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Everything posted by capierrottie2

  1. Finally found me a camp on the bend and got settled in 4th of July weekend. I made 2 night fishing trips with the moon big and bright. We had a total of 9 solid fish. We fished in the Millers Point area to get out of the rough main lake. We did our best the first hour and a half when the moon rose. We fished in 12 foot of water on wood that was near a main river drop off. I lost the first fish I hooked which looked to be around 5 pounds right at the boat and the next cast I had one pull some serious drag and hung me in the wood. We used 10.5 inch old monster June bug red worms texas rigged. Great to be back on the lake and looking forward to all the post.
  2. Been away for a few years due to a transfer to PA for work, but finally back down south. Looking forward to fishing the Bend again. Made a night fishing trip this weekend to the Bend and here are my results. Only got to fish 2 hours due to heavy storms. Spent most of the night in an abandoned boat shed trying to keep dry. Looking forward to reading and contributing to the thread again. FISHING REPORT Date: Saturday May 30th Area: Jessie Low - focused on pockets of grass on flats Depth: 10-12 ft Baits: Carolina rigged baby brush hogs and fluke Color: Watermelon Gold Glitter Bass: 12 total keepers in 2 hours. 4 spots and 8 large mouth. Most all were 2 to 3lb footballs with one about 4lbs All caught in a 50 yard stretch of spotted grass.
  3. Fishing Report for 4/13-15 We got to the lake around 6pm and headed out to Jessie Lowe and caught 6 on C-Rigged watermelon red flukes in 8 to 12ft of water. Sat morning I fished a tournament at Sam Rayburn and placed third. After the tournament we headed back to the Big Pond and caught anouther 5 fish on the same pattern in Jessie Lowe. Sunday we fished until noon using the same pattern and landed 7 more. Nothing big, a few dinks mixed in, but all most were good quality 2 to 3 pd fish. All the fish were holding in grass. If you can find the grass you will catch some fish.
  4. I have the same exact motor and year model. The same thing happen to me last year. I was told that it is a sensor (cant remember the name of it) that regulates the oil injection for the motor. I called the previous owner and he told me that it happened to him and that the sensor goes out every few years. The mechanic I brought it to told me that it would be better to disconnect the direct oil injection and put the oil in manually. It cost around $100.00 to have it fixed. I hope this helps.
  5. Fishing Report, Friday Dec 31, 2010 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Indian Mounds First we tried C-rig in 20 to 30 feet of water with no luck. We noticed the furthur we went back into the creeks the water got warmer. We ended up catching 2 dinks in 3-5 feet of water in the back of Indian Mounds on blue and chrome rattle traps, and shallow diving crank baits. Jessie Lowe We moved on over to Jessie Low and C-Rig in 10- 20 feet of water with no luck and then moved into the back of the creek in that area and picked up 9 fish 2 keepers around stumps in 3-6ft of water around stumps boat houses on shallow diving 100- Series Bandit crankbaits. We then moved to the Louisiana side around the Island at Big Bass and caught 2 keepers on the same pattern in 3-6 ft of water. I tried spooning in 25 feet of water with no luck also. Most fish were caught in 56 degree water. We didnt catch any big fish, but the fishing was fun.
  6. Fishing Report Date: June 26 and 27 (Only fished a couple of hours after daylight both days) Lure: Silver Jigging Spoon, White Spinner Bait Location: Jessie Lowe Me and my wife had a ball fishing last weekend. We started out C-Rigging with Watermelon Red Flukes in 10ft to 17ft of water with minimal success. We were catching small undersized fish, so I moved to deeper water around 20ft and located a bunch of fish on my depth finder. I grabbed my jigging spoon and it was on. We caught a lot of different kinds of fish. We caught bass, strippers, hybrids, caspacou, and 2 blue cats that weighed about 8 pounds each. The bass would also school up around the boat sometimes and I would catch one or two with the spinnerbait. We ended up catching around 60-70 fish total over the two mornings with 19 being bass, with the largest being 4lbs. Can't wait to go back this weekend.
