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Lund Explorer

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Everything posted by Lund Explorer

  1. Maybe it was Old Hickory..... I was trying to remember what was said when we were on the road trip. God only knows that memory problems seem to run in my family these days! Here's to hoping that you stab a limit each day with a hawg or two thrown in for good measure. I'll have to watch the LBAA website to see when standings are updated. Good Luck!
  2. Sure are a lot of late night critters out and about that are better left alone, but none worse that a bandy-eyed coon with an attitude! A friend of mine from school used to have a wild coon living at their home. His Dad adopted the thing when it was just a kit, and I swear the thing thought he was a dog. Very protective too.
  3. Hey, only one week to go before the next LBAA tournament. I'm sure Deb is fishing this tournament, and if I remember, isn't Keri going too. Anyhow, I just wanted to wish you ladies good luck. Here's to hoping that you enjoy the tournament!
  4. Well, I'm looking forward to maybe being able to shift from one thread to another without getting kicked off sometime before the next road trip!
  5. Congrats A-Jay...... Fish less, you'll have more time to run up that post count!
  6. Spooky? I can remember a few nights that aged me. One night we had a beaver do a tail slap right next to the boat. I'm not sure how he got so close to us, but it woke me up! Worst night time sounds..... Wait until you hear a couple of racoons fighting along the shoreline, or even worse a bobcat fight. Worst nighttime experience..... Trying to unhook a bat from your lure! Not sure how that little bugger snagged onto my Devils Horse, but that furry rodent didn't enjoy it any more than I did.
  7. Happy Birthday Mike! I sure hope your wife made plenty of cake, enough to share with the entire fire dept. They're bound to show up when she lights all those candles!
  8. I guess I'm the one that should apologize for being a little more grumpy than normal. It really wasn't meant as a slam so much as a good "wake-up" shake. I just hate to see kids of any age that think that time spent with their parents is wasted. Maybe it takes losing one to realize what they meant to us, no matter how much we didn't know it. For twenty-some years, Father's Day for me was a day for golfing in the annual father-son tournament. Golf was his sport of choice, mine was fishing. While I was lucky enough to work with my Dad for a number of years (me in accounting and him in commercial real estate), work days only gave us a brief few minutes each day to visit as Father and Son. It was the few days like the golf tournament that gave us the chance to spend an entire day together. Through the years he taught me many valuable lessons, and I guess he was right when he worried about my slightly acidic tongue. So like I said, I'm sorry if that first post was a little too rough. I hope your Dad's health issues can be resolved so that you two can enjoy each other for many more years. Happy Father's Day!
  9. I was just 32 years old in 1988 when my Father died unexpectedly. You can't imagine who many days of fishing I would have gladly given up had we been able to share this day together for many more years. My advice would be - If you've still got a Dad, spend the day with him and cherish the moment. If you are a Dad, spend the day with your children so they'll have memories to cherish of their own.
  10. Yup, they do other than they don't have the little prop on the front. They act quite similar to a senko in the way they drop too!
  11. I'm surprised Keri hasn't been on here recalling the story my wife told her about my episode of hook in the face. It was a streamer fly in of all places, my nose! They sure did laugh quite a bit.....
  12. I started out all of our kids and grandkids on these worms. http://www.stopperlures.com/bass_stopper.html
  13. There's a simply reply to that one. "Let's talk retainer....... I've got a new boat I've been looking at!"
  14. So you're going to email her with that suggestion? Wow you are the brave one! No, I'm sure that if I can go to next year's road trip that she will be coming along again. With all that she's been putting up with with Mom's issues since we got home from the last one, she will need the escape. Heck, maybe I should send her to Falcon and I'll stay home. Sounds like I have a new client with 20 years worth of returns to do!
  15. Does that mean if I leave the War Dept @ home for next year's road trip that I could afford to go to both? When should I tell her that you're calling to suggest this?
  16. I really hate to say it, but good ol' Rene Rancourt doesn't hold a candle to Karen Newman when it comes to singing the National Anthem. Go Canucks!
  17. I'd say we should give extra credit for the person who finds this gal's Ebay account where she is selling his bass boat, along with a similar comparison!
  18. The last club I fished with floated around 25-30 boats and had entry fees of $50 and $5 B/Bass. If you wanted the same ratio, your club's BB fee would have to be Fifty Cents!
  19. I can't seem to get pictures to load right now, and I don't feel like fighting with it. Anyhow, my shipment goes out in Monday's mail. Fairly good selection of soft plastics from worms to critters. Zoom, Berkley, Kalins, and others. Even packed in a couple of bags of Senkos though the kids have been traumatized enough! Package also included 8 spinnerbaits, assortment of hooks and sinkers, and a bunch of panfish gear too. I also included with a short letter, a Bass Resource decal, and a small check to cover last minute things they'll need. Thank to Glenn and Don for getting this thing going. BTW - Here's the address to send your stuff out. RCBC Outdoors Adventures 24849 County Road 222 Bremen, AL 35033
  20. Thanks Glenn..... Don't worry about this mornings email as I've found the address for Tackle the Storm. The box gets shipped out Monday! Steve
  21. Who knows. There are people in society that need the social safety net of welfare, and I'm sure that many of them would gladly submit to these screenings, regardless if the law is constitutionally sound or not. That isn't the problem. Society has come to group all welfare recipients into the same classification as being lazy drug addicts who live off the system for no other reason than that they can. The passing of such a law does nothing but puts the government seal of approval on such thoughts. The thing is, I'll bet there are just as many alcoholics who won't get caught up in this novel legislation. There could also be people who have disabilities that require medications that could take away there benefits. The only fair way to administer welfare is to see that the people who do need it are helped, while reducing the number of people who simply play the system. You can't lump the lazy in with those people who have been saddled with physical or mental disabilites that very well couldlast the rest of their lives. I personally know of one Iraq war vet that is drawing both veteran's diability and a limited amount of state welfare for his family, while his wife tries to go to school and maintain their home. I can't imagine that anyone would walk up to a man who can't walk himself and tell him that he and his family is lazy. This law is at the best a weak attempt to correct abuse of the system, and at worst, is only motivated by a subject that we are not supposed to discuss within the pages of this forum. I'm off my soapbox now.
  22. Holy Cow.... What a cheap shot! Horton got whacked all the way to Whoville!
  23. Can I just wait for the IPO, or didn't you want that rumor started either?
  24. It's been said a hundred times, it's not what it takes to haul it but to stop it. I've towed an 18' bassboat with a Dodge Caravan and it is NOT fun when Bambi jumps out in front of you. Thankfully deer bounce really well once you hit them. Stick with at least a 1/2 ton pickup or a full sized SUV. Save on fuel costs by using the back end of your tow vehicle as a camper to turn each trip into two days of fishing per/trip. The only other way to save gas would be to find a storage facility near the lake.
  25. Hey, they got a goal on the power play last night. Something like the first one in about a month. I'm impressed that they could even make it to the finals when they are missing such an important part of the game.
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