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Delaware Valley Tackle

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Everything posted by Delaware Valley Tackle

  1. Nate, Try checking the carb by dropping the float bowl. Check for any debris or water. Check the fuel to see if it smells stale, like varnish. See if the choke is working.
  2. Welcome, Jerryvon...!
  3. Welcome...McBride! Be sure to check out the many helpful articles as well as the posts.
  4. Welcome... crankin28!
  5. The amount of back play you describe combined with the fact of it appearing suddenly, would indicate to me that the anti reverse clutch bearing has failed. I'll be happy to check it out if you'd like to send it in. Mike
  6. In general, you move the rear sight in the direction you want to move the point of impact. You adjust the front sight in the opposite direction that you want to move POI. If you're out of adjustment, you might be able to swap the sights for another set or consider a scope.
  7. Unforgiven The Sixth Sense The Godfather I/II Silence of the Lambs Airplane
  8. This park looks like it might bo good for a shore angler: http://www.buckscounty.org/government/departments/parksandrec/Parks/CoreCreek.aspx
  9. The symptoms you're describing are a little unclear. You stated that the spool tension is backed off so that the spool spins freely, yet you can only cast a few feet. Is the spool coming to a sudden stop? The broken brake tab may be floating around inside the reel. If you'd like to send it in, I'll be happy to check it out and get you goin' again. Mike
  10. Prioritize your investment: 1. Drive Train 2. Brakes 3. Suspension Do some research and get a pro shop to size the bike to you. that makes all the difference.
  11. Everyone focuses on the hitters that juice. I can't help wondering, how many legit hitters have had to face juiced up pitchers? It's wrong either way of course.
  12. You'll need an adhesive epoxy (Rod Bond etc) and a finish epoxy. Here's a link that may help http://www.mudhole.com/Beginners Mike
  13. I want first dibs if you ever want to sell that! lol
  14. That Hoppes oil is listed a high viscosity oil which is not what you want for spool bearings. I'm not familiar with the Philwood grease. Superlube grease is what many of us use and it is widely available. I like TG's Yellow Rocket fuel for bearings. Reel Mech has a private label. In general: oil bearings, grease gears. I recommend gear oil for level-winds.
  15. Actually, to get started on a trial/hobby basis, you don't need any special tools at all. A cardboard box with a notch cut on each end will work as a wrapper. Run your thread through a phone book to keep tension on it. You'll want a spool of size A nylon thread. Mudhole Tackle has a good site to shop. They have several how-to videos and will answer questions. Pick up a book on rod building. Tom Kirkman's is a good one. Flexcoat's "How We Do It" is very basic but helpful and inexpensive. PM me if you'd like a hand with anything.
  16. I've never noticed a difference between rigging tail up or down as long as you do one or the other. Otherwise they twist and don't swim right.
  17. I talked with the guy who fixes my reels. He claims he has been trying to get the "In" with Ardent for awhile and has had zero luck. He wants to fix their reels but aparrently they are made from magical pixie dust and fixing them is a big secret. I don't know about their casting reels but I own a F500 flipping reel and couldn't be happier. I just had an Ardent on the bench last week and the inside looks very much like a Curado or other Shimano.
  18. I haven't seen the layout on this specific rod, but in general when building with micro guides you need to use one or two more than usual to keep the line off the blank. Even with the extra guides you still save weight and at the tip where it's most important. casting distance and accuracy are also somewhat improved by micros by shooting the line in a straighter path (gun barrel analogy).
  19. Excellent post...thanks for sharing! 8-)
  20. I can't speak to their performance in your application, but we used them years ago in high performance two stroke motorcycles. In fact they were a "must have" easy mod. Their advantage was the opposite of Way2slow's experience. It was the stock metal reeds that would take a set and not close properly. We used them to increase low-mid power and throttle response since they opened easier and closed quicker.
  21. steezy, Let me know if I can help. Mike
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