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Lund Explorer

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Everything posted by Lund Explorer

  1. Dang A-Jay, don't scare me! I saw you bring this up and was sure you were showing off some Big Ol'Hawg. Maybe you can file for an extension seeing as how you were truckless over the last weekend!
  2. Congrats! Now quickly change your phone number so your old boss/clients can't call you to try to get you back off the water!
  3. Puck hasn't dropped yet, and even though I don't have a horse in the race..... Canucks in 6.
  4. Only his tow vehicle.....
  5. Which launch are you using? The one at the state park is really nice, but the one on Maple Bay is a little rough and tumble. No dock ever @ Maple Bay so somebody usually has to "wade out" to get into the boat. Do you have a GPS? Most of the numbers I have are walleye spots, but a few are good for smallies too. Biggest thing to look for are the points and gravel bars. Also, you might want to spend some time over on Mullett and the Black River as well. Send me a pm if you need those numbers. Steve
  6. Versatility leads to consistency in the end result. Consistency in the end result leads to confidence in your abilities. Confidence in your abilities leads to being versatile. Don't limit any discussion on versatility to just lures and presentations. You can start with the various fishing seasons. You start the year with winter and then progress through pre-spawn, spawn, and post-spawn. Then there is the summer period, dog days of summer, which is followed by fall, and the fall turnover. This all leads back to winter to end the year. Then look at all of the places where fish live. Deep water or shallow, emergent weeds, submergent weeds, primary points, secondary points, drop offs, creek channels, sunken islands. Rock piles to brush piles, standing timber to lay downs, riprap to seawalls. Docks anyone? Whether made from wood to metal, some float and others are tied right to the bottom. If your head isn't spinning yet, then it's time to consider everything on the bass' diet. From frogs on top, to crawdads on the bottom, and every type of baitfish that swims in between them. Of course we can't forget the other variables.... Weather? Moon phases? How about tidal influences or current? How in the world does anyone get through all of this to get to the point that he/she can simply catch some fish? My answer is to become more and more versatile.
  7. Well if he needs to scrounge up a little cash for moving expenses, he could always sell that hideous sweater vest to the local tattoo artist!
  8. Good choices. Now add two more..... Dwight & You!
  9. Hmmm, I just posted a link to this the other day but can't find the exact same one. Here's a site I found that might help though: http://www.sheltonproducts.com/handicap.html There are a number of websites that discuss fishing equipment for use by folks with various disabilities. If the one above doesn't help, I'm sure Google can give you a number of choices.
  10. Got you covered Vance, I'll be at the local American Legion hall bright and early on Monday for all of the various activities. Imagine if you will that an 18 year old that went ashore on D-Day will be turning 85 this year, while the men who stormed into Inchon will be 79 years old. An 18 year old veteran from when Saigon fell is one year younger than me! While I always hoped that no one would ever qualify for membership in organizations like the Legion or VFW again (as in a severe outbreak of peace), I'm also very proud of the veterans who have served since my time. Those who paid the ultimate price in our country's wars deserve all of our respect.
  11. Sounds like a plan to me. I can sneak out almost anytime with a few days worth of planning. As for today, if you were sitting on the warm and dry side of the glass you had a lot more fun than I did. I can take wind, but the cold steady drizzle that came with it this morning wasn't worth a hoot. A Baker's dozen with nothing bigger than 2lbs, about half and half between a T-Rig worm and one of NorthStar's spinnerbaits. Also, two hammer-handles got into the boat, and three of the toothy buggers bit off the T-Rig. Sure was a lot of fun trying to tie on a new rig with semi-frozen hands.
  12. Sweet! Now I won't feel so bad in a few minutes when I pull out and head for the lake. Heck of it is that if I'd known before that everyone was going to wimp out on me this morning, I could have met you half way for a day on the water!
  13. Sorry to here that you're in dry-dock this weekend A-Jay. I hate it when I don't have my wheels so I feel lucky that my son-in-law is not only my mechanic, but usually has a spare truck sitting around I can snag if need be. What about a float trip down the Sturgeon River? Better than nothing.
  14. No Kidding! At first I was afraid Tom had tied this to that California gender bender thread!
  15. Great Post! I'm only going to add one thing. There is nothing wrong with setting the hook when there isn't a fish on the line. Like stated above, anything unusual. It will take a little while, but with practice you'll learn what a fish feels like. Until then, they don't charge extra for hooksets, so swing away!
  16. New Skin / Tough Skin...... If you need it fast, check out your local bowling center pro-shop.
  17. Why haven't you got her signed up on here?
  18. I'm surprised that under the list of crappy jobs, that you didn't include deployment to AFPAK or IRAQ! Blowing out the store sounds fairly tame compared to having your store (or anything else) blown up.
  19. Cómo se dice ... en español? Felicitaciones!
  20. Just makes a guy wonder if Irene is a she, a he, or somewhere in between!
  21. All the way at the bottom of the article that Glenn linked: RCBC Outdoor Adventure folks at Ryan Creek Baptist Church 24849 County Road 222 Bremen, Al, 35033
  22. Glenn, Don.... Thanks guys! A quick search found the boxes for the little stuff: http://www.usps.com/prices/priority-mail-prices.htm Now I just need to find the tubes for multiple rods, and then it is going to be time to start filling them.
  23. Good Fish! That should fuel the fire to get after them for awhile...
  24. Welcome to BR, it's good to have another MI member. While I've got a Five-of-Diamonds buried somewhere in my tacklebox I don't think I've ever considered throwing it for bass. The only spoons I use for bass fishing are Rolo's Johnson Silver Minnow and a Hopkins Shorty. I may have to break that old lure out this coming weekend. You might want to add a selection of gawdy colored spinnerbaits and a few suspending jerkbaits to your arsenal for pike. These lures seem to be my best producers for those toothy critters. Of course we've got a few lakes around this area where anything that moves becomes a target for them. I hope you'll enjoy reading everything on this site. You're going to find that there a lot of very smart people here that are willing to offer good advice across the whole spectrum of fishing. Have fun!
  25. You've got how long to put four pages of info onto a tax return? Wait until you get the client that brings you an entire box full of receipts, 10 of 12 bank statements, and two empty cigarette packs, while explaining that he'll be back after lunch to sign the returns!
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