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Everything posted by nubasser

  1. I love my Tactix rods but now Cabela's has the Berkley Series 1 rods for less than I paid for the Tactix.So now I have two of those and I like them as well
  2. I got my stx 7.1 and yes online they have the 6.4 for under a hundo.
  3. The combo should have the appropriate line sizes listed on it (this is for monofilament).I'd get a practice plug and start getting used to thumbing the spool.If you are using this for all around fishing the mono will definitely fit the bill.I remember my first baicaster.I had many "professional overruns" ;D ;D.But now that i've gotten better at using them I now rarely use my spinning gear.That being said practice till you get it right,then practice till you can't get it wrong. good luck to yah
  4. I was into crappie fishing (well I still am)but got into bass fishing more heavily but I always used either or 4# or 6#.The water where I fish is usually stained(so if that matters) I use the flourescent blue color because it's easier to see the "thump"of a crappie bite.Be careful when bringing them in as their mouths are very thin at the sides.
  5. TW sent me something about a 20% off on my order did you folks get this to buy a premier?
  6. http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fish-locator.html Try this link and search this topic in these forums.There is some great info about this on this site in the articles section under fishing equipment tips.hope this helps i Have a matrix and i use the default settings except no fish symbols(the arches are better)also i use the 2x zoom mostly,sometimes 4x zoom and set the sensitivity as high as I can without alot of surface noise or a double bottom return showing
  7. I've owned two eagles and a Hbird.both have been very dependable.I personally find the eagles easier to use tho.
  8. eagle fisheasy 245 DS looks like a decent 1 @just under a Benjamin.laso check ebay.You may find a bigger screen fishfinder for around the price u need.also a piranha max 170 fits the bill nicely.both are similar units also these have a fish i.d.system that shows the fish as symbols.If you use these for more tha just depth I suggest you turn off the fish i.d. This will help you to learn to recognize structure as well as reading fish arches. read this articlehttp://www.bassresource.com/fishing/fish-locator.html And look for others on this site. hope this helps.
  9. Here is just an opinion but I think many will agree.Whatever bait or style you fish buy the tackle which best fits your needs.If you can fish a faster reel with a technique such as cranking and not "over rev the lure"my term for fishing a deep diver too fast thus not getting it to run like it should as long as should.then it may work for you.I own several different speed reels and I actually am starting to like the faster reels for most anything.I'm not as experienced as many of these anglers on here(I'm learning a lot from these fine folks)but I think fish what is comfortable and what works for the fish.
  10. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  11. I always sa a flippin stick as just a real heavy casting stick anyway haha :.The extra distance to the first guide probably wont make much difference except maybe with wind blown braided line IMO.
  12. i use mine (a 5600)for striper.I bet they would be great for casting large swimbaits like those big trout they fish ouyt west.lol
  13. http://www.blackfday.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/blackfday.com-gander.pdf link to whole ad
  14. also on thanksgiving day for each $100 you spend you get a $20 gander cash card up to $100
  15. crankbaits worked great in october.Perch wasn't so great but threadfin shad worked well.I think it matched the forage better.Split shot worm worked well.I'm used to TX rig,and the bites were different feeling.Weightless lizard didn't produce for me but i never did well with lizards in the fall any way. In my november arsenal i tried simbaits=skunked cranks=skunked Of course the lake as very murky where i usually fish because we got several inches of rain a few days before i went.We found some shad in creeks and coves but could't seem to catch a bass. tghanks for your input
  16. as these fine folks have stated the fish probably don't care.If however you do care.(assuming the line is still quality)just keep a small spool of your favorite flouro.and tie it as a leader to the green stuff.I prefer to do this if I'm fishing for ex.a finesse worm in clear water I like to use braid with flouro.so i get clarity of the line near the hook but zero stretch.May not be necessary but it gives me confidence.And if the fish don't care even better.
  17. If you're set on vendettas thats cool,But i just received my berkley series one rods from cabelas I got a 6'6"mh and a 7' mh for $39.99 and $49.99 each.These retail at $85-100.They are great rods for mid priced.they do not have a split grip like the vendettas.I will say though that I can't afford a $300+ rod like a G loomis or Daiwa Steez.If you are set on a vendetta i would be interested in how you like them.
