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Delaware Valley Tackle

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Everything posted by Delaware Valley Tackle

  1. Schoharie creek should be whippen if we get the rain they say were gonna get this weekend. I can't wait to hit the Ol'Creek this spring!! The Mohawk river is a mud pit so Im assuming so is the creek. The Schoharie carries that Catskill red clay out to the river. Have you checked upstream from there? There are some good pools that might become fish-able a little sooner.
  2. Polishing the brake surface will get the most out of the system but I'm not sure what it would do for the noise you hear. If you decide to try it, be sure to just polish and not remove material.
  3. Welcome...sweeeet catch!
  4. Hi and welcome from PA....
  5. .....Congrats on the new boat. Stay safe!
  6. Hi and .. ....
  7. .... I have a sister that lives in Swanton. When I can I fish Champlain with my brother-in-law out of Missisquoi Bay
  8. A drag should do just that-drag. Something has to give and preferably not the rod or reel. The drag protects these as well as the terminal tackle.
  9. This falls under personal preference. You'll have to try both ways to see what works for you.
  10. Chris, I PMed you yesterday. I'll fix this for you if want to send it in. I just did two for another member. PM, call 973-459-2835 or visit: https://www.delawarevalleytackle.com/ Mike
  11. I just did one of these and swapped the drag washers for Carbontex and polished the drag surfaces and it came out good. I can get you the parts and install them for you with a 10% disc. or give you instructions. http://www.delawarevalleytackle.com/home Mike
  12. A thorough cleaning and proper lube will improve the performance of most any reel. I prefer to focus on getting the most out of what a reel has to offer rather than try to compare it to something else.
  13. The reel should be marked with how many yards of a certain size line it will hold. In/turn will change slightly as the reel fills. If you still want to know IPT, mark the line at a guide mid way on the rod. turn the handle 1 full turn and measure from the guide to the new spot of the mark on the line.
  14. IMO the guide sizing, placement and rod itself are much larger factors in casting performance. Spool weight will make a noticeable difference. The line guide not so much. It kind of sounds like the writer was just pointing out the differences between the two models.
  15. IMO a Med-Hvy/Mod would probably be the most versatile if this will be your only crank bait set up.
  16. $28 Clean/Polish/Lube $27.95 ABEC 5 Ceramic Hybrid Bearings -$5.60 10% discount $8.50 x 2 shipping $67.35 total TYD http://www.delawarevalleytackle.com/
  17. ...I live right across the river in Milford and fish a lot of the same waters. You have a real gem there in Lake Mohawk! Mike
  18. It's really hard to diagnose something without seeing it. If you'd like to send it in, I'll give it a good cleaning and lube and diagnose from there. http://www.delawarevalleytackle.com/ Mike
  19. I can do something custom within your budget. IM6 graphite 7' 1/4-3/4 oz lure 8-12lb line fast, Fuji seat & guides. PM sent.
  20. Keeping tension on the line and using a low memory line will also help.
  21. Thank you for the compliments and good luck at the tournament. Let us know how you did! Mike
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