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About Shimmer

  • Birthday 06/30/1989

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    Peoria, Illinois

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  1. Long story short, I thought I'd lost all of my gear in a tornado about five years ago. Despite my new place having two ponds less than 100 yards from my backdoor, replacing everything felt like a chore. Two weeks ago my old fishing buddies garage collapsed and lo and behold, he found my "good" casting setup and some various tackle. I assumed these ponds were duds as I rarely see anyone out there, but I caught several nice fish between *** lbs over a few short sessions. However, my Shimano Citica 6:3:1 and 6'6 MH Berkley Lightning Shock on 20 LB Fireline was casting about 10-12 yards at most. The reel was grinding like sand or grit was in there, and one of the guides was smashed forward. Cleaned the reel, went from 4 break pins engaged down to 2, and spooled on some old 8 LB Vicious fluoro that was in the tackle bag. The reel sounded a little better, and cast about 15-16 yards, which still doesn't seem right. Typically I don't care about distance, but from the few accessible spots on these banks, it's a very small area to fish. Pond #1 has thick heavy under water vegetation and slop while pond #2 is mostly clear with dense lily pads extending several feet out all the way down one side of the bank.The top water hit always seems to be on, but this setup isn't ideal for the job. I know I need a better solution to be more successful at these ponds, I'm just not sure if that solution is a higher quality pitching/frogging rod along heavy braid to pair with the Citica, upgrading to Boca Bearings to address the casting issues, or look into a new setup all together. I held several of the rods and reels that are frequently recommended around here that are within my price range, so I've got a few ideas. For reference, I would be trying to stay under $130 for a rod by itself, or around 200-250 for a rod and reel. Although, my lovely and oh so gracious fiance did give me the green light to get what I really wanted, so there is some wiggle room on budget if I need to go that route. Any advice or input would be very much appreciated.
  2. Pretty cool idea, i'll keep an eye on it.
  3. My buddy ordered a reel from TW once, 40 minutes later he changed his mind and wanted a different one. Called 'em up and they had everything fixed in 5 minutes. great people
  4. I found some great information on baits but with a little given information I was hoping to get a little feedback of areas to try or to focus on. It is a very large pond with one side being a long stretch of solid reeds back into a mucky cove which leads to the shallow back end of the pond. This area has sparse flooded timber and thick grass all along the edges. Up the other side there is a cut that goes back into a long narrow wooded area with heavy algae. A large point is located next this area followed by another long stretch of reeds until the other end of the pond where the depths reach 70 feet and is a large rock wall. Recently, the farmer dug a little cove that looks something like a spawning bed that is enclosed by reeds but you can see a massive quantity of baitfish swimming around in there as well. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated! I have a few days before I can get out there, but maybe I can get a few pictures.
  5. awesome!
  6. Good to see they are biting in Illinois! Gotta get out there yet =/
  7. I don't have a boat, but for me that makes it all the more fun. It's a challenge to get to some spots and sometimes it's worth the effort!
  8. I love my Excaliburs. Every time my buddy comes fishing with me he asks for one and will just SLAY them all day long.
  9. I think they were at $3.97 a bag.
  10. I've never thrown a big swimbait. Thus, this year I will be working with swimbaits. As far as restocking, Stanley Jigs with a Reaction Innovation Sweet Beaver. And all waveworm products in sweet potatoe pie color
  11. ^ This Seriously, I had been bass fishing for a year or so. I got my wisdom teeth out and read about every thread on this site for 5 days..I didn't know JACK before. There are some incredibly smart men/women on here.
  12. Did someone mention Senko? =P
  13. Definatley, Ike. Between the two of us catching fish we would probably wake the dead. After reading his book, the way we approach things and think are scary similar.
  14. Sometimes BPS comes to you! I got the 2010 catalog yesterday and am now on page 219 ....... making a list as I go ............ ;D I feel your pain my friend ;D
  15. Thanks everyone for your suggestions! Still building my shopping list, so keep them comin! Btw, thanks for the link to that thread Roadwarrior
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