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Lund Explorer

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Everything posted by Lund Explorer

  1. Gulp Minnows. But I've been rigging two baits on the same line using SpinShot Hooks. A 4" (#2 size hook) on top with a 2 1/2" (#8 size hook) on the bottom.
  2. Those pictures on the hawg gallery. That guy looks mighty familiar!
  3. Sure enough that Michigan is blessed with a good number of clear water lakes, and cursed with just about as many lakes that are built just like a bowl. When the deep weedline isn't working for me, I hit the docks too. I also keep my eyes open for the boat lifts. The owners of these things will power load onto them quite often and it creates a nice depression a little deeper than the surrounding area. One last thing Scorcher might want to keep in mind is the possibility of zebra mussels in some of these lakes. As he fishes LSC often, he should know all about needing line that will hold up around those pesky critters.
  4. I am also the member of several other forums, and there is a wide spectrum of what a poster can get away with as you travel from one to the other. Without a doubt, Bass Resource is the most civil of all of them. This is likely due to a combination of the forum's rules barring certain hot button topics as well as an active group of moderators. While the moderators on this forum take an active part in many discussions, there are other forums where you would think that they actually enjoy the flaming posts. I can't imagine being invited to any other forum's get togethers and going, or with some, even acknowledging that I belong to the forum. That isn't the case here, as I have not only attended a RoadTrip, but have proudly invited others to check this site out. Don't worry Glenn, those invites are to fishermen I meet in person, and not from some of those other sites! I did have an issue with one of the moderators here a while back, but it wasn't so serious that I felt it was worth taking it any further. It is easier to enjoy the benefits of the many people I look forward to conversing with, and just leaving or ignoring others that might lead me to post something I could regret. As a matter of fact, I think being an active poster here has actually toned down my attitude on those other forums. In my honest opinion, it is fairly easy to avoid the wrath of any BR moderator. Read and understand the simple rules that Glenn has published and consistantly refers to, and learn to walk away from the posts, subjects, or members you are never going to agree with. It's easy to use this forum as a tool to learn from, to payback with some bit of knowledge that may teach others, and just maybe to find a few friends along the way. The last thing everyone should do is to recognize those hot button issued still allowed here, and if you dare jump in, to simply state your viewpoint on the subject, and to not take any replies too seriously. With a little practice, I might even be able to do that.
  5. And now in the latest news, the third of Detroit's double in trouble kids got shown the door today. CB Aaron Berry will be looking for a new team. http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20120723/SPORTS0101/207230386/Lions-release-CB-Aaron-Berry-following-second-arrest?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
  6. I have to agree with Sam to a certain point. A number of innocent players are going to lose out due to a group of so called adults who are either gone from this school or soon will be. The real stand out players will get cherry picked by the other professional (oops, I mean colleges) teams. The rest will be the ones to serve JoePa's penalty for him. The NCAA had to do something, and while this isn't the death penalty, it is death by a thousand cuts. About a dozen each for every kid on that team.
  7. Bravo! She got a real return on investment there.
  8. For a brief second when the camera went right straight up, I thought you just might have an after-burner after all.
  9. Actually, I think Goodell has suspended players before their trails were completed several times. While I'm almost sure his possible suspension won't be as bad a Vick's was, it will be the most severe of this year's crop. The Co-Runners-Up will be coming from the City of Detroit who went for quantity over quality!
  10. # 25 on the list that A-Jay provided. If Mr. Dumervil's crime was committted in Michigan, a conviction with the possession of the firearm during a felony would earn him a minimum of 24 months in the big house without reagard to any other punishment. By far the most serious of all these incidents.
  11. I thought you were going to show us something like this!
  12. I can only think that a person might feel they're pushing the rules a little too hard. Presonally, I've had the honor to meet several of the moderators along with Glenn and Keri. They're a great bunch of folks. Even Long Mike until he cracks open that second box of wine!
  13. In my own experience, it isn't so much a case of me giving up on an old style lure. Its the company making them when they either quit producing them or worse yet changing it. For example: When did Heddon quit making wooden topwaters in favor of plastic? Can anybody really say that the plastic version is better? Cheaper? I know they fish differently.
