With all due respect to Mr. Don Barone, and perhaps because of him, part of this reply requires me to quote lyrics from a long ago song in the way he does so well. You see it was many years ago that I first heard a song by Zager and Evans called "In the Year 2525". Reading some of the posts here somehow got me to thinking about this song. Fanciful? Factual? You can be the judge, but I remember thinking that he may have been a little slow and somewhat out of sequence on parts of it.
"In the year 6565
Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife
You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
From the bottom of a long glass tube"
So how close are we to this today with In Vitro Fertilization?
But let's get back to the subject at hand.
It was a year or so ago when I saw the news that a younger gal got into a traffic accident down in Grand Rapids. It seems that her gas pedal got stuck and she couldn't get it freed up. Now I'm sure if you've driven or lived long enough, you have either had this happen to you or heard about it. There are some definite do's and don'ts in getting out of this type of problem, the easiest of which is to put the car in neutral and applying the brakes. The biggest don't is jamming the gas pedal to the floor hoping it will free itself up. Thanks to this gal, who somehow survived despite herself, we now have another don't.
Don't call your girlfriends on your cellphone!
"In the year 5555
Your arms are hanging limp at your sides
Your legs got not nothing to do
Some machine is doing that for you"
Close, really close. Had Zager only switched the word "minds" for "legs", we may have had the perfect moral to this and many stories just like it!
So Capt O, I fully agree that this project is going to make it's creator a famous and wealthy man. We are getting closer to the year 5555 everytime we can come up with an invention that gives people the chance to throw away the ability to think on their own.
OHIO, I can't help but think that if given the ability to speak, how many extinct species would have heard their offspring say the exact same thing!
"In the year 8510
God is gonna shake his mighty head
He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been
Or tear it down and start again"
In The Year 2525
Zager and Evans