Hey guys I have lurked here for a time and have comeup with a few things I wanted to ask.
First when you send out a resume, do you send a cover letter along with it or just the resume itself?
Do you send a little packet of information about you and your fishing skills, etc? Promotional activity?
Send pictures?
Do you follow up with a face to face visit shortly after the resume has been sent out?
Ive been working on all my resumes and stuff over the last few weeks to send out for next season as Im going to try to fish a ton more tourneys than I did this season.
Most of the potential sponsors that I go after are all home town non fishing businesses...I know these people as I have grown up in the area, so I always see them out and have a good relationship with them,
With that said how much do you try to charge? I can get 8 sponsors on the front of my tourney shirt and two big ones on the back.
Well thats enough for now, I will try to post more often rather than just read the posts..Great site and keep up the good work.