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Lund Explorer

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Everything posted by Lund Explorer

  1. While this may sound terrible, the only true way to find out what's in that stomach is to cut it open after you've reduced it to a couple of fillets. You'll most likely find the same thing that others have. Most of what's in there is a digested mass of goo that doesn't look like any specific type of fish. You may spot a partial crawdad, or you might be able to determine from what's left as to the type of fish it ate, but rarely. My suggestion would be to observe the type of baitfish present in the area of your catch, or look in the bottom of your livewell at the end of the day to see what they've recently eaten and puked up. IMHO, any other effort is a waste of time that should be spent with a rod in your hand.
  2. Jig & Frog Rods have 30lb & 50lb Braid. Topwater, Spinnerbait, & Crankbait Rods have 12lb - 15lb Mono. Worm Rods have 15lb Fluoro.
  3. This finally made the national news. NBC's Today Show said this morning that the landslide happened in Johnson's Landing, British Columbia. One person confirmed dead, three others missing! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/48194219#48194219
  4. X2! You just gotta love how the subject of keeping a fish brings out the best of some people. I guess that the best part of Bass Resource is teaching others by ripping some of them apart.
  5. To begin with, Welcome to Bass Resource! If you choose to hang around this site, you'll find a lot of quality information on many subjects. Unfortunately, the subject you picked for your very first post is somewhat of a hot button topic and some members may give you a reply that you weren't looking for. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you are planning to harvest a few bass for either the dinner table, or perhaps a trophy for mounting. Either way, it sounds like you are concerned about making sure that the fish doesn't suffer a long painful demise. That's a commendable attitude that many sportsmen try to adhere to whether they are going to harvest a wild creature or domestic farm animal. Of the previous posts, I think WRB came closest. If you visit sites such as Bass Pro Shops or Cabelas, type in the search box "Fish Bats". These are used by many fishermen and should meet with your needs. I have one on my boat and they work very well.
  6. With all due respect to Mr. Don Barone, and perhaps because of him, part of this reply requires me to quote lyrics from a long ago song in the way he does so well. You see it was many years ago that I first heard a song by Zager and Evans called "In the Year 2525". Reading some of the posts here somehow got me to thinking about this song. Fanciful? Factual? You can be the judge, but I remember thinking that he may have been a little slow and somewhat out of sequence on parts of it. "In the year 6565 Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too From the bottom of a long glass tube" So how close are we to this today with In Vitro Fertilization? But let's get back to the subject at hand. It was a year or so ago when I saw the news that a younger gal got into a traffic accident down in Grand Rapids. It seems that her gas pedal got stuck and she couldn't get it freed up. Now I'm sure if you've driven or lived long enough, you have either had this happen to you or heard about it. There are some definite do's and don'ts in getting out of this type of problem, the easiest of which is to put the car in neutral and applying the brakes. The biggest don't is jamming the gas pedal to the floor hoping it will free itself up. Thanks to this gal, who somehow survived despite herself, we now have another don't. Don't call your girlfriends on your cellphone! "In the year 5555 Your arms are hanging limp at your sides Your legs got not nothing to do Some machine is doing that for you" Close, really close. Had Zager only switched the word "minds" for "legs", we may have had the perfect moral to this and many stories just like it! So Capt O, I fully agree that this project is going to make it's creator a famous and wealthy man. We are getting closer to the year 5555 everytime we can come up with an invention that gives people the chance to throw away the ability to think on their own. OHIO, I can't help but think that if given the ability to speak, how many extinct species would have heard their offspring say the exact same thing! "In the year 8510 God is gonna shake his mighty head He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been Or tear it down and start again" In The Year 2525 Zager and Evans
  7. I've been around here for a couple of years, posted over 1,700 times, and still don't have a single warning point. Now after following the direction of this topic, I'm faced with the chance to limit out all in one post! What in the heck (I had a different word that starts with an H and ends with two hockey sticks) has happened to the world when we have raised a generation that can't put down their smart phones long enough to go fishing armed with nothing but a rod and reel and the grey matter between their ears? Besides the fact that any possible members fishing in a tournament would most likely be breaking the rules for using this "service" while they're on the water, I can only imagine the answers a person would recieve. "Fish a Senko!" On a brighter note, I think your idea is not only going to be a smashing success on the water with the younger generation, but has a lot of potential off the water too. How about another application called the Bar App? Let's say your buddy puts the moves on some hot looking chick. The user could zoom into the bimbo for everybody to check out, and then ZOOOOM out to show all of Two-Ton Tessy who just happens to be this gal's BFF. Post the question, take a poll. Should you man up and do your part as your buddy's wingman, or retreat to the bathroom so you can escape out the window, running away down the street like you're on fire! God only knows it will only be a matter of time before the next logical app is created! Sorry - Rant Over.
  8. I can't stop thinking about this bait. How's this idea? Rig it up on a light weight Rage Rig (maybe 1/16oz). Twitch it along just under the surface like a dying shad, letting it slowly sink every so often. Weighted like this, the bait should ride level on what looks like it's side, just like a half-dead baitfish. Can't wait for the next alewive spawn!