  14. Whatever susepnsions, if any, the Goodell hands out to these players is going to be rooted in one prior case. Michael Vick! For who knows how long, the jocks of the world have always been given the pass, whether in the classroom or in the community, for no other reason than they had the ability to play a game others wanted to watch. It starts in high school and goes all the way into the pros. However, when they witnessed the uproar generated by a single player who thought he could abuse a poor stupid animal for his own entertainment, the leadership of the NFL finally woke up to the fact that their "brand" was being harmed by these so called professionals. Yes, there were other players who got suspended prior to him, but Goodell has finally seen that the NFL must begin to grow a spine and stand up to their players that think that society's rules don't matter. Perhaps someday we'll see every team pass over drafting some of these players who have racked up a few DUI or drug arrests by the time they either graduate or are kicked out of college. Then maybe we'll see colleges doing the same thing. RW's comment about the "Stupid Gene"? I can't imagine most people would be stupid enough to risk a free college education or a multi-million dollar job just to drive drunk or to light up a doobie. Let alone to keep repeating the same thing over and over again.
  15. About 5 hours per/night. I couldn't even tell you the last time I relied on an alarm clock to wake up.
  16. Nice sign Robert, but could I suggest a different direction as far as the neighbors go? Invite them over for dinner and a movie. I'd think "Paint Your Wagon" would do the trick!
  17. Aside from all the woes of life in the ER, I think Slonezp might be onto something. See the sign one day, find somebody that uses the service the next? Somebody needs to find us a billboard advertising an app for wait times for lunch at the local "gentlemen's club". That's an app we could use!
  18. Most likely into the summer doldrums. It's been a very warm spring/summer across most of the country. This should have the water temps up in this pond, which means that it is very possible that the dissolved oxygen levels are lower than the bass normally like. Imagine if you were atop Pike's Peak, then tell me how'd you feel about running across the parking lot to grab a piece of KFC. It's hard to think about eating when you are huffing and puffing, so the better option is to move slower and not chasing down that meal. Same with the fish. Think slow, and then fish slower still. Bigger baits, like a 10" worm means more food for what effort required. The key is to put that bait right on the bass' nose and leave it there.
  19. The original question is almost impossible to answer. The taste of almost any fish is controlled by many factors. From where it was caught to how it was handled from the catch to the kitchen, and then to how it was prepared. After all of that, you need to consider individual taste preference. It would almost be easier to try to tell someone what makes the best BBQ or Chili than to say what a person's reaction to their first meal of any type of fish. The only way to tell is to try it several different ways to see if it something the person enjoys. As a bass is a member of the panfish family, I like to prepare any I eat the same way I prepare bluegills. A boneless and skinless filet, soaked overnight in salted water. Once the filets are drained and somewhat dry, then lightly dusted in a mixture of flour, lemon pepper, and Lowry's seasoned salt. Placed into a cast iron skillet heated to 375 degrees with just a small amount of butter. Depending on the thickness of the filet, it shouldn't take more than 45 seconds to one minute per side, or until the middle of the filet has turned completely white. Over cooking the fish will make the filet tough and chewy so you only want to cook the fish for the minimum required time.
  20. I'm going to put in a completely different thought or two here. Before we start talking bows, does your state require you take pass a hunter's safety test, and have you taken that already? The Rod and Gun Club I belong to offers classes prior to taking your test. One of those classes includes hands on instruction with assorted guns and bows. You should look into this before anything else. You don't want to be searching at the last moment to get this taken care of. As far as buying either a new or used bow, I'm going to suggest that you visit a local professional archery shop. The people who work there are going to know the answers to almost any question you may have and some you may not have thought of yet. I'll agree that a recurve is more challenging than shooting a compound if for no other reason than the letoff you'll get with a good set of cams. Many of these shops also have practice ranges on site so you can try out several bows to see what you like. Many of the stores also will allow you to buy practice time on an inside range, and you may be able to get lessons. We have a store here that has archery leagues that gives you the chance to shoot during the off season. As far as price goes, the few dollars you'll save buying outside one of the archery stores, you'll end up spending when you need to go there for arrows, accessories, and any tune up or maintenance. The bottom line is you'll get better service for the same price when it is all said and done by going to the guys who make a living doing this stuff.
  21. IBTL = In Before The Lock Once a moderator sees the subject matter, the thread will be locked. Once you've been around for a little bit, you'll look forward to putting in your own IBTL posts which only means we beat the mods.
  22. You will! IBTL! http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  23. Find the deep weedline, put the nose of the boat right on top of it, and start pitching that jig right along the outside edge. You could also throw a deep diving crankbait to run along that weedline. Watch where you are getting bitten at. Most weedlines have a number of points or indentations in them, and these spots attract fish. Also look for larger inside or outside turns which can give bass a prime ambush point. While you're doing this, have your backseater pitching into the holes in the weedbed itself, or running a shallow cranbait or spinnerbait of the top of those weeds. At least one of you should start hitting fish. Adjust accordingly.
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