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Lund Explorer

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Everything posted by Lund Explorer

  1. Your answer is just a close as the State's MRBIS website. http://www.mcgi.state.mi.us/mrbis/ You can search stocking records or search for lakes with fishable numbers of many species. The following is a link to the page showing every lake with both public access and a fishable population of muskies. http://www.mcgi.state.mi.us/mrbis/results.aspx?fish=mus&isAny=true
  2. Disclaimer: I have never sold insurance of any kind, and most likely never will. Commercial insurance, such as general liability insurance is based on a combination of two factors. The first is the insurance rate which is based on the type of business you have. The second is based on your exposure, or in other words, your projected sales during the policy year. For example, if you walk into your insurance agent's office and tell them you are selling "widgets" and you expect sales to be $100k for the year, the agent may tell you that the base premium is going to be $790. That would be a rate of $7.90 per/$1000. If you end up have $150k in sales during the policy year, then you should understand that you will owe an additional $395. Your premium for the next year will also increase because it will be based on last year's sales. If you have been told that you owe a whole bunch more money, then one of two things happened. You either understated your potential sales, or the agent did. Unfortunately, I have heard your exact same complaint so many times that I couldn't count them all. As an accountant, I started to make it a practice to ask my client's for copies of the insurance policies so that I could measure the difference between projected and actual sales volume long before the end of the policy year. This would give me the chance to prepare my client for the bad news you're facing right now. The bottom line is that most business owners fail to learn everything they need to know about this issue, and many insurance agents don't take the time to either fully explain to policy when its sold, or when the policy year comes to an end. You as the business owner need to educate yourself on how these types of policies work, and that starts with the right agent.
  3. Early to Mid-Morning. Coolest part of the day when winds normally blow the least and all the skiers are still in bed!
  4. The easy answer would be to say something about fishing topwaters in January. During soft water season, the hardest part is during a mayfly hatch or an alewife spawn.
  5. These forum rules are going to put a real damper on the number of replies!
  6. Why does this remind me of the story about a single engine Cessna that had nosed dived into the middle of a cemetery in a small Yooper village. The news quoted that the local fire chief, Sven Jorgenson stating that they had already recovered 32 bodies!
  7. No problem up here Tom, as we're just waiting for "Gales of November" to arrive. More than the birds head south by Thanksgiving!
  8. This is a biggest victory many AFC teams have had for a very long time. Sadly, it will probably be their last one for the foreseeable future!
  9. My little amortization program tells me that a $10k loan with a 6.7% interest rate and paid back over a 5 year period would be just under $200 per/month. On a boat that is already 10-15 years old, I would hate to think that your loan would take longer than that to pay back. Taking these facts into consideration, you'll make the last payment on a boat that is going to be 15-20 years old. Here are my thoughts, good or bad. First and foremost is your comment that this is all you can afford. This begs the question if you can afford the potential repair costs that a boat the age you are looking at could potentially cost? What if the trolling motor kicks the bucket, can you find an extra $500 - $1,000 to mount a new one in it's place? What about a lower unit, or even worse, a rebuilt power head? The facts of the matter is that older stuff breaks more often. With this in mind, you may be better off looking at a new or newer boat. Same program tells me that you can take the same payment at a cheaper rate, extend it over a 10 year period, and can now borrow over $20k. At the end of the loan, you have a boat that is only 10-15 years old, and with a brand new boat, you've got a warranty to cover many of those big ticket repairs.
  10. Original or Smaller Bags - Stored in Larger Bags - Stored in a Big Bag. Except for the rings that keep everything in the same order, you've described a worm binder!
  11. Maybe not trying, but most definitely succeeding. Think about it a little while longer and you may figure it out. Of course you being part of "all the white guys" might be an obstacle!
  12. My condolences.
  13. Some us learned to eat bluegill / perch with the skin on !
  14. Lund Explorer


  15. Lund Explorer


    From the album: Misc

  16. Congrats on your pending return to that sleep until noon, let your hair grow out, walking around with your hands in your pockets civilian's life! Now print out a copy of what you posted, and save it for the next 12 1/5 years. At some point you are going to think back on this day and wonder what it would have been like to be getting that pension check every month, and if you made the right choice. The years will fade the memories of everything but those "Going Rambo" moments, and reading this at those times when the hurry up and wait bull outnumbered the good days is going to help. My old boss told me something that has stuck with to this day. War is hell, but peace is a witch spelled with a capital "B". You've done your share and its time for you to move on with your life. You've done your duty for the country and now its time to do the same for your family. When they've reached adulthood, they are going to be just as proud of you then as many of us are of you today.
  17. Sorry to hear that. Pass on good thoughts to her for a speedy recovery. And I still bet you could show Raider how to get to the Foretop.
  18. Let's call it silver instead. WOT is fine so long as your RPM's aren't past the red-line limits of your motor. #1 reason to always have a working tachometer!
  19. I always check mine in the fall when it's time to winterize the boat. If repairs are needed, I've got all winter to take care of it. Only thing I do in the summer is to physically grab the hubs with my hands during a pit stop or after a long haul. Excessive heat means trouble.
  20. You mean one of these? http://www.basspro.com/Plank-Trailer-Walkway/product/44922/
  21. Pretty Hi-Tech for a poacher.
  22. I'm probably wrong, but the only person I can think of that has a fish for a pet is Mrs. Ghoti!
  23. Can't believe that you and your missus aren't dragging Raider and his soon to be better half to the Coast Guard festival this weekend! What could be better than a guided tour?
  24. You forgot to mention what happened when the authorities got there.
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