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Everything posted by infamous512

  1. Welcome!
  2. welcome aboard!
  3. schmetatic is available at abu's website and believe me, it is very simple than you think. I would open it up and inspect inside...
  4. This is weird, even if the drag is set loose? :-?
  5. welcome!
  6. Welcome aboard, i'm a newbie here too. ;D
  7. So this started after respooling, seems like your line might be slipping so respool & check your knot.
  8. Since, you have cabela's rod listed, how about xml? I've been using it for awhile and love it.
  9. Check your drag setting, it might be too loose.
  10. wow, nice catch... it could've been alot heavier though.
  11. yeah? that's not what i've heard but i guess there is only one way to find out. (I'll try that on my next new reel)
  12. LOL, not a bad place to live. (except for crazy summer heat) 8-)
  13. OH~ YEAH!!! (already happened) ;D
  14. I've used power pro & spiderwire ultracast invisi-braid lines. I like invisi-braid more b/c (for me) it cast easier, farther, smoother and most importantly; visibility at night. Oh, one more thing, the line absorb less water than power pro. However, i've heard good things about other superlines but couldn't comment on those since I haven't used them.
  15. Thank yall for the warm welcome & I know i'll be visiting here pretty often. 8-)
  16. I'm glad that i've found this forum recently, this forum seems cool and I can use some help from anglers all around the world. I've been fishing less than a year, started fishing with minnows but that got bored so I switched to plastic worm fishing. I'm still learning so hopefully i'll get some tips & find techniques that will increase my skills to catch some lunkers. So far, my personal best is around 6lb lmb. lol This is probably nothing compared to all the pros in this forum. ;D John.
  17. I've purchased stx few weeks ago and I loved it. However, after seeing new/upgraded revos lineup from ICAST '09 video, I returned my stx. Premier & stx will have dual brake systems and premier is added with more bearings(hpcr) than previous, 9+1rb. I know stx has stainless steel bearings but is hpcr bearings really better? By reading from above posts, more people favor stx over premier. Isn't the premier pretty mush the same as stx but lighter, hpcr bearings w/ less drag power? If the price was same b/w these two reels, which one will you pick? I can't decide which one(upgraded premier or stx) to order. I will truly appreciate if anyone can share more with your experiences or an advice!!!
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