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  1. Quantity Over Quality Legislation Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg is trying to push through a water package (the five proposed bills that are now moving into the conference committee process) that would reshape California water policy. The similarities between this backroom water deal , which has left Delta communities and fishing representatives out of the process, and energy deregulation are startling. The proposed package would allow the legislature to give up their authority on oversight and costs regarding future decision regarding the Delta (including new conveyance) to a seven member appointed council, with six of the appointees coming from outside the Delta. The Council would have the authority to authorize the construction of the peripheral canal, a project that is estimated to cost between 10 and 40 billion dollars before environmental mitigation costs. The canal, a 48-mile long ditch comparable in size to the Panama Canal, won't make more water for California. It will just ship water from the north to Western Central Valley Agribusiness - at the expense of Delta fisheries and Delta family farmers. Even though Senator Steinberg didn't author the legislation, his partipcation in moving it through the building leads us to ask the following: 1) Why is he selling out Sacramento (his district) to send water to Western Central Valley Agribusiness? 2) Why isn't he protecting the Delta? 3) Why is he willing to spend so much money on a peripheral canal that won't make more water? 4) Does he think what's in the water bond doesn't matter because it won't get funded? Doesn't he know that Californians want permanent solutions for the state budget and water management practices? There are better ways in terms of cost and environmental effectiveness to make more water for California, such as water recycling, floodplain restoration, groundwater cleanup and desalinization, stormwater capture and reuse. This needs to be the center of California's water policy, especially in an era of excessive deficits. Please contact Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg to make clear your displeasure with his promotion of this water package. His Capitol office number is (916) 651-4006. To Validate What We Are Saying Restore the Delta staff have known intuitively for some time that their calls for breaking dependence on Delta water exports through regional water self-sufficiency programs have resonated well with the public. Nonetheless, there comes a time when one must quantify one's assertions. Consequently, the following letter and poll results were sent to all legislators this morning from Restore the Delta. Dear Legislator: Attached you will find a copy of a statewide voter survey on water issues conducted on behalf of Restore the Delta by EMC Research of Oakland, CA. EMC Research conducted 800 telephone interviews among registered voters statewide in California from August 23-27, 2009. The poll indicates that while voters are concerned about water and ensuring a long-term reliable water supply is a "very high priority," all segments of voters are strongly opposed to a Peripheral Canal and very close to half oppose a bond for new dams, reservoirs or other water infrastructure projects. It is clear there is very little support among the electorate for many of the elements included in the 2009 legislative water package. As the data clearly indicates, voters appear poised to reject the legislation should it appear before them in 2010 either directly (in the form of a bond) or indirectly (as the result of a referendum, for example.) We hope this information is of value to you as you consider the 2009 legislative water package. Sincerely, Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla FACT: An estimated 25% of all warm water & sport fishing species, as well as 80% of the state's commercial fishery species, live in or migrate through the California Delta.
  2. In Alaska, on vacation at the moment. With My Father. Fly Fishing/Hunting. Flew in on the 21st, not heading home until the 15th of September. I have many pictures to share, but this hotel computer will not let me load them. Anyways, fishing here is the best I have ever done, the Trout here are an average of 4 LBS! I'll Be Sure To Post The Pictures As Soon As I Am Able! Got to Run, Lots to do.
  3. That being said Glenn, I understand where you are coming from, & since I have heard about this new campaign I have done some research. I have come to the conclusion that there is really nothing that we can do about this situation as a people, & yes the politicians are in fact going to do whatever it is they please. But yes, in fact, this measure will destroy the habitat in which I fish year around, am home to, & that many other like myself call the "Delta." Politicians are trying to pass this bill that stops the flow of fresh water into this unique ecosystem, in which to say the least is going to cause what we like to call "Brackish Waters." They measure is not going to help us here in California, but make things much worse. There have already been 2 day at a time rally's joining boaters, supporters, & activists here in the waters, sidewalks, & parks of our states capitol trying to stop this measure for the better. When it all comes down to it, it's never going to change, our fishing, hunting, & outdoors recreational activities are forever going to dwindle into something so small that there one day is going to be nothing left. In each generation we see this, for my dads younger days were better then mine, mine better then my children, & there's better then there children & so on down the lines. :-/
  4. Not to be a #^*hole, but this thread was dead years ago. Crazy trying to bring zombies back to life.
  5. Found this on AIM News Zone this morning. "Little Girl Catches Big Fish With Her Bare Hands." Do you think this video is real or doctored?
