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Everything posted by vegas679

  1. So I put some gas in the motor today, and I have a problem. The gas all ran right out of it. The plastic gas tank has a small crack in it. Is there any type of epoxy that I can use to seal the small crack, that I can use that the gas wont eat through.
  2. I can usually tell if there are fish in a certain place if I see other people fishing it. Your not the first one to notice that pond, especially if it's public. They are there for a reason. I've also been told by someone much wiser than myself, that if there is water, there is fish.
  3. I did pull the cord a few times, and it does sound like it wanted to start had it had gas in it. I guess thats a good sign.
  4. I figured some pics may help
  5. This may be the wrong place to be asking this, but I figure someone on here will be able to help. So thanks in advance. I have an old 3 hp gamefisher 2 stroke outboard. It came with my jon boat, but I havent used it in 2 years. The guy I bought the boat and engine from said he hadnt used it in 2 or so years, but before he stored it, he drained it, and ran it dry. So as far as he knew there was nothing wrong with it at all. It's always been stored inside a garage, it's actually really clean. I have never even tried to start it. Is there any chance I can just put 2 stroke gas in it and it will start up? What would you all do? Thanks,
  6. I took the day off to go fishing tomorrow. My buddy canceled on me. I have a small 12 ft jon boat w/ trolling motor, nothing sweet, but it will get us on the water. Anyone off tomorrow and want to go. No prefrence to where we go as long as it is w/ in an hour or so. I prob will not be ready to go untill about 9:30am. Hit me up if you want to go.
  7. Me and a buddy are gonna go out and try to catch us some stripers on Saturday. Neither one of us have ever fished for stripers before. So can someone chime in and give us some pointers. He has a small boat we'll be in, and we'll be fishing near the Benjamin Harrison Bridge on the James River. Fishing report looks like it's been good in the early evening. Tide chart says that high tide is at 3:45pm so we're gonna be on the water at 3pm. I've been told that light spining gear w/ 12lb line should be ok. Also that storm swim shad should work. Other than that, I have no clue, and nither one of us have fished this area. Any help is very much appreciated.
  8. Ha, It's Brad from down the street.
  9. Daniel????Spivey?????
  10. Sam, Where on the river are you trying to fish? My wife is from West Point and grew up on the river. Her grandparents have a big house out there on the water. Around the West Point area, we catch good size blue cat's, croaker, sometime's spot. It all depends on how much rain there has been. Down near the big bridges you can catch resident rock fish. Croaker fishing is good there also. I've even heard of people catching some cobia up near there, but I've never seen it. As you go further up river the water is more fresh. I've had luck catching bass in some of the small creeks, had to take my little jon pretty far back into the creek. I know this one creek that looks small, but actually is much bigger once you get up in there. Water is like 6-8 feet deep durring high tide, enough to take a bass boat. Only problem you have is a low hanging bridge. about 3 feet off the water, you have to duck to get under. My not so secret spot anymore. Further up near rainbow acers, you start to see lilly pads. I've has some sucess and caught some nice bass off the pads. There are also a lot of fallen trees along the shore line in that area. I've never really fish any further up such as Walkerton so I wouldnt be able to give any input about that.
  11. My guess is that they were Carp.
  12. Welcome,I'm in Mechanicsville, and do a lot of fishing at the lakes at Inns Brook.
  13. Are you fishing from a boat or the shore? If you fish from the bank, lakes out at Inns Brook would be a good place, all of them have produced decent fish for me. If you have a boat, try Powtan Lakes, or Swift Creek. Check out the Vgif web site. It lists most of the public lakes and ponds.
  14. Thanks for the tips. I'm new to fishing from a boat. Bought my first small jon boat a few months ago, but have only been out a few times. I'm pretty good fishing from the shore, but put me on the boat, and it's like I forgot how to fish. I Never tried using markers before, but it makes complete sense. Thanks for the advice, I have a 4 day fishing trip planned at Lake Gaston in VA, this weekend. I'm gonna try it.
