Most all of the brands listed are great in my opinion and you wont go wrong chosing any one of them.
However, brands of lures vary greatly in quality and details depending on what type of fishing you are doing and what specific traits you are looking for in your lures.
For instance, a 7 inch ribbon tail worm is gonna basically be the same for a lot of manufacturers so pick your brand preference for a generic ribbon tail worm based on whatever whimsicle detail you want. However, if your wanting something specific in a 7 inch worm, thats when you need to be specific about brand. As an example, Rage's new 7 inch worm will put out more thump than most ribbon tails and that can really bring the fish in sometimes while the ZOOM, Berkely, Gambler, etc. will all have milder actions that produce equally as well when less thump is needed. Again, brand preference is mostly important once you know what you are specifically wanting from a lure, but if you are looking for generic items, any brand listed will meet your needs.
As an addition to the question you asked, quality is something that a lot of beginning tackle buyers seem to over look. Make sure that your terminal tackle is quality so that you arent spending loads of money and time re-tying and replacing. Good hooks, good line, good swivles, good weights, good etc. will save you more money and catch you more fish in the long run. Good lures dont catch anything if they break off or if the hooks get dull quickly. Again, spend the extra 2 or 3 dollars and get the higher quality terminal tackle when available so that the money you spend on plastics isnt thrown away.