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Everything posted by scootz

  1. IDK if I am fishing for trout I would much rather catch a couple small wild rainbows, or browns, than 1 or 2 giant stocked fish. If I am fishing for bass I would rather catch 1 big fish than 10 small ones. There is a difference in the fish though. If I am fishing for trout I am in a very small stream where you have to crawl on your hands and knees to get to the next spot up the creek. I find it much more rewarding to catch a few small wild trout that that one monster. That being said I will not turn down the stocked monster rainbow. lol
  2. I have had FF for years, I switched from IE a few years ago, and I love it. No problems for me.
  3. we have a great Pyrenees and he is an awesome dog. Does really well with the horses and cattle. I swear if he hears me yelling at the geese and ducks, he is there in a few seconds getting them back in the barn. Also very protective of kids. One of the coolest dogs I have had in a while. The last one we had got hit by a car. He weighed about 120 so they are not an inside dog. They also get bored real quick.
  4. Do you have any luck with the rainbow pattern? I have a few of these blue fox rooster tails in rainbow pattern and had no luck with stockers. I have always had better luck with natives in this pattern. Dont know why.
  5. 2. Why is he allowing the boy to try and slow the line down with his hand? 20lb braid? Sounds like a trip to the hospital. I was wondering the same thing.
  6. I meant I think they are going to get a beat down. Their offense is ranked 105th and I think they are finally playing a team that will show everyone that they are over rated. man I hope you are right, I have been a dawgs fan for as long as I could say football. They are not as good this year as the should be, for some reason. A win saturday would be a huge boost. And yes I agree that LSU is way overrated.
  7. That is the best video I have seen in a while. I have a 2 yr old and he loves to fish already, I cant wait to see him that excited over a fish. We went to the beach this past week, he came out on the pier where me and his papaw were fishing, I happened to catch a small blue when he was out there, I let him reel it in, and now he tells people he caught a fish THIS big and holds his arms as wide as they will go. Thanks for finding and posting that. made me smile for about 10mns 8-)
  8. I havent seen many copperheads here in WNC but we have caught about 10 timber rattlers in the last month or so. We usually kill them, so they dont bite the horses and cows. I do have a 26'' skin tanning right now.
  9. tnhiker, which lake are you talking about in Dodge Co? My mom lives in eastman and I am going to visit soon. We used to live beside a public lake in Eastman, heading towards Dublin, and the other big one is the private one, or the one beside the candy co? Thanks for the info on the lakes in the area.
  10. haha I saw the upside down spinning guy at the beach this weekend. I walked by and just looked puzzled, he looked at me like "What?" then I chuckled and walked off. Also say a guy using a baitcaster backlash it about 100x before he got his bait in the water. I offered to help but he would have none of it.
  11. havent done it in a while but a nail through the head makes it alot easier. Or just cut the head off, used to freak me out as a kid to see a headless fish still moving. My grandpa would cut them off and throw the heads in a bucket at the river, and fish with them later in the night.
  12. my grandpa used to take about 2 pounds of hamburger meat and some pintos put them in a pot and let it simmer all day, that with a cake of cornbread, will last one person about 3 days. Some milk and hot sauce and you are in heaven. helped me through about 6 months of living alone.
  13. The best beer on the market, down here in the south its pretty easy to find. Good and cheap, my 2 favorite things
  14. I genarally like to use yellow, silver, or brown. Early in the morning I use something with a gold spinner, and later in the evening I try to go with a silver spinner, I dont know why but it seems to work where I am at. We have a small creek up from my house, with native brown, and Raindow, the taste is way different from stockers and native. We only fish it once a year and no one else knows there is anything in there, so we usally keep 10-14 a year and fry them up.
  15. I have never heard about this, thanks for sharing. I am an avid trout fisherman. I agree with you, I have no interest in fishing for modified fish, or records. This just seems like the opposite of what I want to do when trout fishing. I am a stream, river fisherman I would much rather catch a 4# native rainbow or a 2# brookie than one of these. But that is just my opinion.
  16. good night, that is a huge fish. Love trout fishing I would have a stroke if I caught a fish like that. Or really a 13# trout.
  17. LOL! Why take the time to brag and list their ranking, only to lessen them when you know somebody will beat them? Real smooth Catt! man what happened to Ap last year. They should have won it again, and they choked. Will they be better this year?
  18. VA tech Bama will be an awesome game, almost as good as seeing clemson lose on opening Sat. last year. OK st and UGA will be the game of the day. FSU and Miami will be pretty good. I see FSU dominating though (How is FSU and Notre Dame in the top25?) Who do you guys see in the big game this year? I am saying if UF stays healthy they will win it again (As a UGA fan I cant believe I just typed this :'() man I love fall in the south.
  19. ah man Athens in the fall has to be the closest thing to Heaven on Earth there is. SEC football is by far the best in the country
  20. do that alot here in WNC due to the falls around here when trout fishing. Never thought about doing it for bass for some reason though
  21. not with a bass but I had a really nice trout get off in a friendly tourney. everyone saw it and heard me yell. I threw the rod down with the spinner still in the water and walked off for about 10mns. had to be about 25''
  22. I was showing my mom how to cast a baitcaster in my yard, with a decent size crank on it. It got hung on a small root and I popped it came back and stuck in my calf I just grabbed it and yanked it out. hurt like hell for about a week.
  23. I am almost posistive its illegeal in NC aswell. I trout fish alot and always thought it was illegal anywhere?
  24. hit me up with a PM sometime, I mostly trout fish in Asheville, acctually just got into bass. I was looking to see where you were and seen Asheville. I am off most sundays and tuesdays. We can ht davidson sometime.
  25. man I hate the clock rules now. Takes away from how the game should be played
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