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Lund Explorer

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Everything posted by Lund Explorer

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. I'd be "lion" if I didn't say that I wanted to!
  3. Sadly, this issue has split not only the tree huggers from the hunters, but many of the hunters as well. Just like everyone else, you are allowed to have your own opinion. That fact that many others see this as an issue of fair chase is their right. For many of the area's population, the park's rangers, and the thousands of tourists who knew this creature by name (yeah he got his name while he was alive), the baiting of this lion was just plain wrong. It should be obvious that even if Bwana and his guides were in the right, they should have foreseen the uproar and maybe looked elsewhere for their trophy. Some times doing something right doesn't end up that way. Of course this is just my opinion!
  4. In other research, it has been determined that the #1 cause of death - is birth!
  5. Congratulations! In over six years, this is the first time I've ever heard someone say that they have to use their smart phone as a public service. Do you take time out from your fishing to check in to see if anyone has replied to these announcements? The standard excuse has always been to insure that they were available in case of an emergency. My Son-in-Law used that excuse. The last time he and I went fishing together, my daughter sent him a total of 28 what must have been emergency text messages because he took the time to reply to everyone of them! The days total catch had me with 30+ bass and him with 2! As we were loading up the boat at the end of the day he asked me how long it took to learn to catch fish so much better than he could. I tried to explain that it only took a minute or two to figure out how to mute the ringer on my phone!
  6. Reminds me of the story about Coyote Ugly. So if you wake up in the morning and there's this ugly gal asleep on your arm, do you wake her up or start chewing?
  7. On the third of August, what do you think the water temp would be in a cooler left inside a vehicle all day?
  8. #1 reason why fishing is in decline? http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/161332-bassresourcecom-your-lake/ There is absolutely no reason to confront the real world when the virtual one is right at your fingertips. We used to go on camping/fishing trips quite often when the kids were growing up. If I ask them or the grandkids to go today, the first question is whether there is a cell phone tower nearby! The few times I can get any of them in the boat for a day, the cry of the loon is drowned out by the myriad of ringtones constantly squelching from their phones. The problem, and it is a real one, will arrive at the tipping point when license sales decline to the point when state fisheries can't fund their operations. Stocking programs will be cut or eliminated, followed by enforcement of fishing laws. At some point, the few remaining fishermen will be a very small minority of those on the water. The water fleas will then ask why these people are allowed to annoy them! ​
  9. To start with, lets hope you have insurance. Now here's the story of what happened when a guy hit one of those "BFR's" with his 130hp rice burner. Blew the skeg completely off, folded all three blades straight back, and when the lower unit came off, the drive shaft looked like a cork screw. Only fix was to bolt on a whole new lower unit and pay the deductible. And two months later, discover you've spun the main bearing! Thankfully, the insurance company with a whole lot of help from the repair shop decided that it was caused by the hit. My words of advice is to make sure that your mechanic goes through the entire motor and not just what the visible damage is.
  10. Nailed It! I'm not sure why Mr. Menendez deserves recognition over the hoards of others that are harassed on the water. As far as ethnic heritage? I can't count how many members here have linked the issue to bucket fishing!
  11. I find that a fishing rod held in my hand is much more so.
  12. Yup, just updated from Windows 7 and the jury is still out. Now trying to figure out if Cortana is going to "catfish" me!
  13. The only life lesson worth learning is to think critically about any "news" story before reacting to it. Those who don't learn this lesson spend their entire life being led by the nose from cradle to grave.
  14. Imagine how many bites you simply don't feel because your head isn't in the game.
  15. Grind them up. I've seen quite a few cleaning stations that use commerical sized garbage disposals that will take fish the size of a king salmon. There should be a size you can get to deal with the fish you're cleaning.
