Hey folks! Been browsing this website for sometime and thought I would register and start posting. My name is James. I am 24 years old and have been fishing all my life... Mostly trout, salmon, pike and other cold water fish in Northern New Mexico/Southern Colorado. Living in Las Vegas I have adapted to now fishing for the warm water species we have out here. Lots of stripers in Lake Mead, Bluegill and the occasional bucketmouth or smallie. In the last 3 years though my main Focus has become just Bass. I eat, breathe and sleep bass fishing now! I get out to my local bass pond once a week or so and take occasional trips to Lakes and Reservoirs around the the Las Vegas Area such as Sand Hollow, Utah..Lake Mead, Echo Canyon, Lake Mojave.. and most recently Lake Casitas in California. I never really have had any fishing role models or people to give me bass fishing advice in my life other than watching Roland Martin/Bill Dance as a kid haha so I am basically self taught (the internet is an amazing thing!!) and I think I am pretty knowledgeable on bass angling now. I have a very open mind and am always hungry to learn more though. Well that pretty much sums it up on my fishing background. Tight lines and hope to talk to y'all soon.
Heres a couple of my favorite catches from this summer so far..Enjoy!