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Lund Explorer

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Everything posted by Lund Explorer

  1. I remember something about a study on this subject. I also remember thinking to myself that it didn't explain why, that after decades of Catch & Keep fishing, that there were any biters left to practice Catch & Release with. I'm open to the idea, but not being able to find a concrete source for this theory, I think it might be more of an excuse for a bad day on the lake.
  2. That reminds me of the people filling trash cans with smelt each spring at the Singing Bridge. Those days are long gone now as there hasn't been a run in 15 years. I wonder if there would still be one if people hadn't been so greedy?
  3. Cone on, tell the truth. If you guys ever decided to head south, the boss would be driving, the dogs would take up the rest of the space inside, and they'd have to tie you to the roof!
  4. And considering the way the Saints are playing, it was probably the only way the guy was going to get his hands on a ball!
  5. Your only to serious options would be a trade in at a trusted gun shop, or a private sale of the exist pistol so you can use the cash received to buy what you're looking for. Whatever you choose, your first step should be to find out the value of that Taurus. Find both the Retail and Wholesale values. The local gun store is only going to give you the lower wholesale price on a trade-in. They're the best choice if you want to avoid the hassle of waiting to find a buyer yourself. If you don't mind the cost of advertising the sale and dealing with who knows how many people who try to pimp down your asking price, then a private sale is the way to go. My choice if it was me. Find out the best price I could expect, and trade it in to the guy that offers you the closest to that value.
  6. Regardless of the fact that I've always found muddy water fish holding tight to shallow cover, I would consider the following: When the choice is between a proven fisherman such as Ike -vs- Someone(?) with a video on Youtube, I would think the choice would be obvious.
  7. Being an old school student of In-Fisherman, I would suggest that these bass could be called an "aggregation" while not in an active feeding mood, and a "school" when they are.
  8. Always like to see another fan of Bill Dance! Only question is whether these are NLMB or FLMB?
  9. Snake River Canyon? Is that his nickname for the wife or the girlfriend?
  10. My experience ice fishing is quite a bit like yours. I have caught a few bass over many years, but they are the exception rather than the rule. In my younger days I was into spear fishing for pike quite heavily. I was sitting in a dark shanty, staring down into the lake through a 2' x 4' hole in the ice. Doing so, you get to watch every species of fish in the lake come through that hole sooner or later. LM & SM Bass usually moved by right down on bottom, very slowly, and even if you could drop a bait down to their level, they completely ignored it. Not surprising when you consider that these fish are more of a warm water species than say a walleye or a pike. Colder water equals a slower metabolism which equals a greatly reduced need to feed. The only way I would spend time targeting bass through the ice would be if I had access to a small lake or pond that was stocked primarily with bass and no toothy critters. An UL Rod using 2lb - 4lb line, micro sized teardrops, and an emerald shiner would be my choice due to the more sporting fight you'll get over a tip up. Setup several rigs so you can jig with one and deadstick the other(s). All that said, I would rather spend my time on the ice chasing species that result in more action and the chance at a fish fry!
  11. Who is it that humps both day and night, Who is it that humps but never fights, It is we the Security Police in faded green, It is we who guard our nation's war machine, Our boots are worn the weapons outdated, And our enemy is always simulated, But hump on SP and do not pause, Just say this prayer for Our Lost Cause! USAF 1974 - 1978 321st CSG, MSS-3 MI-ANG 1978 - 1986 110th CSS, SP
  12. Nothing about tithing into your half of the livewell?
  13. I enjoy sharing knowledge just as much as the next guy, and have even at times given actual GPS numbers to spots I've found to other members here(through pm's). But the fact remains that the vast majority of fisherman do not disclose names of lakes, ponds, or rivers that they consider to be "their water". Look in the fishing reports and see just how many reports show the name of these small types of waters. On bigger bodies of water, the reports never seem to mention the area those fish were caught. Here's the text from another forum discussing disclosure on trout streams. Policy Concerning River Reports: No rivers may be named in your post(s) outside of the those that are specifically listed on the forum header for each region. In addition specific holes, access points, runs, etc. must not be named even on the large rivers. Small rivers and streams not listed on this forum's header must not be mentioned by name. Any posts that violate the letter and spirit of these rules are subject to editing, deletion or closure without notice. If I'm missing something and people are really naming names, could you point me in the direction of such posts? But don't look at the OP's as even he didn't mention the name or location of those ponds.
  14. Let's hope it doesn't mess up your plans for next year's Road Trip!
  15. I know quite a few Polish-Americans that fish, but the only Rod I know doesn't fish at all!
  16. Only bites? What about hookups? That big long tail on a 10" power worm is going to create quite a bit of vibration which is good for muddy water, but I would suggest moving up in hook size to a 5/0 for that large of a bait. If you stung those fish that did bite, they might not be too willing to bite again for awhile.
  17. Every type of casting motion has it's time and place. Overhead is fine if you're bombing away for distance. Not so much if you are trying to land a lure right on top of a fish holding spot.
  18. Head Shakes - Rattling Sounds! The OP clearly stated that the information he got wasn't working, hence it was bogus. It's a pretty simple concept that a person can learn where to fish on their own instead of relying on second hand non-confirmed bragging by others! I am still of the opinion that any true fisherman isn't going to tell you about the pond full of hawgs he's found unless the guy is off his rocker. Of course in Colorado, perhaps all you need to do is hold up a bag of Taco Bell in front of them when they've got the munchies.
  19. Pardon me, but I'm pretty sure you just gave an example of this thing giving you the "ability" to catch fish. The fact remains that this gadget is just like every other so called tool I described earlier. It is marketed as a must have technological breakthrough that every fisherman has to have if they plan on catching fish. Just like the flood of specially colored lures that followed in the wake of the Color-C-Lector, I'm sure that we'll soon see a whole raft of "sounds" this one will have on store shelves. Perhaps one that sounds like a hatchery truck full of trout!
  20. One other thing to think about. If you're fishing a small pond and actually catch that elusive 6lber, would you tell everyone? Just to see how many more people were beating the water to a froth the next time you showed up. That might be a great question to ask the next guy who tells you this. If he says he just wants to share his hotspots, ask him to tell you where his morel mushroom spots are!
  21. If you think about it, what you're saying is that you just spent countless hours looking for the key to the basement again. All I'm trying to say is that you should focus more on what is right in front of you rather than chasing something you have never seen. Like a Six Pound Bass. The more time you spend fishing various bodies of water, you will hopefully learn what it takes for that lake, pond, or river to produce a certain size of fish.
  22. Actually, I tend to consider any computer monitor where I read forum posts as today's "idiot box"! However, if the device gives you the ability to catch fish then by all means use it. I just happen to look at it as just another in a long line of "miracles".
  23. Perhaps the better question would be. Why do you care? There are only two possible reasons. The first would be to learn a pond's potential, and after you've gotten a few more years of fishing experience, you should be able to figure that out on your own. The second would be if you ever decide to begin fishing in tournaments, and that's where the scales tell you. My advice would be to quit worrying about what other's are supposedly catching, and concentrate on learning what tactics work best for you.
  24. Come on A-Jay, everyone knows that's a DLD. Darn Lucky Dog! Congrats to all of you.
  25. Nah, that's the guys who can't believe the weight of somebody else's bass!
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