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Everything posted by yamisoez

  1. I wasn't trying to tick you off and I'm not your pal . It's all good. Thanks for your questions.
  2. How is that a contradiction? I simply said I'm apprehensive as it slipped when tied at home and those times that it did not slip, it simply appeared fragile to my eyes. anyway I'm not here to get that type of feedback, pal.
  3. I tried this knot on both 10 and 12 pound mono and it slipped a coupla times. When it held, it sure looked fragile. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm apprehensive.
  4. I've used them for years!
  5. Box of saltine crackers, coupla cans of vienna sausages, louisanna hot sauce and ice water. On real special days I pick up a barrel of KFC. Love cold fried chicken. Yummmm.
  6. I've had the 200 version in black for years and years. Always served me well, In fact I just pulled it out of storage to begin using it again.
  7. Been using them since the early days when I fished Lake George(Eufaula). Always good for me. Pardon spelling of Eufaula, lol.
  8. Yeah, lol. I've been buying at the Pro level for years now.
  9. Love netflix but did not know about fishing dvd's. Good looking out.
  10. What he said
  11. Blue Mann's jelly worm.
  12. Been using texas rigged lizards and craws for years. My go to lures.
  13. Best thing since sliced bread!
  14. I've been taking 4 and wearing a 20+ lb waist pack, but I'm gonna cut back, I swear. ;D
  15. OMG, I play with all my stuff too! Ha Ha Ha
  16. My largest was 35 years ago in Georgia. I went fishing on a stream, under a bridge. I had just arrived in Ga and was to meet some friends to fish during the shad run. I used a really light wright and Mcgill spinning rod, and a yellow doll fly. 2nd cast and low and behold I hooked into a 9 lb 1oz largemouth sow. She was so big that with my light gear I had to walk backward and essentially drag her onto the bank. Wow, what a rush! I've since spent well over $50,000 on bass boats and gear but she's still the biggest... Go figure. Oh, she was 27 1/2 inches long with a girth of 25 inches. Had her mounted. Now that I'm older I would surely release her.
  17. Blee has been in my head! His statements echo my thoughts and feelings exactly. This is my favorite forum also and I so want to thank all of you responsible for teaching me so much.
  18. This is simply outstanding! Thanks to all for your time and many sacrifices in putting this together.
  19. I heard 'bout a fella that was driven to the divorce lawyer by his bait monkey.
  20. I totally agree with Dodgeguy. Been using those balance weights for ages.
  21. Starter kit is right! I've got at least 50 lbs. I think I need a 12 step program..
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