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Delaware Valley Tackle

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Everything posted by Delaware Valley Tackle

  1. The drag rubs, that’s how it works. A carbon Tex upgrade would smooth it out and quiet it.
  2. Reel feet are not universal. It looks like they’re trying to do right by trimming the seat threads back like many custom builders do. Maybe too much of a good thing. As for the blanks, very seldom are any poker straight it won’t hurt a thing. I’m not one to excuse the mass production issues just adding some perspective. At the end of the day you’re the customer and that’s where expectations lie whether anyone else agrees or not.
  3. Ratings can’t be “accurate “ or “true” because there is no standard only subjective descriptions. A better way to get the info you’re after is to compare to a rod line you’re familiar with.
  4. No Zonk for You!!!
  5. If you look closely I think the Ambassaduers are now described as Swedish “Engineered”.
  6. There’s lots of great advice in the forums but I feel like the library here is way under utilized. Here’s a good read all you need to know: https://www.bassresource.com/fishing/lipless-crankbait-1.html
  7. Won’t hurt a thing. No need micro scope it. If you’re worried about moisture you can seal it up with clear nail polish
  8. Go back to who told you this and slap them. It’s for their own good.
  9. Upgraded, yes. Increased maybe slightly, but anything over 7-8lbs on a bass reel is overkill.
  10. That’s right. Whatever works for you is the way to go. I’ve seen ball players whose hitting stance and swing were all wrong by conventional wisdom, but they crush that ball!
  11. I don’t see lefty reels as “over sold” just a preference of many myself included. There’s no right or wrong.
  12. I still service them regularly. Perfectly fishable reels
  13. I don’t give blank spine any consideration at all. It’s an irrelevant anomaly of blank manufacturing. If anything, building on the spine makes the rod least powerful deadlift wise.
  14. Nothing to be gained by cementing the pieces together.
  15. No but as kids we walked the canal banks in the winter after the locks were opened. Picked up all kinds of lost tackle from previously submerged rocks, wood trees etc.
  16. Thank you. If you have any questions let me know.
  17. I don’t think it’s fair to blame braid for your lack of luck with those baits. There are valid arguments for all kinds of line applications. It’s one piece of the puzzle though. Don’t get too hung up. I like braid for line handling, sensitivity and hook setting. Visibility or lack there of is a non issue in my experience.
  18. Your reasoning is sound and I see the logic in your preference. I knew this would be the case and wanted the rest to hear it. Thanks!
  19. As long as the line is coming off the bottom of the spool for spinning and the top for casting reels it will work fine. I have fewer problems spooling off the bottom of the filler than off the floor etc.
  20. What do you find to be the advantage of the mid fast action?
  21. I like a mh fast to drive the heavy hook home. A mod fast will work if stiff enough but the fast is no disadvantage. “Pulling the bait away from the fish” is a myth imo. If you’re getting short strikes something else is wrong.
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