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  • Birthday 08/20/1954

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  1. Something fishy about this story ????? I have 4 new SMOKE reels and to bad for all U Q/haters, the new smokes are GREAT reels, I always keep a open mind on reels and rods.
  2. Using this reel on the water....didn't like it. Yup, you read right I didn't like it. The ACS braking is....eh. I had to click to the second ACS braking to keep it from having the line run over and I use braid. I do have the Tour Edition and the Catalyst, all 3 share the same body and ACS braking. On the Tour Edition and Catalyst, I only need to click to the fist ACS braking and I'm good to go with any weight lure. So thats a minus on the Smoke reel. {Quote from Ghosts review} Why would that bother you ??? I have 2 Calcutta 250DC reels and one is set on 3 the other I set on 4 for the same bait. I have a SMOKE 150 coming this week, I do a review when I get my.
  3. Always clean out old factory oil and grease first !!!! soak bearings in Acetone overnight. I like to use 1 Brand of oil and grease, Hot Sauce oil and grease is what I use on all my reels, I oil the clean bearings with 1 drop of H/S oil and I oil the worm gear, The pinion and main gears get H/S grease and any parts that is inside of reel, I sometimes will mix a 50/50 mix of oil and grease together for the worm gears and anti rev bearing if I'm fishing in very hot weather and fishing for the week somewhere, so I don't have to reoil and grease during the week long trip. That is why I like one brand of oil and grease. If you like Reel butter they have a grease and a lite oil only for the bearings and a med oil for anything. I like trying out different oils and grease to see what works for me. You can have a REEL PRO clean and reoil and grease your reel if you feel you don't want to clean out the factory oil and grease then have him reoil/grease your reel with the brand of oil and grease you want to use and you can reoil and grease your reel as needed.
  4. I run 75yds of braid on all my reels with mono backing. I like mono backing because if you spool a reel with all braid and you get bad snag or birdnest when casting, small dia braid will dig in very deep, but if you have only 75yds of braid with mono backing the braid can't dig in the spool to deep because of the mono backing.
  5. WOW a 6'5" rod that is 5.9oz and a wood handle for $1100.00 THAT Rod IS STONE COLD UGLY Do guys really fish with rods like this ????
  6. I have 3 rods for cranks 1- 7' 2- 7'3 3- 8' Are U talking about rod action, Speed or the Reel ratio ??? my rods are a med fast action, and the 8' has a med action and the 7' rod has a reel that has a 6.3:1gear ratio, the 7'3 has a 5.3:1 and the 8" has a stump pulling 4.7:1 for deep divers.
  7. Smooth Drags call and talk to Dawn, ALL my reels have CARBONTEX DRAGS with a light coat of Cal's Drag Grease, I also polish the metal drag washers on all reels that I use 12lb and under test line.
  8. Reelgrips also make a rod grip go to there web site
  9. I use alot of PATRIARCH reels, I replaced one of the reel stock bearings with ABEC9 9 Ceramic bearings and maybe gain 2 ft if that, clean the stock bearings in acetone and reoil with Hot Sauce Oil.
  10. Clean out stock bearings first, soak them in ACETONE overnight, apply 1-2 drops of Hot Sauce Oil, try this first and polish the spool shaft and inside of the pinion gear and brake ring. ABEC 7 will give you a few feet on baits under 1/2 oz over that not much from stock bearings. Also some ceramic bearings are very loud when they need oil.
  11. U can update a 300DSV to the 300E spes, U need to order a bearing part # BNT0031 and the line guide part # BNT3992 from SHIMANO from the 300E. I like the 300DSV Gray over the 300E Green.
  12. Plese post about your new SMOKE REEL, I have a 150 ccoming next week to, will post my findings also
  13. U say Dual Brks are a marketing tool that you don't need both, and stick with Shimano or Daiwa I think that is so funny because both Shimano and Daiwa spend MILLIONS on marketing, HEG, SUPER FREE, MAGFORCE V, ITO, that is Y a Steez reel costs $479.99 a Zillion $399.99, you are paying for the MILLIONS they spend on marketing. I just sold 2 Steez reels and 1 ConQuest DC reel for the Dual Brking PARTRIARCH reels !!!!!!! Retail for $199.00 and they don't backlash and they will out cast any Steez, the DC will outcast the Patriarch maybe 10ft ?? but you have to spend $300.00 more for 10ft !!!!!!
  14. Daiwa is the new heavy weight of reels, the fat lady is singing at Daiwa, Z2020 8.9OZ, ZILLION 8.9OZ, PLUTON 12OZ ;D ;D ;D ;D
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