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Lund Explorer

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Everything posted by Lund Explorer

  1. I'm looking forward to seeing it, in some ways. Still thinking of how Capt Phil passing away is going to change some things.
  2. Boy, there just aint nothing better than worm dirt under your fingernails while I'm filleting a bunch of big ol'bass for dinner. Now where's those Senko Threads?
  3. Can I add to the confusion? Glenn has the BR Calculator. WRB has L x L x G / 1200 = Weight. Mine? From an old formula in In-Fishermen L x L x L / 1600 = Weight. The simple fact is like WRB said, you want accuracy you use a certified scale. Every other method will be fairly accurate within a certain size range and then begin to vary outside of that range. For comparison, my calculation says your 24" bass would weigh in at 8.64lbs or 8lb 10oz.
  4. My boat, even though it didn't start that way. I signed up and was going to use the handle Bass_Ackwards until the very next day someone else posted who already used almost the exact same name. The difference between a dash -vs- an underscore was too close and would have led to confusion. So I changed it.
  5. Pssst, they're a sponsor. http://www.pondboss.com/
  6. Yup, here in Michigan even the violators agree that there are two distinct seasons for bass......... Salt & Pepper!
  7. Thank Guys! I was thinking in that range and you've sort of confimred it for me. I spent quite a bit of time looking on line without much luck. Saturday I'm headed over to a gun dealer to see what his books have to say.
  8. Because Detroit needs an OT to protect their expensive new QB...but heck, what am I thinking, their front office makes about as much sense as t%ts on a bull. Detroit will trade down if they get the chance. Detroit News quoted back office types saying that they were looking for bargains this year. Suh might be too expensive for this bunch of tightwads. >
  9. Just wondering if anyone here has any ideas on the value of a rifle/scope. This thing is a Remington 700 BDL DM (detachable magazine) chambered for .270. The gun has full detailed scrolling on the receiver. It also has a Nikon 3x9 50mm scope. Both were brand new in 2003, have never been used in the woods, and have less than a box of shells run through it at the range. My problem is that I didn't pay cash for this gun as it was a barter deal at a client's sporting goods store when he was going out of business. For the last five years it has just sat in the gun safe other than for regular cleanings. I have been thinking about donating it to the local Rod & Gun Club for their annual auction as they are trying to raise funds to build a handicap accessible fishing pier. But now I have a nephew that is interested in buying the darn thing. I don't have a problem selling it to him, and the money will be donated anyhow. I just want to make sure I get as much as an auction would bring for it. Ideas?
  10. Another giant step backwards to the good old days when the hardware provider controlled any software that you can use. Next up will be the new software that will require a hardware update to run it, and on and on........
  11. Not a problem at all on most lakes or most seasons to catch at least 5 bass that go 12", most often quite a few more than that. The only real problem is that the size limit here in Michigan is 14". ;D Then, I fit right in with most of the others here where the lake/season can make a difference.
  12. I sure hope you wait until the 4th Saturday or that really nice guy is going to be handing you a ticket of your own. :-/ C&R season starts April 24th!
  13. Those numbers are staggering... An average day would have 9,839 persons visiting this site! An average hour would have over 2,900 page views! Great job guys!