  15. I just bought my first baitcaster set up. I wanted to get some feedback on how I did. I bought a Curado 201E brand new for $130. I paired it w/ a 6'6 MH Bionic Blade from BPS and paid $60 for it, for a total of $190. Did I get fair deal and is this a good setup for my first baitcaster. What type of line would be best to spool it w/. I've used a baitcaster before, just never owned one. Are there any mods that I can have done to it to make it better, and how much do you think it would cost? Thanks,
  16. My buddy and I are thinking about going here on Wed. I have a 12 ft jon boat w/ a trolling motor. Will I be ok here w/ just a trolling motor. Also has anyone been here recently, and can help me with finding a pattern. Thank you
  17. I just called to find out and this is what the girl said. Since Bluegill are considered a gamefish, you can not use a gamefish to catch another game fish. However you can use a bluegill to catch a catfish or non gamefish. So I guess technicaly if there are catfish in the water, you can not controll what takes your bait. But I would not be caught with a bass in the boat and a blue gill on your hook.
  18. This seems like the most appropriate place to post this question. So I have recently started fishing jigs. When should I set the hook? When I feel the tap tap or should I wait till I feel the weight of the fish, or see the line start moving. I feel like when I try to set the hook when I feel the tap tap, I get a jig flying toward my face. But if I wait till I see the line moving or can feel the weight of the fish, I do much better. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but any help is appreciated.
  19. I have 2. One fresh/salt for VA, and 1 Saltwater for NC. I go surf fishing in OBX 3-4 times a year.
  20. Went fishing at Lake Rooty yesterday from 5 pm till 7 pm. Only caught 2 fish, one not even worth mentioning, the other was 1.3lb. Caught them on a 1/2 oz KVD spinnerbait in Chartruse. Both of them were caught w/ in 10 feet of the shore. Almost right before I was about to pull the lure out of the water. Saw some other people there fishing, but didnt look like they were catching anything.
  21. Thanks for trh replys. I'll check out Walmart
  22. So I just purchased a new to me Jon Boat. It came with a 3 hp sears gamefisher and a 24lb thrust Minn Kota trolling motor. I need to purchase a battery for the trolling motor. I may also need to run a fishfinder off of the battery in the future. But for right now it's just the trolling motor. Does anyone have any suggestions. So far I think I have 2 choices. 1. Cabela's Advanced Angler AGM Battery. Which is the one I'm leaning toward. 850 cranking amps. 670 cold cranking 38lbs. 155 + shipping. 2. Bass Pro Shops® XPS® 12-Volt Deep Cycle Marine Battery. 240 cranking amps. 200 cold cranking amps. 24lbs. 120 and I would not have to pay for shipping b/c I have a BPS near by. Are there any others I should consider. Is the Cabellas worth the extra money.
  23. Thats pretty funny. I got one, a little different, but still funny. So one day I was fishing an appartment complex pond up the street from my house. I was doing fairly well, caught 4-5 in like 30 min. Nothing with any real size. I thought I was the the man, I had my new rod and reel, and had a whole tackle bag packed with goodies. Well one of the little neightborhood kids up to me, about 10 years old, and is like "what are you using". I proceeded to show him this awsome looking jig w/ a rage craw trailer. I thought it looked sweet, and began to explain what it was to him. He wasnt impressed as was like you should use a hotdog. I was thinking to myself, yeah right kid, dont you see all this sweet gear I have, and besides, I'm catching fish. Well he goes and disappers, and returns about 5 min later w/ a little cheap zebco and a bobber, and puts a little piece of hot dog on it, about 10 feet from where I was fishing. I was thinking to myself, kid you got this whole pond, and you have to stad 10 feet away from me. Anyways, with in 2 min he's like fish on. The kid reals in an 8 lb bass right next to where I had been fishing the whole time. He looks at me and say, "told you to use a hotdog" I've been feeding them hotdogs every day after shool for the last 2 weeks.
  24. Black, black, and black. Cast parallel to the shore.
  25. Just got my first boat last week. It's a Lowe Little Jon, 1232. I know it's small but it is what I was looking for to fish small ponds. It came with a trailer, 3hp Sears Gamefisher, 24 lb Minn Kota trolling motor, anchor, and oars. $400. I think I got a pretty good deal. I'm gonna use it this year and see what I like and dont like about it. Then next year I'll probably sell it and get somthing a little wider, maybe 1236.
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