Here are some tips that I look far when fishing Toledo Bend. I am not Catt or even close to being the fisherman he is I am just trying to see if I can help.
The things I look far:
1. Flats, Humps, Points, Secondary Points.
2. Good grass
3. MUST BE NEAR DEEP WATER ( Creeks, Channels, Trenches, Etc)
I think there is a misconception about the grass line. It is not always the visual one you can see from the bank. It might be 100 yards from the bank. The grass line or ledge that I am talking about is usually ends in 15ft + or -3 ft. You cant see this grass line on top of the water. You might be in 15 ft of water and 12ft of that is grass. If you follow it it the grass will just stop and there appears to be a grass line or ledge under water. I look for these grass lines near deep water channels, creeks, trenches, etc. I look for standing timber that is a good indication of deep water.The reason why is I believe the fish move to the deepest water possible where there is still good cover. Other fish including bait fish use the deep water for travel (highways), the grass provides a good ambush spot for bass, and it protects them from the sun. I move away from the ledge and fish along ledge from the deep water (channel/creek/etc) toward the grass line. It is usually just out of casting distance. Always checking my depth finder to make sure I am in the 15ft + or - 3ft depth. Once again I am no expert or claim to be.. I might be totally wrong, but this works for me. Hope I helped. Catt correct me if I am wrong.