  9. I would have to think that this stuff would last as long as any livewell treatment you added along with it. Of course if that pretty aqua-blue color started to fade, it might be time to add a little more.
  10. LOL!!! There's got to be a story connected with that description. From a roadtrip maybe?
  11. The only fish that I have tried to so-call steam with the skin on was a trout. Gut and gill, stuff the cavity with lemon quarters, wrap in foil, and thrown in the grill. As the fish heats up, the lemon juice produces steam that puts the flavor throughout the entire fish. With a bass, I like to skin them so I can cut out that dark latteral mud line. IMO it improves the taste way more than anything I could pour over or steam into them. My Lund is a 1675 with a 60hp four stroke. Can't go very fast, but no need for a kicker!
  12. Things I'd want to know would be who drove it, and if it was a tournament sponsor boat, where it was driven. Most likely a Z7 is smaller than most of these guys would be running Lake Michigan in, but you just never know. If you've watched some of these guys out there skipping waves, those boats take a real pounding that could cause stress problems in the hull. Maybe find out what tournament trail the user was fishing as this could give you an idea of the kind of water they're fishing. Is this a one year old model?
  13. You've been busy Mr. Steve - Can't wait to see the other goodies you've dreamed up. Colors?
  14. Fixed it for you!
  15. I'm afraid I can have two skinned and boneless fillets in the same time it took you to cut off all the fins.
  16. What type of livewell system does your boat have? If you fill your livewell and then run the recirculating pumps only it will last longer than if you are pumping in fresh lake water into the tanks all day long. You may want to watch the videos under the video key at the top of the page for more information.
  17. The only thing missing is a small lake with a bassboat being harrassed by a bunch of jetskis!
  18. Have you ever wondered why street signs come in different shapes and colors? Years ago the Secretary of State had an office right across the hall in our building. So here I'm sitting on MLK Day and watch this guy walk in, rattle the glass door to their office, peer into the completely darkened room, stand back and read the sign "We're closed for MLK Day". He rattles the door a second time, and then peers through the glass door again. As he is about to give up, he sees me and opens my office door. "The Secretary of State closed today?" he asked. "Yes." I replied, "Someone will be here on Tuesday to read the test to you!"
  19. So close to winning a Darwin Award, but only an honorable mention.
  20. IMO it's time for you to head into deeper water. My favorite summer fishing takes place along the deep weedline, which in this area is normally around 16'. I will put the nose of the boat right on that weedline and travel along it pitching T-Rig Worms or a Jig/Trailer Combo to it. These deep weedlines are never straight line affairs, so I look for small indentations or points. These areas provide good ambush points for bass to sit along waiting for prey to swim along. Another really great spot are inside turns, which in my mind is a spot where prey fish will jumble up before making the turn. From looking at the map you provided, I see several of these inside turns. One is located at the 3 O'Clock position and the other is at 11 O'Clock. The first inside turn looks like a prime area as it has a large shallower flat close to it. I would think that the bass could move up onto this flat during low light periods and then retreat to holding or ambush points within the deeper weedline. The other inside turn at the 11 O'Clock position has a nice steep drop off to it, but it doesn't provide a feeding shelf of shallower water near it. I also like the look of the deep slot between the two islands in the lower right hand corner of the map. Wind blowing through or around these islands may create current within this slot that could turn on daytime fish. A day on your lake would find me doing what I do on the lakes around here. Start the morning throwing topwaters over the tops of the flats and then dropping back to the deeper weedline moving slow and deliberately with vertical presentations. If a good wind picked up, I'd think about moving to that slot and covering a lot of water with a crankbait or spinnerbait.
  21. My all time favorite is when someone knows I've been hunting and they ask me "Did you catch anything?" I normally answer that everything was running soooooo fast, I just decided to shoot them!
  22. These: http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fishing/Terminal-Tackle/Weights%7C/pc/104793480/c/104779980/sc/104685480/Cabelas-Bulk-Bottom-Bouncers-Unpainted-Torpedo/739403.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Ffishing-terminal-tackle-weights%2F_%2FN-1100373%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104685480%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104793480%253Bcat104779980&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104793480%3Bcat104779980%3Bcat104685480 http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fishing/Fishing-Jigs-Rigs/Bait-Rigs%7C/pc/104793480/c/104736780/sc/104200380/Baitfish-Image8482-Walleye-Spinner-Harness-Double-Hook/739015.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Ffishing-fishing-jigs-rigs-bait-rigs%2F_%2FN-1100360%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104200380%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104793480%253Bcat104736780&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104793480%3Bcat104736780%3Bcat104200380
  23. Amazing story of why it happened, and how all survived. Lessons for all of us to remember. http://www.glangler.com/_blog/Great_Lakes_Angler/post/MULL's_BLOG_Stupid,_Adrift_and_Thanking_God_for_a_Coleman_Cooler/
  24. So was the hotdog eating contest!
  25. X2 Plus a few salmon and trout thrown in for the smoker.
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