  14. Theres many levels of dock fishing, but as this is going to be your first try at it, keep it simple. Gear: If you have two, you'll want two spinning rods 6' M or MH with a good abrasion resistant line. My choice was always 10lb Trilene XT. Baits: 1st rod you texas rig something weedless with NO exposed weight. A T-Rig Tube with an internal weight, or T-Rig a worm, lizard, or some other critter bait that you can weigh down with a nail weight. 2nd rod you can T-Rig with a pegged worm weight or a jighead as long as the hook is covered. Approaching the Dock: As you are new to this, come in slowly from downwind. Try to avoid swinging trolling motor where prop wash is going under your target. If you over shoot, let the wind push you back away from the dock. Where to fish: 1st cash should be to the outside posts, either on the front, or the downwind side. A simple pitch with no skipping needed. If there is a boat tied off on that side, "carefully" pitch up next to it with 1st rod only. Don't tick off the boat owner by bouncing a 3/8oz bullet weight off his gel coat. On a pontoon boat, you don't want to ring the side of the tubes either. Once you've worked the outside of the dock, try skipping the bait on the 1st rod up under the overhead cover. Keep your rod angle low and try to just hit the water prior to the dock. Low angle means a low skip. Before you leave the dock, go ahead and try skipping the 2nd rod. It will be noisy if you make a bad cast, but hey, you've already worked the dock. If you catch a fish, remember where it was positioned on the dock. Try to establish a pattern with repeated catches to see if a particular spot seems to attract the fish, i.e; shaded side, down wind, upwind, near the end, close to shore, etc., etc.. The Bite: WATCH YOUR LINE! Sometimes you will feel the classic tap, but most times one of two things will happen. Either the fish will start swimming away with the bait, or the bait will stop falling and you see a slight "jump" in the line. The Hookset and Fight: Normally, set the hook with a low sideways sweeping hookset. If at all possible, keep hauling on the fish until it is out from under the dock where you can fight it away from obstructions. Remember if you've pitched over a rope or some other obstruction that the fish has to come back over it. Think about the odds of getting the fish out of any place you cast, before you cast. One other thing, that works when all else fails. Sometimes you will set the hook into a fish that wedges itself up against something under there where you can't move the fish. At this point, open the bail to give the fish slack. Sometimes they will swim free from this blockage and the fight can start over, sometimes. Hazards: Besides ticking off a boat or dock owner, plan your casts before you execute. If a dock has ropes, cables, and other assorted junk hanging underneath it, just settle for flipping the outside. Also, if you hang a bait on the dock or a boat, DO NOT attempt to retrieve it by getting out of your boat to get it. Most States call this trespass. You are better off to just clip your line, re-tie and move on. A Few Extras: Brush Piles. Many docks will have these placed in front of the dock for crappie fishing. Look for signs like rod holders on the dock, an overhead light, or fish feeders. Boat Lifts. Many of these will have a depression in the bottom at the back end of the boat where the owner has powered onto the lift. Ladders. Don't ask, just always fish any ladder. One last thing. Always respect the dock owners. If they are on the dock, ask if you can fish before you cast, and make a wide swing around anyone fishing from their dock. And stay off of them. Hey, good luck and have fun. A few good days of dock fishing and you'll be hooked.
  15. Are we talking fly rod here? Slowly move rod back to 11 o'clock leaving fly and much of the line still on the water, rest off the water in a large "C". Then pitching the rod down to 3 o'clock which rolls the line up out and over. That one?
  16. I think you've already named the source for the information you need. Do you have the receipt, or at least the name of this mechanic?
  17. I used to have a nieghbor that had a rig something like that. I always wanted one myself. I used to think how much fun it would be to hook up the battery chargers, crank the volume to the max, roll down the windows, and slap in the Lawrence Welk 8-Track just before I left for a long weekend! 8-) An a 1, An a 2.....
  18. I'd give Dad first crack at it?
  19. For numbers, I'd say from the first hint of sunrise for three hours afterwards. Baits vary quite a bit, but usually start with a topwater or spinnerbait. End up the morning switching back and forth between a combo of soft plastics or jigs. Note to self.... I've got to start fishing more cranks.
  20. Texas doesn't have a corner on this problem. Grand Rapids, MI has had a long long term problem with the combined sewer system (sewage and storm drains). Each time we see 1" of rain in that city, 1 million gallons of raw sewage dumps into the Grand River. Not a lot of fun fishing a tournament downstream a day or so after a big rain. You learn real quick not to bite your line, and pray you don't get stuck by a hook.
  21. Yeah Chris, Francho figured it out. It was a reference to an old Alfred Hitchcock movie, The Birds! It took place ina small seaside community of the same name. Some of us old dogs just can't forget a blonde. Any Blonde! ;D
  22. Awesome photos Chris! Questions though. Bodega Bay? - Bird Photos? Did you happen to run into a Tippi Hedren look alike?
  23. You guys must have a real riot sharing a cabin at the annual roadtrip.
  24. Google the following: Rick Clunn Bassmaster's Classic Poes Lures
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