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Delaware Valley Tackle

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Everything posted by Delaware Valley Tackle

  1. Dave fished for 5 1/2 hrs , made 137 casts and caught 11 fish….
  2. The E series is what I fish 99% of the time. The Cores little brother
  3. For all time this is my vote hands down.
  4. Ya, Sometimes the idea of hunting for 3-4 big bites a day appeals to me but other times 20 3lbs is a really fun day
  5. The mental strength to grind after a rough start or a bad day is what eventually separates the winners from the field. Chin up and think about what you learned out there.
  6. Ny has some awesome fisheries but just imagine if DEC and NYS actually cared enough to protect and enhance all fisheries. What we have is in spite of them not because of them for sure.
  7. I say the same thing all the time about “reel” oil and grease.
  8. The only real difference in blanks is the way the company chooses to label them. The inshore mh might be more powerful than the bass mh for example. Inshore guides might be titanium but can be good ss. In rod building we say a blank doesn’t know or care how you build on it. When frogging first caught on I built frog rods on inshore blanks that had lots of backbone but still enough tip to load and cast well. There’s crossover both ways
  9. Yes I was referencing the AR and redundant pawl. I looked back and that’s clear unless someone wants to gaslight me. Good luck with that. Lol. You can always contact me directly to talk shop as well.
  10. All bfs reel is, is a lightweight spool and maybe light linear braking. Small reels with low capacity wiffle spools are a step in that direction. Make sure bearings are free as possible and #1 by far is choosing a rod that loads with the weight you’re throwing. That stands true for 1/8oz all the way to 1oz +
  11. None of these pinion related issues should affect casting. If the reel disengages and engages then retrieves without issue the pinion is fine. Rattling during the cast is more likely spool support related. Ck the cast control knob and be sure it’s functional and adjusted (no side to side of the spool). Make sure the spool bearings are all free and seated fully with retainer clips in place. Ck back here or contact me directly
  12. I set 3 on 3 off and forget them. Adjust spool tension for the bait weight and use required thumb
  13. The redundant AR is a nice little extra in a really harsh application but the back play to activate them doesn’t really protect the bearing. In my experience cleaning still corrects 99% of AR issues. I like the new AR clutches with more and smaller rollers. They feel more positive and smoother on retrieval. I have replaced one AR in an SLX but it’s the old style and was in a harsh application on a pike rig. Your experience is interesting though and I’m curious to see if I notice any change going forward
  14. The listing I found was $18 for the gear. Shipping I know there’s shipping. Just wanted to share in case it changed your mind to wanting to try it
  15. Why would it be on the seller to open manufacturers packaging to inspect or adjust contents?
  16. The fast action is especially nice for ripping grass. Not mod or mod fast won’t work, just a preference
  17. Hey John, how long before someone try’s to make a non existent correlation to a defunct brand based on the word pinnacle in the description. Lol
  18. Comparatively, no. My beef with all of them is the race for lighter weight leading to ridiculously small, fragile hardware and sometimes sacrificing smoothness. I never saw the need for externally adjustable centrifugal brakes. I think some things have changed just for change sake. The one that baffles me most is Daiwa having 100 different Tatulas opposed to 5 or so distinctly different models each a step up. Sorry for going off on a tangent. To better answer the original question, I don’t see any discernible decline in Shimano reel quality at this point. Only time will tell if changes in materials and designs have an adverse affect in longevity. To some degree the jury is still out and Shimano isn’t alone.
  19. That’s a valid concern but a personal call. Depends on the cost of the reel, distance, carrier chosen etc. Here’s a tip: don’t use all you can fit Priority Mail boxes unless you can pack them really heavy. 99% of the time weight and dimensions are a better deal. Shipping insurance is like any other, a waste: until you need it.
  20. By multi purpose do you mean multi species or multi technique? If you’re chucking and winding to cover water, you’ll get max casting distance with the longer rod. If you’re doing some jigging or something the 7-6 might be more comfortable
  21. The postal rules collection is called the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM). It reads like the tax code. Results in employees not knowing all the rules. A tube <8’ and 4” diameter ships $25-$35 priority mail. Pack snuggly with cushion at each end.
  22. They’re all built on the same platform, so just pick the features that appeal to you and ck sales you’ll do ok
  23. No, felt won’t help. Carbon is a far superior drag material. Max drag is way over rated too.
  24. This is where TT loses me. I can’t disagree with any of their assertions regarding the performance of the rod but they used the word enthusiast more than once. While the components are all quality, black Eva, and Alconite guides don’t scream “enthusiast” to me. Personally my summation would have been something more along the lines of: quality materials and components in a package delivering good performance. Price wise looks fair but not deal of a lifetime. Comparable price and components to SC Avid.
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