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Delaware Valley Tackle

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Everything posted by Delaware Valley Tackle

  1. I don’t get to see a lot of late model entry level reels but I can tell you in broad strokes the BPS models compare favorably to ABU and Lews with similar features and price point.
  2. ? agree. As another example, long soft rods with light line are regularly used to hook steelhead at a distance then fight and land fish up to 10#+.
  3. If you insist on throwing both on the same rod I’d look for a Med/mod fast which is good for steering the crank and popping it off grass and should set a hook on the spinner bait if the hook is sharp and not too heavy wire.
  4. The claimed benefit of a triangle grip is legitimate, they’ve been used on saltwater rods for a long time. I’m not sure it translates to bass, trout, walleye rods etc. I haven’t put a foregrip on a bass rod in years and so little of the hand even contacts the grip when casting and palming a reel I feel like the seat is more of a factor.
  5. You mean re tipped right? I’d agree with that. A competent rod builder can repair a broken rod in many cases with no perceptible affect on performance.
  6. Ergonomic has lost traction this is a variation and again somewhat misused. They may very well be a more comfortable grip than others but still based on averages for mass consumption. Technically you would take anthropometric measurements of an individual to custom make a grip that is the most ergonomically efficient.
  7. The dial is just extra adjustability for the centrifugal brake. For me personally it’s unnecessary. I liked the old 3 on 3 off set it and forget it system but that’s me. If you turn all 4 tabs on you’ll have stronger braking active dial settings. If you’re heaving non aerodynamic baits maybe that’s what you want. Whatever the case don’t overthink it. More tabs and more dial = more braking. and by their nature centrifugal brakes have little to no impact at the end of the cast where as spool tension is static.
  8. Drag is set to protect weakest link (line, leader etc)and left there.
  9. Imo yes. Sewing machine oil is low viscosity, tsi321 and a needle oiler if you want to get fancy. Boca Lightning oil is good Remoil is light if you have it around. No need for anything different than you put on all your spool bearings. Most importantly, flush and add one small drop of chosen lubricant. Fwiw I don’t buy the polishing diamond particles for one second.
  10. This is a viable work around if the damage is minimal. You may still detect the imperfection. It depends what you can live with.
  11. The plastic gears on the level wind and drive shaft are far more likely to get damaged than a main gear.
  12. That’s a good basic stater kit and the instruction is very good from what I’ve heard
  13. Sorry but that’s backwards. Grease is too thick and can cause the little springs to clog and not lock. A swab of light oil is all it takes.
  14. This works but wood filler is the same idea just less work
  15. This works well too. I avoid it just because I do so many and don’t want exposure to the vapors.
  16. If the AR will come out I soak them like any other bearing. If not, I do repeated spray with Simple Green, swab and rinse with hot water then finish with swab of acetone or alcohol.
  17. You can use golden oak wood filler in layers. Option two and arguably better, cut out the damaged ring at the seam, (you can see it if you look closely), drill a new ring to diameter of the blank, split the ring, epoxy in place using zip tie to clamp, file, sand to final shape.
  18. Maybe the spool is a little over filled throwing extra slack into the line. The answer is going to be limiting the slack. There’s nothing mechanical to cause that. Try reeling the slack as you make it, like walking the dog.
  19. The E series have a cult following (arguably deserved) resulting in a supply and demand situation driving the price up. I paid $99 for a 201 E7 on clearance and have a hard time paying msrp or above for a used one. Value of any purchase boils down to the buyer’s priorities. Your call.
  20. I can’t believe no one has taken the “power bfs” phrase and run with it. You all are slippin’ . Lol
  21. Reel manufacturers were late to the party as a whole when it comes to BFS so I don’t see the popularity of it being due to them. The Daiwa Pixy and subsequent Pixilla mods are the first examples of lighter than traditional bait casting rigs that I remember. I don’t remember the term BFS applied to them then. There are probably others especially from Japan. Anglers are a varied group: hard core, tournament, weekend warriors, casual, multi species, tackle enthusiasts and more. I’ve said before, I personally enjoy mastering different types of tackle. For me, it adds to the overall experience.
  22. There is no direct correlation between reel weight and casting distance. Reels don’t cast baits, the rod does that. Good reels just help you maximize the cast with good free spool and braking profile. None of it makes any difference if the user isn’t skilled.
  23. When I finally took my palm off my face I saw that they took the T wing level wind and made it even dumber. That took some effort.
  24. And I still won’t use them. Lol
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