  7. Fishing Report, Fished a club tournament Saturday. We fished Arnolds, Negrett, and Yocum. We caught a total of 14 fish. Nothing to brag about all small. We did manage to put together a five fish stringer for 9.2lbs to come in 4th place. We started the morning beating the banks with senkos then moved off the banks to about 8ft of water. We had more action in the 8ft to 10ft depth range. Two of the keepers came in 10ft of water slow rolling a spinner bait. The rest were caught fishing a senko wacky style. capierrottie2
  8. I fished our club tournament Saturday. It was very tough for us as well. We caught 5 fish total 2 dinks and 3 keepers. We took 3rd place out of 9 boats with around 7 pounds. The winner of the tournament took had little over 11 pounds. I fished till dark after weigh in and only caught one more fish. We caught our fish in 8ft of water around submerged tree tops with carolina rigged flukes.
  9. FYI, I am fishing a club tournament tommorrow. Will let you know how it goes. capierrottie2
  10. Fishing Report, We launched Sunday at South Toledo Bend State Park on the Louisiana side. We hit the Texas Island, Mill Creek, Housen, Indian Mounds, and Jessie Low. We threw R-Traps and C-Rigged Flukes (watermelon Magic and Candy). We caught all fish with the C-Rigged Flukes. The fish were caught in depths of 7ft to 20ft of water. We caught 8 total and kept 5. The biggest weighing around 3.5 pounds. The water temp was 47 to 48 degrees. The water was murky/soupy with alot of dead shad floating in certain areas. I attached a pic of our catch. We fished from 8:30 am to 3:30pm. We did not get our first bite until noon. capierrottie2
  11. I know this is off subject, but does anyone know someone or some place that will replace boat carpeting at a reasonable price near Lake Charles or Toledo Bend. Thanks, capierrottie2
  12. Fishing Report, Locations: Indian Mounds, Housen, Jessie Low Date: Sat Jan. 16th Fish: 3 fish weighing in around 3 pounds each Baits: Chrome/Blue R-Trap C-Rigged Baby Brush Hog (watermelon candy) Conditions: Misting Rain Water - Muddy Water Temp- 46 degrees
  13. Fishing Report, I went to the big pond Sunday from midday and had to leave due to the wind and waves about an hour before daurk. We launched at Kite's landing on the Louisiana Side ( I dont recommend launching there with a North Wind) we launched ok, but by the end of the day there were around 3 foot swells and i like to never got my boat back on the trailer. We headed across to the Indian Mounds to try our luck Carolina Rigging (watermelon candy and watermelon gold flukes) from the mouth of the creeks back into the creek channels . The water was murky and the water temp was around 52 degrees. We had two bites and landed one, just a pickle. Then we headed to Jessie Lowe and the wind was picking up, so we tried to just drift with Carolina Rigs. There was plenty of grass there, but we were drifting too fast to work the baits slow like we would have liked to. We had no bites, but I believe it was due to the boat drifiting to fast and not being able to work our baits slow enough. We decided to go back to the Louisiana side, because the lake was getting rough. We headed into Yockum ( I have never fished that area). The wind was too bad to fish where I wanted to so we head back into the cut to the left to get out of the wind. The grass was pretty thick there and it was too shallow for my liking, so we headed back in to finish the day. I did learn a valuable lesson. That is you better think before you just go launch your boat anywhere.
  14. Catt, I have fished this area before. I know that the grass here is not as good as years past, but is coming back little by little each year. In my experience here the morning bite is the best. I have a friend who has a camp east of the coordinate you gave on the pennisula. He said that in the past when the grass was plentiful he would never have to crank his engine. He would limit out fishing this area. It is a good area to fish by experience.