  16. Bwana spends Fifty Thousand Dollars to have someone else bring a lion within range of his bow and arrow, by any means, and then he blows the shot. Throwing all of the legal issues aside, I have to wonder if this guy planned to have a full skin mount made to hang in his trophy room, just so he could relive the thrill of his great hunt, and brag to his friends of his hunting prowess. Seeing as how this guy's reputation is now as dead as Cecil is, any other problems he gets is simply salt in the wound! <pun intended>
  17. If it makes you feel any better, I know guys with 30'+ cruisers that curse excessive boat traffic. Your only option is to start looking for a new job and life where you can afford a private lake. Just like the rest of us!
  18. You should remember that fight for a long time! BTW, I like the twist you put to part of the Bhagavad Gita!
  19. Meatloaf, meatball, meathead. So many choices makes me want to mainline a Coca Cola!
  20. Some of what you have written could lead someone to think that this pond already exists. Does it? Regardless, several things stick out right away. If cattails are around it, how do you plan on reaching it? Most areas that have cattails are somewhat swampy in character and not conducive to the stealthy approach you'll need to fish such a small pond. Also, a pond of that depth isn't going to be fed by ground water seepage unless your water table is quite a bit higher than normal. Most likely, if the pond isn't spring fed it will have to rely on either runoff or be supplemented by some sort of well water. A friend of mine put in a shallow well and used a windmill to keep his smallish sized pond full during the summer. How much water put into this pond will also be determined on the soil type on it's bottom. Is the area this pond is going to be located contain a high amount of clay? The pond's depth, or perhaps I should say lack of it, is going to be an issue. You must recognize this if your plans include some type of pump to keep it from freezing. That could become a little cost prohibitive as almost all pumps require electricity to operate and Consumer's Energy doesn't give that stuff away! A better alternative might be to consider going deeper. Finally, you mentioned frogs and other wildlife. Every pond owner I know most definitely has other wildlife. The one you will have and you don't want is the muskrat. Find a local fur trapper willing to keep your pond with a manageable number of these bank destroying critters!
  21. If it helps you from hiding under your bed in fear, you may want to research all of the information available on this subject, and especially on the body's production of "dopamine". What the author (whoever it really is) of this piece fails to mention that soda, heroin, and fresh homemade bread ALL produce the same effects. Trying to link a can of pop to a terribly addicting drug is little different than the bigger child trying to scare his siblings with the hidden object in the dark closet. Looking into the pharmacist's background will lead you to his own website. Yeah, he's got his own and roughly the same "news" is reported on there too. I've provided the link to it, and if you compare the linked stories you will (or at least should) notice quite a few differences between the two versions. Including reference to another source for who wrote this hypothesis. http://therenegadepharmacist.com/what-happens-one-hour-after-drinking-a-can-of-coke/ Please also note that I used the word "hypothesis" because no one is providing any proof or evidence to these findings have actually been come to by the normal path to scientific fact. To me this means that this entire "news" article is little more than someone's private musings. Of course this may also change when a little closer inspection of the website shows that the great humanitarian provides the reader with several commercially available alternatives to this deadly brew. The cynical amongst us (and I am one of them) might wonder if there was a monetary reward behind the publishing of this entire thing. http://therenegadepharmacist.com/3-healthy-alternatives-to-soda/ The bottom line here is that soda, pop, homemade bread, deep fried foods, and just about everything else in life become unhealthy if used in anything but moderation. Please note that because I wasn't trying to scare anyone, I didn't include heroin in the previous sentence!
  22. When I first saw this thread JT, I was sure you were going to say that your local Little League had started "Fall Ball"!
  23. So what is the answer to your problem?
  24. We have some lakes here that have a 7pm until 11am no wake rule that gives fishermen a chance to enjoy those lakes without putting up with all of the water fleas. The only problem is that we don't have enough of them!
  25. Whatever floats your boat. Simply pointing out that most lakes in this country provide anglers with a renewable and nutritious food source. Maybe someday you will have the chance to visit a place where you'll have the chance to see what so many others already know. Properly taken care of and prepared, I think you would be pleasantly surprised.
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