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  • Birthday 07/31/1976

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    Smithfeild Virginia

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  1. Marty, are you calling me a bad fisherman :o :o, I'm Appauled!!! Just messing with you All kidding aside, I know that theres more to it, i just started thinking that i need to start trying different ways to go about selecting worm color. Also, whoever said that they dont use the sky conditions for color, i use worms for 70 percent of my fishing. In clear skies, i feel bass wont go as far for the worm, becaues of the barometric pressure and such, and they probably wont go for a big 10 inch black worm, so i use natural blue/natural green, and other transluscent colors, usually in finesse and trick worms, on the lightest weight possible. Works well.
  2. I think live bait is "cheating" for tournaments, because you just let it sit there and the bait does the work for you, wehre with a crankbait or soft plastic worm, your trying to give off the impression that its real. As far as fishfinders, i dont see why they'd be considered cheating. I mostly use them for depth, and to find brushpiles and stuff. I dont think they really find fish, unless your on offshore structure.
  3. I'm gonna be the first to say that bass cat is probably a much better deal. They probably cost more, but we have had a stratos and have a ranger. Wish i woulda gone with the basscat.
  4. we had a 285 pro elite, 175 johnson and with 2 people and t load we would hit 70 but that was with a 6" jackplate, and a 25" renegade 4 blade prop. I would imagine your boat would hit 68 max. With T load around 65
  5. I've compared them, and the G3's win by a long shot. I'm not sure on price, but: 1.) G3's have much better fit and finish. Everything comes together right, with no unsightly seams, where with trackers, i've noticed the carpet tends to come to edges and seems to be hot glued to the boat. 2.)Much better storage. The center rod box in the g3 makes for so much more room to store tackle, its unbelievable. 3.)I would think theyre a lot more stable. I've seen guys about get thrown off of trackers because there partner decided to move to the other side of the boat. You should check to see if the beam on the G3 is wider than the tracker. 4.)They come with more power as far as trolling motor and engine. Trackers are usually sold with a minimum hp to keep prices low, then you add 25 horses and your price skyrocket. 5.)Better welds. I'm forever hearing about tracker owners with busted welds. I dont see that on G3's. Well theres 5 reasons. If i were you i'd check out warranty's, trailers(big big deal), Electronics options, and all of that kinda stuff, just to be safe.
  6. i love jon boats. I've done so much customizing to jon boats in the past, with adding decks and livewells and storage, and everything that its kinda become a passion. Check out www.bassjons.com and look at the jon boat mod's up there. You'd be sur
  7. I'm not sure why, but even though it took me a whole season to catch my first bass, I stuck with it, and caught my first bass one day on a jig n pig, and was hooked for sure ever since. One thing everyone should do is fish a shallow pond during the spawn. Its fun to be on the shore and find a big ole 6 pounder and watch it carry the bait away. It actually taught me how to "force" the bass to put the hook in its mouth!
  8. How do you choose your worm color? My basic rules have always been bluebird skies, natural blue worms, cloudier skies, or muddier water, go to a more standoutish color. I think this methods been failing me lately, so how do you guys go about choosing your worm color?
  9. I have a feeling that if fish felt pain, then i'd have a couple of fish with a real bad headache right now. If your from virginia you might remember the PETA people a few years back, marching around naked outside of one of the malls. Do these people have any self decency? What if my child happened to be shopping that day and saw them standing out there naked? At first it seems kinda funny to me, hearing the line "Daddy whats that?" But, think about the image your easily influenced 5 year old child could have had in his/her head for the next few years. Birdwatching? Anymore i'm doing that from the front deck of my boat every time i go fishing. Things are sure slowwwwwwwwwww. Only fish caught in the past 3 trips are 2 pike!
  10. What really makes me mad is that Wal-Mart, Dicks, AND bass pro shops all have a worse freshwater selection than the local tackle shop that i go to. I hate living in a saltwater dominated area.
  11. The only thing i can see that would make boat wake that bad is if you have a really soft muddy/mucky bottom. If you have a hard bottom it shouldnt really get stirred up bad. I have, however, seen times when i've been fishing humps/points/other offshore structure in the middle of summer or middle of winter, and i'm guessing that the boats noise and wake will scatter baitfish, because after a boat would go by, i'd catch a fish on a crankbait, or spinnerbait.
  12. Skill. If two(2) people have the same amount of luck, the one with the most skill is going to come out on top, i'd say 75% of the time.
  13. Yeah i mean "Zorro spnnerbaits? Who catches fish on those lousy things?!"
  14. If anyone owns a pond with shallow stumps try this. Go out in spring and find a stump that has the inside rotted out and swim a worm over it. I have been doing this at many ponds and usually theres a fish in there in the spring(pre spawn). Coincedence? I think not
  15. Trophy bass games are good. Ea championship bass(i think is the name) for ps1 and reelfishing games suck to me. Very real but thats a downfall. THere harder than real fishing and the fish arent reallly lure selective.
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