, i think ill stick with my snagproof frog never had any problems with it. also, try braid or flouro instead of Mono. Mono stretches a lot and can mess up a good hookset.
  2. there shouldnt be hardly any slack in the line.
  3. ZOOM Horny Toad Stanley's Ribbit Rebel Minnow ZOOM Fluke
  4. and hold the fish out as far from you as you can, while also trying to hide your fingers behind the bass if at all possible.
  5. 30 lbs is fine, no reason to go higher unless you are fishing in underwater trees and HEAVY debris
  6. interestingly enough, I get the most hits when fishing it in the subsurface water level. Tug-Tug-Pause....WHACK!!!!! ZOOM Horny Toad all the way!!!! Bullfrog and Watermelon Red Owner Twistlock 5/0 and Gamakatsu 5/0
  7. i have ripped branches out of trees on numerous occasions, and have NEVER had a palomar not fail on my yet. However, i have noticed people identifying different knots as palomar knots. I do a triple line twist then insert the line back through the loop infront of the eyelet, and over the hook. Again, I have never had one fail, and i have busted limbs out of trees and pulled small dead trees from the bottom of small lakes without ever having a failure. Do you ever retie your lines after an outing? What type line were you using?
  8. Castaway CTX at Academy for $50. Great rod for frogging. The cherry woods are BRITTLE. Don't bang the tip on anything, it will break off in a hurry. Broke mine before I ever got to fish with it. If you can keep from breaking the rod, they are actually decent. However it is when, not if, it will break that you will need to be concerned with.
  9. I fish frogs, A LOT! One of the first issues I had with frogging was poor hookset. I actually saw a bass throw a frog that was deep in his throat. Knowing that the frog was deep in his throat and still came out, I figured it was poor hooksets. I quit using the medium rod and went to a much stiffer medium/heavy-fast rod and problems solved. I quickly noticed that most of my hooks were coming straight up into the fishes head and nose, making it hard for the hook to get good penetration, but with the stiffer rod, the hook was able to cleanly break through the barrier when before the rod was too weak. Also, frogs either get their legs ripped off, or they get swallowed WHOLE and are engulfed. I've found that when the legs get hit, if you give the fish a second or two, they will re-gulp and then swallow the entire frog. If the frog is swallowed whole, its rarely spit out quickly. So either way, as soon as you see the bulge take your frog, count to two in your head, then yank the hiney-hole out of that fish. The good thing about frogs, if the fish misses, often times they will hit it again on the next cast.
  10. the last couple fish I have caught have been in less than 2 feet of water, from 12-1pm, in 100 degree weather. Fish the shallows if you get the chance, you never know what you will find.
  11. I'll share my spots with people if I know them or if they are nice people. In general, a judgement of character is what I rely on when deciding to tell people where I fish. Ive found that people who are genuinely nice, are generally nice fishermen as well and will respect the fact that you told them where to fish and will in return provide you with inforation as well. People who are A-holes generally get nothing but a smile from me.
  12. depends on what you are fishing it around. I prefer 30 Power Pro Braid when using a frog because I am generally around lilly pads, weeds, and brush. If you have minimal greenery in teh area, your line should be fine, but if you have a lot of vegetation, go 20 lb mono or flouo as a minimum.
  13. ZOOM Horny Toad. I have had great success when fishing them in the heavy weeds, hydrilla, and pads. Rig them weightless, but instead of making a ruckus on the surface, retrieve them 2-3 inches beneath the surface which creates a bulge in the water. Its just a different retrieval for a frog that most fish havent seen, and it has worked out very well for me.
  14. Check out KaRu lures. They have some really kick butt colors and offer then in a VibraShock which has produced awesome results and they also offer the colors in their swimming jigs that do pretty well also. For bream, check out their Extreme Blue Gill color, its a producer. If they have any crawfish, which they probably do, check out the Crigger Craw color in their Jig section. Best of Luck!
  15. yeah, ive seen that video about a thousand times, lol, trying to figure out what im doing wrong. Ive slashed it, jerked it, burned it in, slow reeled it, everything. Maybe the fish just didnt want it those days, I dunno, but Ive had ZERO luck with it
  16. what retrieval methods are you all using with this bait?
  17. Every Academy that I have been to has them.
  18. I bought an X-rap and I havent had any luck at all with it. I couldn't catch a current with it What retrieval method are you using? Are you using it like a slash bait, a wounded minnow, or just casting and retrieving?
  19. ZOOM Horny Toad, without a doubt.
  20. Gangley


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