  6. I am always passing bodies of water & wondering if there is fish in there. My business takes me to a wide variety of areas across California. The only way I ever figure out if there are fish in these places is, I fish them. This includes golf courses. I usually only fish from one of my boats, but when I am out of town on business I always have a rod that is able to break down either in my truck or my camaro.
  7. Lily Pads a great cover for "hawgs," when your using a frog, but I always seem to find the "BIG KAHUNA," in, around, or near Cattails.
  8. Nice catch brother!
  9. 10 beers....You want a medal? How about a purple Jelly Bean? Wait if I drink 10 Beers, can I become a cool guy to.
  10. For those who think: Yes you don't learn! Laugh all you want, but WHEN something happens to you or a loved one don't say I didn't, or anyone else didn't say so! & yea you'll be the one tormented with your ignorance for the rest of your life not me. GROW UP!
  11. When I was younger, I was fiercely independent, highly protective and closed-mouthed. As I grew older though, I realized that I went to a lot of trouble for nothing. Most people ask questions out of courtesy, and a lot of them aren't even listening to the answer, and the rest of them will forget the conversation in the next 60 seconds ;D Roger In general I was for the most part being sarcastic. Just trying to get a few laughs from my fellow forum members. That's all. In general I can really care less, the fact is that even if you don't tell that one person where your "secret spots," are somebody else already knows.
  12. When people ask me where I caught my fish I put my finger on the inside of my cheek & say right here, when they ask me what I used, I tell them the truth, I used Bait. When they ask me what kind, I tell them one that catches fish. If they ask me about my set-ups, I tell them ones that I buy in a store. ;D
  13. I found that fishing ledges can be good, if there is some sort of deep water escape, if there is some what of a current (not dead water, usually a river), & can produce a food source.
  14. It is also illegal to operate your automobile in an unsafe way, yet, according to the census bureau, your state registered 10% of all the traffic fatalities in 2006. 10% of the entire U.S. traffic fatalities. It makes one think that if they ever do get to the water they do not need to worry about drunk boaters... but need to worry about getting back home. The point is, making it illegal does not stop stuff from happening. There are gaggles of lawyers banking on it... emphasis on banking. 2006: (Why? Its what year that was referenced to talk about) Drunk Driving Fatality Statistics: Texas 1,544 45% California 1,509 36% Florida 1,111 33% Pennsylvania 556 37% Illinois 540 43% Georgia 539 32% (% = deaths caused from DD in that state for the year 2006) You can see more @ www.alcoholalert.com/drunk-driving-statistics.html CARS: In which there are alot of dumb#^* people, I know about the fatality rate, more then you would: (In California, You to Georgia) My uncle was killed by a drink driver in the cone zone, after that my Aunt (His wife) became the head of DDA (Designated Drivers Association) & MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) chapters in California, (As where I do *DD for her 2 times a month) in which work closely with the CHP (California Highway Patrol). My point is yes the death rate here is high, but we are also the 3rd largest state in the U.S., with an estimated population of 36,756,666, which happens to be the largest out of all states in the U.S. WATER: Happens to be more regularly patrolled then the local highways for some reason. In which I don't know why, but is. I am always seeing the Sacramento County Sheriff on the water patrolling, & pulling over boaters that are drinking. Basically they're tired of the deaths occurring on the water due to drinking, & in the last few years, have cracked down on them hard. *DD: DDA will come to where you are at, when your under the influence, (Bar, Party, Club, Etc.) & drive you home in your car, while your partner (The DD) follows in there's. This is a NON-PROFIT Organization that is sponsored by the CHP. WE CHARGE NO MONEY FOR THIS SERVICE & IS FREE TO ALL, But Tips are welcome, after all we are using our gas to get you home safely. !! IF YOUR EVER IN THE SACRAMENTO AREA & NEED THIS SERVICE !! (916) 335-5555 WWW.DDASAC.ORG
  15. I'd be a little scared of what might be living in Kimbo's beard.....he needs to take control of that thing. ;D Crabs! It's a beast for sure! ;D
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