I have a small kayak, and I have fishing line (just the filament line, no fishing rod). I plan on buying two hook/baits (like a crankbait or something).
I would like to go out on White Bear Lake with the kayak, take the fishing line (maybe attached to a 2x4 to make it easier to reel in the fish), and drop the line into deeper water, slowly pull it out, then let it drop again. Or maybe put my kayak into the weedy spots and toss the lines a few feet from the kayak and pull in the line. I don't have a rod, so that's as far as I can go and still set the line.
I know this seems odd, but I don't really want to use a fishing rod. Just my kayak, a fishing line, 2x4, and one or two baits.
I was wondering if you could give me some tips on what type of bait to use, what area of the lake to look for, and how to fish like this. There's a lot of largemouth bass and northern, I'm told.
Thanks for putting up with a dumb question!