Thats pretty funny. I got one, a little different, but still funny. So one day I was fishing an appartment complex pond up the street from my house. I was doing fairly well, caught 4-5 in like 30 min. Nothing with any real size. I thought I was the the man, I had my new rod and reel, and had a whole tackle bag packed with goodies. Well one of the little neightborhood kids up to me, about 10 years old, and is like "what are you using". I proceeded to show him this awsome looking jig w/ a rage craw trailer. I thought it looked sweet, and began to explain what it was to him. He wasnt impressed as was like you should use a hotdog. I was thinking to myself, yeah right kid, dont you see all this sweet gear I have, and besides, I'm catching fish. Well he goes and disappers, and returns about 5 min later w/ a little cheap zebco and a bobber, and puts a little piece of hot dog on it, about 10 feet from where I was fishing. I was thinking to myself, kid you got this whole pond, and you have to stad 10 feet away from me. Anyways, with in 2 min he's like fish on. The kid reals in an 8 lb bass right next to where I had been fishing the whole time. He looks at me and say, "told you to use a hotdog" I've been feeding them hotdogs every day after shool for the last 2 weeks.