  18. awesome day.nice to catch'em like that out fishing=good day catching fish=great day catching new PB= ;Ddon't get much better
  19. congrats on your new boat.I got my first one in my teens.These great folks on this forum are very helpful.I'm gonna take a computer course for a boating safety certificate which will soon be required in my state.The two biggest things to remember are safety and respect. Also sounds like you're blessed with good parents. safe boating and tight lines.
  20. I found the values on the NADA site this is the boat value $1570-$1740 the motor is also on the NADA site its between $600-$850 trailer shows about$400 i hope this helps I went from a 15.5ft aluminum boat with a 30 to a 17 footer with a 60 and it was a big difference, so 5hp to50hp is huge. good luck to yah.
  21. I've only been bass fishing for a few years and I do have several baits that I am comfortable with. The time off I have is: Oct 10-16 water temp should be in low 70s to upper 60s &Nov.14-21 water should be lower 60 down to 50 I'm wanting to take 3-4 outings 6am-2or3pm for each vacation time And on each trip i will only use baits that I very rarely use. my ideas are 1.)to have you members give me bait ideas to use(techniques as well) these cannot include the things i feel comfortable with:which I will include later in the post 2.)I will only try these techniques 1 or 2 at the most each day.I will not use my"go to baits at all because they will be at home.I will only bring the suggested tactics.(this is to keep me from making 20 casts and giving up on the tactic. 3.)I have lots of baits and types and if i use your suggestions I will purchase the bait types needed(please if you give the name brand know that i cant just buy $20 crank baits and $30-$40 swim baits but i will purchase similar baits if you so suggest them.That is to say I can't sink a ton of cash into this.Between now and then I will purchase some baits That I may need 4.)I'll be fishing Smith Mountain Lake (the Elite series was here in late spring)22,000 beautiful acres hehe(canhad find clear and stained water) from aluminum boat with a 60hp.the only veg here is a little grass,no pads or other. 5.)I'm doing this for confidence building and to try new techniques.I am most familiar with and will not be using(wire arm spinnerbaits,texas rigged worms and lizards,Shad Raps[similar style cranks]. 6.)I will post my selections and try my best to use the techniques and post results.(this should be very fun) thank you all for any replies and ideas.I love this Forum and hope I can contribute more as I get more into the Bass Fishing addic...er well obsession.
  22. You should haven it looked at, but i've seen youtube before that when you change the lower unit it can be slightly milky,and its not a real issue but better safe than sorry.
  23. 1.)check and or clean battery connections if ok then go to #2 2.)use jumper to check the solenoid.usually the up and down controls have a blue or green (alot of motors use these colors)wire coming from solenoid to trim/tilt one is trim up the other is trim down. a.)connect black jumper wire from battery (negative) to the connection with the black wire. b.)now be very careful and connect another jumper wire to the battery(positive) and this is the careful part touch the other end (positive wire to either the green or the blue wire,and note if the trim goes up or down)if this does not work u probably have a bad trim/motor >>>>if this operates the trim/tilt check the other color and make sure it works.<<<<< if so you may have a bad ground to the solenoid or a bad solenoid or a bad switch.(also if this works note which wire is up and which is down) 3.)To check for a bad switch u need a wire tester with a sharp probe the instructions will come with how to use that you'll connect to a good ground or negative battery connection as directed and do the same with the positive probe the swich that the wire which will go from the switch to the trim/tilt(it should have no current one the wire that you probe going from the switch but when its on it should show power(try it both in up mode and down mode the center wire should be power into switch and the other wires shoul be (+) current for trim up and trim down(again make sue you follow the probes instructions)if there is no power then you have a bad switch(these rarely go bad unless they are very cheaply made)if bad replace 4.) if battery is good[step 1],trim/tilt motor is good[step 2]and switch is good[step 3]check solenoid a.again be very careful and using the tester as in step 3 only now with the switch on (you will need a helper to oeprate the switch)----use your tester hooked up similar to step 3 check the current going into the solenoid red wire for(+)black for(-)if these are ok as they should be check for positive current by probing the blue and green wires check each as your helper switches the trim up and trim down. If u got these working in step 2 then u should know which wire does what. iboats also has many topics on this
  24. got my ngk at NAPA for about 1/2 of what my local boat shop sells them for.I did have to order them but i always get a set before my old set goes and keep the spares on my boat with the proper socket to put them on.I have run cheaper plugs but for 3 plugs its only a $3.00 savings so I buy NGK .If you trust a cheaper plug then by all means purchase them.I only run mine for 1 year anyway.
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