Versatility leads to consistency in the end result. Consistency in the end result leads to confidence in your abilities. Confidence in your abilities leads to being versatile.
Don't limit any discussion on versatility to just lures and presentations. You can start with the various fishing seasons. You start the year with winter and then progress through pre-spawn, spawn, and post-spawn. Then there is the summer period, dog days of summer, which is followed by fall, and the fall turnover. This all leads back to winter to end the year. Then look at all of the places where fish live. Deep water or shallow, emergent weeds, submergent weeds, primary points, secondary points, drop offs, creek channels, sunken islands. Rock piles to brush piles, standing timber to lay downs, riprap to seawalls. Docks anyone? Whether made from wood to metal, some float and others are tied right to the bottom. If your head isn't spinning yet, then it's time to consider everything on the bass' diet. From frogs on top, to crawdads on the bottom, and every type of baitfish that swims in between them. Of course we can't forget the other variables.... Weather? Moon phases? How about tidal influences or current?
How in the world does anyone get through all of this to get to the point that he/she can simply catch some fish? My answer is to become more and more versatile.