  15. Thanks Catt, Just showing me the ACME Mapper was educational enough. Just another tool I can use. I see I need to study my maps and pay more attention to detail. capierrottie2
  16. Catt, OK catt I am at the location on the map.
  17. Catt, Can we have a learning session with our maps of the Housen Bay area. I like fishing there and want to make sure I have not missed anything looking at my map. I read through the thread again to make sure we did not discuss that area. Thanks, Capierrottie2
  18. Made a short fishing trip this weekend between deer hunts. I fished for about 3 hours in the Housen Bay Area. I caught 2 keepers nothing special and 6 dinks. Caught one keeper off a point near deep water and another in very shallow water near some cypress trees. I used 7in Watermellon Candy Trick worms texas rigged. I did catch a 5lb Fresh Water Sheep Head (Gaspago-not sure about the spelling) I thought I landed a monster reeling it in.
  19. :)Fishing Report, I fished a friendly tournament out of Buckeye Landing (La Side) on Saturday. The weather was horrible. Thirty mile an hour gust of wind out of the SE and two foot swells where I was fishing. It rained the entire time we fished. We were able to take 2nd place with a five fish stringer of 9lb 7oz. I was just happy we had five fish to weigh in considering the conditions. Location: Housen, Indian Mounds Baits: Pumpkin Pearl Rage Frogs 10.5 inch Zoom Magnums apple plum Texas Rigged Jigging Spoons White Stanley 3/8oz spinner baits double willow Total Number Caught: 25 fish It was hard keeping the boat in position to fish and then try to feel the bite with the Texas rigged worms, so we jigged spoons in 27 feet of water near grass lines. We also found spots off of points and behind islands that would shelter us from the wind. One spot we wedged the boat into the grass near the bank and casted into 30 ft of water. The bank dropped off from 10ft to 30ft rapidly. We sat there and caught 9 bass from that spot. It was probably the worst conditions I have tried to fish on the Bend. Fish in the photo are some that were caught in the tournament
  20. HitmanFO, Yes you are correct you need to have deep water nearby and as far as boat positioning and casting I cast both directions (toward the deep & toward the grass).
  21. Guys, Here are some tips that I look far when fishing Toledo Bend. I am not Catt or even close to being the fisherman he is I am just trying to see if I can help. The things I look far: 1. Flats, Humps, Points, Secondary Points. 2. Good grass 3. MUST BE NEAR DEEP WATER ( Creeks, Channels, Trenches, Etc) I think there is a misconception about the grass line. It is not always the visual one you can see from the bank. It might be 100 yards from the bank. The grass line or ledge that I am talking about is usually ends in 15ft + or -3 ft. You cant see this grass line on top of the water. You might be in 15 ft of water and 12ft of that is grass. If you follow it it the grass will just stop and there appears to be a grass line or ledge under water. I look for these grass lines near deep water channels, creeks, trenches, etc. I look for standing timber that is a good indication of deep water.The reason why is I believe the fish move to the deepest water possible where there is still good cover. Other fish including bait fish use the deep water for travel (highways), the grass provides a good ambush spot for bass, and it protects them from the sun. I move away from the ledge and fish along ledge from the deep water (channel/creek/etc) toward the grass line. It is usually just out of casting distance. Always checking my depth finder to make sure I am in the 15ft + or - 3ft depth. Once again I am no expert or claim to be.. I might be totally wrong, but this works for me. Hope I helped. Catt correct me if I am wrong.
  22. Fishing Report, I wasn't able to go to the Bend this weekend due to Honey Do's. My fishing buddy went and he caught 20 bass. One nice 6 1/2 pounder. He went to Housen and said there were too many boats so he went to Lowe's Creek area. He caught some on Texas Rigged, but most came from C-rigged baby brush hog in watermelon candy color. He said he was in 15 to 20ft of water and caught most fish off humps, small patches of grass, and submerged stump fields. We are fishing a tournament together this weekend I will give a report then.
  23. Catt, Good call on the spinner bait. If the weather is not too bad and the cloud cover stays it should be a perfect weekend for some spinner bait action.
  24. HitmanFO I fish the spinner baits mostly in the morning or late afternoon. If it is cloudy you can catch fish all day using them. The trick is to "wake" the spinner bait over grass flats. Hold your rod tip up and as soon as the spinner bait hits the water reel in fast enough to try to throw a wake behind the spinner bait and lower your tip of your rod as the bait gets closer to the boat. It works best with a ripple on the water.
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