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Delaware Valley Tackle

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Everything posted by Delaware Valley Tackle

  1. What’s your email address, I don’t have any regarding this topic. As the other handles are exchangeable for the most part. Just check both schematics in case clickers etc differ
  2. I’ll be buying some next time I need.
  3. Pitching requires little braking and flipping virtually none. If a DC reel offers any advantage I’d think it would be bombing big and non aerodynamic baits.
  4. You’re way over thinking this. Why replace a rod over some idea you don’t even know that you’ll like? Balance as a whole is way overrated and misunderstood. The amount and location of weight we’re taking about is negligible.
  5. I see, since you’re unsure and this is all preference, I’d go with the suggestion of building up a wrap of tape. Athletic tape or tennis racket wrap might be worth a try. Easy to experiment with size and shape and easily removed if you don’t like it at all.
  6. Thanks for pointing this out. The internet can be as dangerous as it is helpful.
  7. Dawn is very helpful. I have extra in stock for sale as well.
  8. What’s a 2” foregrip supposed to do for you? The results would vary depending on the rod and more importantly who does the work
  9. You can change both with no problem. Smoothdrag is very good to work with. It takes a while for new model info to make its way through. They’re a small company and likely don’t have a direct pipeline to the Manufacturers.
  10. Bearings are like most things, manufactured by a few and marketed under many different brand names. All this guy did was go online and cut out the middleman. They’re nothing different or special. I’d be curious to see if they’re marked as ABEC rated.
  11. If you’re going to oil ceramic bearings to mask sound, save your money and use ABEC5 SS. Real ones from a trusted source. Lots of counterfeit stuff in the bearing market.
  12. It’s hard to say without seeing it. Most reels aren’t going to be 100% silent after some use and Deep Cleaning. There’s no magic when it comes to lubricants, just use products appropriate to the application. Never grease an AR. I don’t like grease con level winds because it collects debris. The frame bearings are difficult and messy to pack properly so as a compromise I use heavy gear oil.
  13. Why wouldn’t quantum just relabel the rods? Not like KVD has the patent or something.
  14. My favorite is slapping the handle then hitting the thumb bar to make the spool spin. (Face palm)
  15. Sometimes things just don’t quite seat fully and another reassembly does the trick. Contact me for further assistance.
  16. 100% I’ll never get used to hearing these stories of “testing” reels. Make me cringe. Lol
  17. Keep the tube under 8’ and avoid oversized charges. Priority Mail is usually cheapest but yes not every clerk knows how to measure it. In PVC $20 average.
  18. The spacers in a cast control are hard. I don’t see them being harmed. As for drags I think it depends on the material. That mushy dartanium stuff shimano uses can mash down and stick. Carbontex won’t be hurt. Spring washers may be weakened if left compressed for long periods. Between trips I wouldn’t worry about it but for seasonal storage why not loosen things.
  19. lol, no fortunately(?) I’ve seen a lot of the gotchas and developed practices to avoid these problems......kinda...sorta...mostly
  20. Good job. If you ever get stuck or just want to kick around thoughts you know where to find me.
  21. Sometimes you can bang them out then you’ll get that one with the stripped screw or corroded or with 20yr old grease and dirt gummed up.
  22. That blue color is just ugly enough to be cool. Probably would grow on me.
  23. Line rating and all other rod “specs” are 100% subjective and strictly the opinion of the manufacturer. Of these subjective labels line rating is the least useful for bass applications. Ignore it.
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